Masyarakat Pesisir (PEMP) Pada Peningkatan Perekonomian Masyarakat Pesisir Demak (Studi Kasus: Desa Bedono, Desa Surodadi dan Desa Timbulsloko, Kecamatan Sayung)

Nugraheni, Yusmila and Tyas, Wido Prananing (2009) Masyarakat Pesisir (PEMP) Pada Peningkatan Perekonomian Masyarakat Pesisir Demak (Studi Kasus: Desa Bedono, Desa Surodadi dan Desa Timbulsloko, Kecamatan Sayung). Jurnal Pembangunan Wilayah dan Kota, 5 (2). p. 253. ISSN 1858-3903

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PEMP is one of the empowerment programs that directed to coastal societies. PEMP started in Demak on 2003. Its was given capital investment to limit the growth of poor fisherman. PEMP was held in five village but this research just taking case studies in three village which giving by credits investment (Bedono, Surodadi and Timbulsloko). Goal of this research is to access the effectiveness of PEMP in order to raise the economy of coastal societies in Demak, and also to indentificate the factors which are affecting the effectiveness. Based on research result , PEMP was not effective on Sayung district. However, Timbulsloko which most of the members of PEMP recognized as poor family (90,78%), PEMP had been higly effective. Opposite of that Surodadi and Bedono, which had lowest poor family percentage (66,73% and 66,01%) (source : BKKBN.2000) categorized in medium effectiveness. Factors that most affects the effectiveness of PEMP in Timbulsloko is the stakeholder role. The stakeholder could accomoding the PEMP members needed. This factor should be enhanced so PEMP can be arranged back to the first desaign, that is to making a good self financing system for coastal societies.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HC Economic History and Conditions
H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning
ID Code:26956
Deposited On:21 Apr 2011 12:52
Last Modified:21 Apr 2011 12:53

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