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Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kloning menimbulkan kontroversi, terutama yang bersangkutan dengan kloning manusia. Isu yang mengedepan dan menjadi perdebatan pada forum internasional adalah apakah larangan terhadap kloning manusia bersifat mutlak atau terbatas pada kloning reproduktif manusia. Kloning manusia diidentifikasi menirnbulkan beberapa masalah, baik masalah etika dan moral, masalah ilmiah, serta masalah sosial. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah: (I) Perlukah hukum pidana digunakan untuk membatasi penggunaan teknologi kloning? (2) Bagaimana formulasi tindak pidana tentang kloning manusia? Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk: (1) mencari landasan untuk menetapkan kebijakan hukum pidana di bidang 'cloning manusia; (2) merumuskan formulasi `tindak pidana' kloning reproduktif manusia dalam perundang-undangan pidana Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Bahan penelitian meliputi, bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Bahan hukum diperoleh dengan studi dokumen. Wawancara dilakukan untuk rnelengkapi data sekunder. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis yang bersifat kualitatif. Kesimpulan ditarik secara deduktif. Simpulan yang dapat ditarik adalah: (1) Kloning reproduksi manusia merupakan suatu permasalahan sosial yang perlu ditanggulangi oleh hukum pidana. Analisis terhadap perkembangan teknologi cloning (SCNT), perspektif nilai (agama, bioetika dan biomedis, HAM), serta kecenderungan internasional menunjukkan bahwa: (a) Teknologi kloning (SCNT) diidentifikasi bertentangan dengan tujuan pembangunan nasional; (b) dari perspektif agama, bioetika dan biomedis, serta hak asasi manusia, kloning reproduksi manusia tidak dapat diterima; (c) Analisis dari aspek untung dan rugi kerugian potensial lebih banyak dibandingkan manfaat potensial yang didapat; (d) Kriminalisasi terhadap 'cloning reproduksi manusia tidak secara signifikan menambah beban aparat penegak hukum; (e) Masyarakat internasional sepakat menolak kloning reproduksi manusia dan terhadap kloning terapeutik tidak ada keseragaman pendapat. (2) Formulasi `tindak pidana' kloning manusia dalam perundang-undangan pidana Indonesia terbatas pada kloning reproduksi manusia (reproductive cloning of human beings). Kriminalisasi kloning reproduksi manusia terutama untuk melindungi kepentingan hukum klon, donor dan sumber sel somatic, wanita sebagai - donor ovum maupun surrogate mother'. Kata kunci: kebijakan hukum pidana, Idoning reproduktif manusia The development of the science and technology of cloning has generated controversy, especially the cloning of human beings. The forefront issue that has been debated at international fora is whether the ban on the cloning of human beings is absolute or limited to the reproductive cloning of human beings. The cloning of human beings has raised a number of issues; ethical, moral, social and scientific. The problems associated with human cloning research are: (1) should criminal law be applied to regulate the application of cloning technology? (2) How to formulate what constitutes a criminal offense in human cloning? The research is aimed to: (1) seek the fundamental arguments on which criminal code in relation to human cloning can be established; (2) formulate and define what constitutes 'a criminal offense' in human reproductive cloning in the Indonesian criminal law. This research is a normative law research, using the normative judicial approach. The research material covers primary and secondary legal materials. Legal materials were obtained from document study. Interviews were conducted to complete secondary data. Data analysis has been done in qualitative analysis while conclusions were drawn using deductive approach. The conclusions drawn are: (1) human reproductive cloning is a social issue that needs to be regulated by criminal law. Analysis on the development of cloning technology (SCNT), the perspectives of values (religion, bioethics and biomedicine, and human rights), and international trends showed that: (a) cloning technology (SCNT) has been identified to be in contradiction with the goals of national development; (b) human reproductive cloning is deemed unacceptable from the perspectives of religion, bioethics, and biomedicine, and human rights; (c) Analysis using the cost and benefit principles shoWed that its potential costs outweigh the potential benefits; (d) Criminalization of human reproductive cloning will not significantly burden law enforcement apparatus; (e) The international community has unanimously opposed human reproductive cloning while opinions has remained divided on therapeutic cloning. (2) Formulation of the definitive 'criminal offense' in human cloning within the Indonesian criminal law is limited to the human reproductive cloning. Criminalization of human reproductive cloning is mainly aimed for the legal protection of the interests of the clone, donor and source of somatic cell, and women as the ovum donor as well as the 'surrogate mother'. Keywords: criminal law, human reproductive cloning
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Doctor Program in Law |
ID Code: | 28145 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 26 May 2011 10:29 |
Last Modified: | 26 May 2011 10:29 |
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