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Pada 24 September 1960 di Indonesia diberlakukan Undang Undang Nomor 5 Tabun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-pokok Agraria yang memuat politik hukum agraria nasional dalam pasal 2nya berupa Hak Menguasai Negara. Pelaksanaan peraturan ini mengakibatkan banyak sengketa tentang hak-hak keagrariaan adat di banyak seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Karena itu fokus studi dari disertasi ini adalah bagaimana keberadaan hak-hak keagarriaan adat di Indonesia, apakah hak-hak ini diperhitungkan dalam politik hukum agraria Indonesia, apa latar belakangnya; dart bagaimana seharusnya politik hukum agraria ideal bagi Indonesia. Dari penelitian kualitatif dan non-doktrinal berdasarkan pendekatan sosiologis berparadigma ganda ternyata Hak-hak Keagrariaan Mat telah lama berperan penting dalam masyarakat Indonesia.. Pada masa penjajahan, secara ekonomis, hak-hak keagrariaan adat adalah lahan bagi penanaman komoditi ekspor. Sosial-politis,.ada beberaapa alasan. Pertama, sebagai akibat pelaksanaan pasal 131 jo. 163 Indische Staatsregeling yang membedakan Kaula Negara Hindia Belanda dalam golongan : Eropa, Timur Asing, dan Bumiputera yang masing-masing tinggal dalam dan tunduk terhadap lingkungan hukumnya. Kedua, penghargaan tinggi terhadap hak mail( sebagai hak yang sakral dan tak dapat diganggu gugat. Ketiga, pandangan bahwa sistem hukum Eropa lebih balk dibandingkan dengan sistem hukum pribumi (adat).. Pada masa Orde Baru, ekonomis, hak-hak keagrariaan adat adalah tempat bagi pembangunan Sosial-politis, terdapat beberapa alasan_ Pertama, agraria adalah urusan pemerintah pusat.. Kedua, keterbukaan Indonesia akibat era globalisasi terhadap negara asing dan lembaga donor internasional. Ketiga, hak-hak keagrariaan adalah kornoditi bukan asset. Keempat, masyarakat, adalah objek, bukan subjek, dalam pembangunan. • Disarankan kepada para pembuat dan pelaksana kebijakan agar bersifat responsif, partisipatif, humanis, adil, aspiratif. Dan kepada Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat agar tidak kebablasan dalam memperjuangkan aspirasi masyarakat hingga menjurus ke anarki. Kata kunci: hak-hak keagrariaan adat, politik hukum agraria Indonesia, globalisasi In 1960 the Government had issued the Law Number 5 of 1960 about the Basic Agrarian Law. The law put the agrarian law policy in its chapter 2: the Hak Menguasai Negara. The implementation of this Law caused agrarian indigenous rights disputes in may places of Indonesia. So it is urgent to study the existence of the agrarian indigenous rights in Indonesia and how should the ideal agrarian law policy for Indonesia. The focuses of this study are how is the existence of the agrarian indigenous rights in the society of Indonesia, whether these rights has been considered in the Indonesian agrarian law policy, what is the background of the policy and how should the ideal agrarian policy for Indonesia. Research is conducted by macro to micro or objective to subjective approach as suggested by George Ritzer, and is completed by philosophic approach. Data obtained by indepth interviews. Besides, a relevance library research was held, too. To complete, an observation was done. Data obtained was analyzed by deductive and inductive methods. Indigenous Rights has an important role in Indonesia since long time ago. In the Colonial Era these rights has not calculated in the agrarian law policy except for the reasons of economy. Moreover, social-politically, as the result of the implementation of articles 131 and 163 Indische Staatsregeling that divided the citizen of the Netherlands-India into three groups which were the European, the Foreigner-East, and the Indigenous that remained live and obeyed to the law system for their group;. Also, the perception of the property right as a sacred and inviolable right. Moreover, with the perception of the highest system of western law compare to indigenous law system (hukum adat). In nowadays globalization era with the vision of developmentalism these rights has also exploited for the economic reasons. Social-politically, the natural resources not assets but commodities Moreover, the formal and narrow looking that natural resources should be proved by an acta called the sertipikat hak atas tanah. The agrarian is the concern of the central government. The government looked at the people especially the adat law groups as objects not subjects in the policy-making. Practice of Agrarian Policy in Muara Enim, South Sumatera, showing that the indigenous peoples with their agrarian indigenous rights is exploited for the reasons of the development and economic output. And as the consequence there is struggle of the local indigenous people for their agrarian indigenous rights. It signal that the agrarian law policy is not ideal for Indonesia. The ideal agrarian policy should be referred to the order of responsive law as suggested by Nonett and Selznick, contains the substance of the preamble of the Constitution of 1945 as argued by Susanto, sustain the dynamic-customary law as argued by Sugangga, qualifying neo-populis sight as stated by Fauzi, based on the five basic principles of Indonesia: Pancasila, rising guidance and principles, looks at society as subject, not object, so it has to be considered their aspiration as insisted by Warassih. And based on ten principles of agrarian reform as urged by Zakaria, et al. It is recommended to policymakers and executives to consider the ideal agrarian policy and the Non Government Organization not so reacted to protect people 's right that might be an anarchy. Keywords: agrarian indigenous rights, Indonesian agrarian law policy, globalization
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Doctor Program in Law |
ID Code: | 28142 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 26 May 2011 10:06 |
Last Modified: | 26 May 2011 10:06 |
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