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Menghadapi nafsu makan yang berkurang pada balitanya,membuat ibu mencari pemecahannya termasuk membeli "Makanan Kesehatan High-Desert Honeybee Pollen" (HBP).Pengambilan keputusan pembeliaan ibu dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor individu ibu,sosial,budaya dan psikologis. Perkembangan penjualan HBP yang meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, ternyatabelum dievaluasi produsen dan distributor HBP. tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang faktor-faktor uyang diduga melatarbelakangi praktik ibu dalam membeli"Makanan Kesehatan High-Desert Honeybee Pollen" untuk Meningkatkan Nafsu Makan Balita di Kota Semarang tahun 2003. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah kelompok ibu pemakai pemula HBP,Kelompok ibu bukan pembeli HBP, dan kelompok ibu pelanggan HBP. Pemelihan subyek penelitian dilakukan secara purposive.Teknik pengumpulan data dengan Wawancara mendalam pada kelompok ibu pemakai pemula dan kelompok ibu bukan pembeli dan teknik Diskusi Kelompok Terfokus pada kelompok ibu pelanggan dan pada kelompok distributor HBP sebagai informan crosscheckHasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi praktik ibu pemakai pemula dalam membeli HBP adalah faktor anak,faktor sikap sikap terhadap distributor, faktor psikologi,dan faktor suami. Sedangkan faktor yang melatarbelakangi kelompok ibi tidak membeli HBP adalah faktor kebiasaan balita, faktor kehati-hatian dalam mmemberi makan ke balita,faktor persaingan produk lain, faktor suami, dan faktor harga HBP. Adapun faktor yang melatarbelakangi praktik ibu pelanggan membeli HBP adalah faktor kepuasan terhadap produk. Disarankan agar distributor perlu memberikan after sales servicedan meningkatkan nilai tambah pada kelompok ibu pemakai pemula agar menjadi customer,distributor perlu merubah anggapan subyek mengenai HBP dan perusahaan perlu membuat kemasan kecil pada kelompok ibu bukan pembeli HBP agar menjadi present user; dan agar kelompok ibu pelanggan menjadi life time customer,perusahaan High-Desert juga perlu mencapai custumer satisfactiondan melakukan customer need track.Distributor juga perlu melakukan continuous communicationsdan individual relationship Kata Kunci: Pemakai Pemula,Pelanggan,High-Desert Honeybee pollens THE FACTORS INFLUENCING MOTHERS'PRACTICE IN BUYING"HEALTH FOOD OF HIGH-DESERT HONEYBEE POLLENS" TO INCREASE THE CHILDREN UNDER FIVE'S APPETITE IN SEMARANG IN 2003 (Facing the problem of decreasing appetite of her children under five,supporting mothers look for its resolving including buying "Health Food of High Desert of Honeybee Pollens" (HBP). Deciding of mother in buying can be influenced by factors of mothers individual,social,culture and psychology. The develompment of HBP sale which increases year to year,in fact,it isn't evaluated yet by the producer and the distributor of HBP. The aim of this reseach is to obtain a description about factors that is supposed to influence mother practice in buying "Health Food of High-Desert Honeybee Pollens" To Increase The Children Under Five's Appetite in Semarang in 2003. The kind research is qualitative research. Subject of the research are group of mothers as beginner users,group of mothers who is not HBP buyers andgroup of mothers as HBP customer. The election of research subject is done purposively. The technique of collecting data by in-depth interview to group of mothers as beginner users and to group of mothers who is not HBP buyer and DKT to group of mothers as HBP customer and to group of HBP distributor as crosscheck informant. The result of this research shows the factors influencing mothers' practice of beginner users in buying HBP are child factor,attitude factor towards distributors,psychological factor, and husband factor.Meanwhile,factors influencing group of mothers who is not buyer are the factor of the children under five's habit,the factors of carefulness in giving food to the children under five,the factors of competing other product,husband facto, and HBP price factor. The factor influencing mothers practice as customer in buying HBP is satisfaction of product. Suggested that distributors should give after sales service and improveadded value to group of mothers as beginner user in order to become customer,distributors should change subject assumptionabout HBP and the company should make small package to group of mothers who is not HBP buyer in order to become present users; and in order that group of mothers as customer becomes life-time customer,High-Desert company also should reach customer satisfaction and do customer need track. Distributors also should do continuous communications and individual relationship. Keyword: Beginner Users,Customer,High-Desert Honeybee Pollens
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 26186 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 04 Feb 2011 14:04 |
Last Modified: | 04 Feb 2011 14:04 |
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