Analisis Kepuasan Kerja Tenaga Medis di Unit Rawat Jalan RSI Darul Istiqomah Kaliwungu Kendal Tahun 2009

RIJANTO, NOEGROHO EDY (2011) Analisis Kepuasan Kerja Tenaga Medis di Unit Rawat Jalan RSI Darul Istiqomah Kaliwungu Kendal Tahun 2009. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO.

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ABSTRAK Noegroho Edy Rijanto Analisis Kepuasan Kerja Tenaga Medis di Unit Rawat Jalan RSI Darul Istiqomah Kaliwungu Kendal Tahun 2009 xii + 135 halaman + 25 tabel + 2 gambar + 4 lampiran Kepuasan tenaga medis di unit rawat jalan RSI Darul Istiqomah Kaliwungu Kendal masih kurang. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil studi pendahuluan kepada 6 tenaga medis yang menunjukan kepuasan kerja tenaga medis belum terpenuhi yang kemudian didukung oleh adanya 5 dokter yang mengundurkan diri, ada 3 dokter spesialis yang tidak datang tanpa memberikan pemberitahuan sehingga pasien kecewa. Berdasarkan keluhan pasien melalui kotak saran tentang pelayanan medis di unit rawat jalan tahun 2008 menunjukan bahwa kepuasan pasien terhadap kerja tenaga medis masih belum terpenuhi. Berdasarkan perumusan masalah diatas menyatakan kepuasan tenaga medis di unit rawat jalan RSI Darul Istiqomah Kaliwungu Kendal masih kurang memuaskan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelasakan gambaran kepuasan kerja tenaga medis, faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja tenaga medis, menganalisa kepuasan kerja tenaga medis dan menyusun rekomendasi kepada pihak manajemen untuk meningkatkan kepuasan kerja tenaga medis di Unit Rawat Jalan RSDI Kaliwungu.. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah observasional dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Juga dilakukan wawancara mendalam dan Focus Group Discussion untuk mengetahui kepuasan kerja tenaga medis. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memberikan kuesioner terstruktur pada 21 dokter. Kemudian dilakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap 8 dokter dengan topik berdasarkan analisis deskriptif tahap I.Selanjutnya dilakukan triangulasi kepada pihak manajemen Rumah Sakit dan dilanjutkan dengan Focus Group Discussion yang dilakukan dengan Content Analysis untuk mengambil kesimpulan dengan mengidentifikasi pesan secara obyektif dan sistematis sehingga menghasilkan rekomendasi kepada manajemen RSI Darul Istiqomah Kaliwungu Kendal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan tenaga medis di unit rawat jalan RSI Darul Istiqomah belum memuaskan. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja tenaga medis adalah imbalan, promosi dan hubungan dengan teman sekerja. Dalam faktor imbalan memberikan rekomendasi agar memperhatikan penyesuaian ulang jasa pelayanan dan insentif tenaga medis agar lebih memotivasi semangat kerja. Untuk faktor kesempatan promosi, jenjang karier perlu perencanaan yang baik dan lebih terbuka, dan dalam pengangkatan pegawai tetap yang baru lebih mengutamakan pegawai tidak tetap yang sudah lama bekerja. Kemudian dalam faktor hubungan teman sekerja perlu lebih ditingkatkan lagi, saling menghormati, menghargai dan dapat bekerja sama. Selain itu perlu pertemuan informal yang rutin antara pihak manajemen dengan tenaga medis tetap maupun tenaga medis mitra demi kemajuan dan perkembangan RSI Darul Istiqomah Kaliwungu Kendal. Kata kunci : Kepuasan kerja, tenaga medis, Rawat jalan, Rumah Sakit Kepustakaan : 45 buah (1993 s.d. 2007) ABSTRACT Noegroho Edy Rijanto Analysis on the Work Satisfaction of Medical Workers in the Outpatient Unit of Darul Istiqomah Islamic Hospital, Kaliwungu, Kendal, 2009 xii + 135 pages, 25 tables, 2 figures, 4 enclosures Medical workers satisfaction in the outpatient unit of Darul Istiqomah Islamic Hospital was still deficient. It could be seen from the result of a preliminary study on 6 medical workers. The study indicated that work satisfaction of medical workers had not been fulfilled. It was supported by the fact that 5 doctors resigned, 3 specialist doctors did not show up without giving notification and it made patients disappointed. Information given by patients through the suggestion box regarding medical service in the outpatient unit in 2008 showed that patient satisfaction on the work performance of medical workers was not satisfactory. The problem statement of this study was that medical worker satisfaction in the outpatient unit of Darul Istiqomah Islamic Hospital was deficient. The objective of this study was to explain the description of work satisfaction of medical workers, influencing factors toward work satisfactory of medical workers, to analyze work satisfaction of medical workers and to formulate recommendation for managerial staff to improve work satisfaction of medical workers in the outpatient unit of Darul Istiqomah Islamic Hospital Kaliwungu. This was an observational study using descriptive analytical method and cross sectional approach. In-depth interview and focus group discussion were implemented to know work satisfaction of medical workers. The study was conducted by giving structured questionnaire to 21 doctors with the topics according to the phase 1 of descriptive analysis. Triangulation was implemented to the hospital managerial board staffs and it was continued by conducting focus group discussion. Content analysis was done to get conclusion by identifying messages objectively and systematically and then to formulate recommendation to the managerial board of Darul Istiqomah Islamic Hospital Kaliwungu Kendal. Results of this study showed that satisfaction of medical workers in the outpatient unit of Darul Istiqomah Islamic Hospital had not been satisfactory. Factors associated with work satisfaction of medical workers were incentive, promotion and relationship with colleagues. In relation with incentive factor, it was recommended to pay attention on re-adjustment of service fee and medical workers incentive to motivate their working enthusiasm. In relation with the career promotion opportunity, it required good and transparent planning and in the recruitment of new permanent workers it was recommended to prioritize the non permanent workers who had been working for long period. In relation with colleague relationships, it required to be improved, respect, honor and collaborate each other. Routine informal meeting was needed between managerial board and permanent or partner medical workers for the sake of Darul Istiqomah Islamic Hospital Kaliwungu improvement and advancement. Keywords : Work satisfaction, medical workers, outpatient, hospital Bibliography : 45 (1993 – 2007)

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health
ID Code:28536
Deposited On:05 Jul 2011 09:44
Last Modified:05 Jul 2011 09:45

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