AZHAR, Gowinda and YURIANTO, Yurianto (2009) Pengaruh Tempering Terhadap Keausan Dan Kekerasan Chain Pin Conveyor. Perpustakaan Jurusan Teknik Mesin FT-UNDIP. (Unpublished)
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This experiment is want to know the effected of tempering temperature to the wear resistance of conveyor Chain Pin material steel. From the composision testing we know that this material is high karbon steel with the contain carbon is 0,93%. 6 sample of chain pin was investigated and we do the tempering proses to the 5 material among the other with 30 minutes constant holding time with the variation temperature is 250°C, 350°C , 450°C , 550°C , and 650°C. And then we do the wearing teasting to this material. Vikers hardness testing is use for to know the change of hardness later then we do the heat treatment and we do the mikrografi testing for get the microstructure of the speciment. Wear is the common fenomena that usually happen to the m aterial, it’s couse by the impact between chain pin and chain link it’s called the disintegrating material from surface chain pin, that can affected by loading factor, the long line and caracteristic of this material. The result indicated that the hardness chain pin conveyor has inclination decressing with the incressing temperature. Optic observ indicated the initial microstructure is temper martensite. And from the wear testing we can see that the base material has most wear resistance among the other, i t couse the hardness is highest among the other temper material. The value of hardness base material is 489,68 HVN. It couse by the precipitation hardening effect at the initial martensite super saturation. keyword : drag chain conveyor, wear, tempering, hardness Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh temperatur tempering terhadap ketahanan aus material baja Chain Pin conveyor. Dari pengujian komposisi diketahui bahwa material ini adalah baj a karbon tinggi dengan kandungan karbon 0,93%. 6 sample chain pin telah diselidiki 5 diantaranya ditemper pada waktu penahanan konstan 30 menit dengan variasi temperatur tempering 250°C, 350°C , 450°C , 550°C , dan 650°C. Kemudian semple di uji aus. Pengujian kekerasan vikers digunakan untuk mengetahui perubahan kekerasan setelah perlakuan panas dan dilakukan pengujian mikrografi untuk mengetahui struktur mikro dari spesimen. Keausan merupakan fenomena yang sering terjadi akibat adanya tumbukan antar chain pin dengan chain link, yaitu lepasnya material dari permukaan chain pin, yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor pembebanan, panjang lintasan dan sifat dari material tersebut. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kekerasan chain pin conveyor mempunyai kecenderungan menurun dengan peningkatan temperature. Pengamatan optik menunjukkan bahwa mikrostruktur awal adalah martensite temper. Dan dari pengujian keausan dapat dilihat bahwa material dasar mempunyai ketahanan aus paling tinggi, karena kekerasannya peling tinggi diantar a material temper. Nilai kekerasan material dasar adalah 489,68 HVN. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya efek precipitasi hardening (pengerasan endap) pada tahap permulaan dari martensite lewat jenuh. Kata kunci : Drag Chain Conveyor, keausan, temper, kekera san
Item Type: | Other |
Subjects: | T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering > Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering > Department of Mechanical Engineering |
ID Code: | 2852 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 21 Dec 2009 12:33 |
Last Modified: | 21 Dec 2009 12:33 |
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