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Politik hukum Hak Menguasai Negara atas Sumber Daya Air (SDA) berdasar Pasal 33 UUD 1945 dihadapkan pada fenomena kecenderungan ekonomi global yang liberal kapitalistik yakni melalui privatisasi. Situasi dilematis politik hukum tersebut menjadi fokus studi ini. Asumsi tidak adanya konsistensi antara politik hukum tentang HMN atas sumber daya alam dengan praktik pembuatan hukum dan pelaksanaannya pada bidang ini mendorong penulis untuk mengungkap latar belakangnya dan merekonstruksi politik hukum berbasis nilai keadilan sosial. Mengapa terjadi pengingkaran nilai keadilan sosial, mengapa privatisasi air membahayakan akses rakyat untuk air, dan bagaimana rekonstruksi politik hukum HMN atas SDA berbasis nilai keadilan sosial, adalah tiga problematik disertasi ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan argumentasi dan bukti-bukti tentang pengingkaran politik hukum HMN atas SDA terhadap nilai keadilan sosial dan bahaya privatisasi terhadap akses air yang berakhir pada upaya untuk merekonstruksi politik hukum itu. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi untuk memperluas pemahaman alternatif terhadap politik hukum mengenai HMN dan sebagai driving force rasa patriotisme ekonomi. Metode kualitatif-konsttuktivisme dengan pendekatan socio-legal digunakan penelitian ini. Penelusuran data mengikuti arus penelitian hermeneutik dan fenomenologis yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan, mereduksi dan memverifikasi serta menyajikan data. Teori mikro dipakai untuk menjelaskan fenomena temuan penelitian. Teori tersebut adalah Teori Hukum Progresif dan Teori Interaksionalis Simbolik, Kebijakan Publik. Teori Bekerjanya Hukum, Sibernetik digunakan dal= disertasi ini untuk menganalisis fenomena makro. Tujuan akhir studi ini adalah konstruksi bare politik hukum HMN atas SDA. Studi ini menyimpulkan (1) Politik hukum HMN atas SDA mengingkari nilai keadilan sosial karena adanya infra-societal environment berupa komodifikasi air, konflik kepentingan, inkonsistensi penafsiran HMN atas SDA oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi serta pendangkalan makna negara dan extra-societal environment berupa tekanan perekonomian global yang liberal kapitalistik sehingga mengakibatkan goal substitution dan negara provider menjadi negara regulator, Program WATSAL Bank Dunia dan Program Privatisasi IMF; (2) Privatisasi pengelolaan SDA membahayakan akses rakyat terhadap air; (3) Melalui kerangka teori prismatik dari Fred W Riggs, dialektika antara politik hukum ideal dan "existing" dapat membentuk politik hukum barn yang disebut politik hukum HMN atas SDA "prismatik". Peraturan pelaksanaan UUSDA telah mernbuktikan adanya privatisasi terselubung di clalatnnya. Atas dasar kesimpulan ini direkomendasikan agar MK dan MA segera menguji ulang UUSDA dan peraturan pelaksanaannya dan privatisasi seharusnya dilakukan dengan mekanisme golden share. Keywords: Politik Hukum, Privatisasi Air, Keadilan Sosial, Rekonstruksi. The legal politics of State Right to Utilize (SRU) the water resources must be based on The Article 33 of Constitution 1945, but this effort must encounter the global economic that tends to be liberal-capitalistic, namely water privatization. This legal politics dilemma of water privatization is the focus of this study. The assumption that there is no consistency between the legal politics of SRU and the practice of the law making in handling of the water resources, drives the writer to reveal the background and then reconstruct of the legal politics of SRU based on the social justice value. Why the legal politics of SRU betray to the social justice value, why the occupation the water by private danger to the access to water of the people?, how the reconstruction of the legal politics SRU is done, are the three main problems from this dissertation. This research has some objectives. Those objectives are (1) to find the argumentations and the evidences of betraying about the legal politics of SRU the water resources against social justice and (2) the evidence of occupation the water by private danger to the water access, and (3) to develop the new construction about the legal politics of State Right to Utilize. The result of this research is expected to be able to give contribution to enlarge the alternative understanding encounter legal politics of State Right to Utilize the water resources and as a driving force of economics patriotism sense. In getting the answer of those problems, the writer used the qualitative-constructive research method with the socio-legal approach. In getting the data, the hermeneutical and phenomenal researches are used. The technical series in those methods are used to collect, to reduce, to verify and to present the data. The micro theories of this writing are Progressive Law, Symbolic Interaction and Public Policy. The Working of law, Cybernetic etc. are theories that used to giving explanations to the macro phenomena. This study was conducted to reconstruct a new legal politics of SRU. This study concluded that (1) The legal politics of the SRU the water resources has betrayed the social justice value because there are intra-societal environment that's consist of: water comodification (commercialization), conflict of interest, inconsistency of SRU interpretation of water resources by Constitution Court, superficialling of state meaning dan extra-societal environment that's consist of global economics pressure in liberal-capitalistic that push the goal subtitution from provider state to regulator state, WATSAL Programe form World Bank and Privatization Programe from IMF; (2) The handling and controlling the water resources by private companies is dangerous for the access to water of the people; (3)That is why reconstruction of the legal politics of SRU the water resources is really needed. The result of this reconstruction is that writer's called "The Prismatic Legal Politics of SRU". Based on these results, it is recommended Constitution Court and High Court retest the Law on Water Resources and the under regulations immediately and privatization should be conducted by golden share mechanism. Key words: Legal politics, Water Privatization, Social Justice, Reconstruction.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Doctor Program in Law |
ID Code: | 28139 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 26 May 2011 09:54 |
Last Modified: | 26 May 2011 09:54 |
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