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Keamanan air minum ditentukan berdasarkan syarat kualitas fisik, kimia, mikrobiologi dan radioaktif. Usaha depot air minum isi ulang menjuak air minum dengan harga relatif murah dan bagi konsumen dirasa lebih praktis, karena air tersebut bisa langsung diminum tanpa memasaknya terlebih dahulu. Di Kota Kudus usaha ini mulai ada sejak Bulan Desember tahun 2001. Hasil analisis laboratorium IPB akhir tahun 2002 dari 120 sampel air minum isi ulang yang diambil di 10 kota besar diketahui 16% terkontaminasi bakteri coliform. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kualitas air minum isi ulang dan mendiskripsikan kondisi pengelolaan air baku, kondisi proses pengolahan air baku, kondisi proses pengolahan air minum, serta higiene sanitasi depot. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif menggunakan metode survei dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh depot air minum isi ulang yang ada di Kota Kudus sebanyak 7 (tujuh depot), sampel adalah sejumlah total populasi. Pemeriksaan kualitas air meliputi fisik (bau, rasa, warna, coliform). Data yang diperoleh disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan narasi dari variabel-variabel yang diteliti. Dari hasil survei terhadap air baku yang digunakan untuk produksi air minum pada depot air minum yang ada di Kota Kudus bersumber dari mata air Pegunungan Ungaran (4 depot) dengan tempuh + 1,5 jam dan mata air pegunungan Muria Kudus (3 depot) dengan waktu tempuh + 30 menit, alat angkut yang dipakai adalah mobil tangki. Pada proses penyaringan air minum menggunakan saringan karbon aktif dan mikrofilter (4 depot), saringan pasir dan mikrofilter (3 depot). Sterilisasi air minum menggunakan ozon dan ultra violet (5 depot), ultra violet saja (1 depot) serta clorin, ozon dan ultra violet (1 depot). Dari hasil inspeksi sanitasi diketahui bahwa semua depot tingkat resiko pencemarannya sedang. Pada pemeriksaan fisik (bau, rasa, warna, suhu, kekeruhan, DHL)dan kimia (pH, TDS, nitrat)serta total bakteri coliform, pada semua depot sesuai dengan Kepmenkes No. 907/MENKES/SK/VII/2002. Untuk menjaga keamanan kualitas air minum isi ulang agar dilakukan pengawasan secara rutin oleh Dinas Kesehatan dan meningkatkan higiene sanitasi depot. Kata Kunci: Air minum isi ulang, Depot air minum isi ulang, Kualitas air minum isi ulang A STUDY OF THE REFILL DRINKING WATER DEPOT IN KUDUS CITY The drinking water safety is determined by requirements of physical, chemical, microbiological, and radioactive quality. The bussines of refill drinking water depot sells drinking water with relativity chean and felt more practical by the customer, because the water can be directly drank without cooking it first. In Kudus this bussines is started since December 2001. A Laboratory analysis result of IPB at the end of 2002 from 120 refill drinking water samples taken from 10 big cities has been known taht 16% of the water is contaminated by ciliform bacteria. This research is intended to recognize the refill drinking water quality and describes the standard water management condition, the condition of the drinking water processing, and the hygiene of the depot sanitation. This research is a descriptive one using a survey method with cross sectional approach. The research population is the whole of the refill drinking water depot available in Kudus about 7 (seven depot), while the sample is the number of the population total. Water quality inspection includes physics(smell, taste, colour, temperature, turbidity, and conductivity), chemical (pH, TDS, nitrate) and bacteriology (total of coliform bacteria). Data collected was presented in the form of table and narration of the researched variables. From the survey, it is known that the standard water applying for drinking water production at drinking water depots available in Kudus come from Ungaran mountain spring (4 depots) taking + 1,5 hours and Muria Kudus mountains spring (3 depots), taking + 30 minutes, transportation equipments utilized are standard water intercepting basin. Drinking water filtering process uses active carbon filter and micro filter (3 depots), sand filter and micro filter (4 depots). Drinking water sterilization uses ozone and ultra violet (5 depots), ultra violet (1 depots) and chlorine, ozone and ultra violet. From the sanitation inspection result, the pollution intensity is sufficent for all depot. The physical insoection (smell, taste, colour, temperature, turbidity, and conductivity)and chemical (pH, TDS, nitrat) and bacteria total of coliform proper to the Decision of the Health Minister No. 907/MENKES/SK/VII/2002 for all depot. The controlling of refill drinking water from health departement is needed for the safety of refill drinking water quality and increasing the hygiene sanitation of refill drinking water depot. Keyword : Refill drinking water, Refill drinking water depot, Refill drinking water quality
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 28445 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 21 Jun 2011 13:59 |
Last Modified: | 21 Jun 2011 13:59 |
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