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Penyakit ISPA utamanya pada balita merupakan salah satu penyakit yang termasuk dalam prioritas masalah karena penyakit ini dapat dengan mudah menular seperti misalnya kontak langsung dengan penderita, sehingga bila tidak segera ditangani akan menimbulkan angka kesakitan dan kematian yang tinggi pada balita. Angka kejadian ISPA di Kabupaten Pekalongan pada akhir tahun 2003 jumlah penderita kurang lebih sebanyak 9.949 balita, sedangkan di Puskesmas Wonokerto dari sepuluh besar penyakit yang ada, ISPA menduduki peringkat pertama yaitu sejumlah 2.056. Untuk Desa Tratebang dengan jumlah balita 180, yang menderita ISPA sebanyak 75 balita (43%). Sebagian besar kematian pada balita akibat penyakit ISPA karena ketidaktahuan penanganan oleh ibu di rumah dan keterlambatan untuk merujuk ke sarana keshatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik ibu dengan kejadian ISPA pada balita di Desa Tratebang, Kecamatan Wonokerto, Kabupaten Pekalongan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah ibu yang pada saat penelitian mempunyai balita yang bertempat tinggal di Desa Tratebang, Kecamatan Wonokerto, Kabupaten Pekalongan yaitu sejumlah 123 orang ibu sedangkan jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ani adalah sebanyak 75 orang ibu. Pengumpulan data dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap responden secar langsung menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua responden (100%) mempunyai pengetahuan yang baik tentang ISPA dan sebanyak 84% responden melaksanakan praktik yang baik. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dangan sikap (p=0,000), ada hubungan antara praktik dengan sikap ibu balita (p=0,001). Disarankan kepada Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Pekalongan dan Puskesmas Wonokerto untuk lebih meningkatkan komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi tentang penyakit ISPA pada masyarakat dengan media yang tersedia. Kata Kunci: Perilaku, Kejadian ISPA, Balita CORRELATION BETWEEN THE FACTOR KNOWLEDGE ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE OF MOTHER WITH ACUTE RESPIRATORY INFECTION INCIDENT TO CHILDREN UNDER FIVE YEARS AT TRATEBANG VILLAGE WONOKERTO SUB DISTRIC PEKALONGAN REGENCY Acute respiratory infection (ISPA), especially to children under five years can spread easily throughfor example direct contact with the sufferer, so if it isn't cared very soon, will make the sufferer, so if it isn,t cared very soon, will make the sufferen and death which are very high to children under five years. Incident of acute respiratory infection (ISPA)in Pekalongan regency at the end 2003 the amount of the sufferer more less about 9.949 children under five years, while at Wonokerto Publich health center from the ten disease that are there,children under five years (ISPA) is at the first rank namely 2.056 for Trarebang village with the amount of children under five years is 180, from that amount 75 children under five years gat ISPA (43%). And most of them died caused by the disease because of unknowing of handling by the housewite and the lafenessto go to health centers. The aim of the research to analysis the correlation between the factor knowledge, attitude and practice with the insident of ISPA to children under five years at Tratebang village, Wonokerto district, Pekalongan regency. The kind of this research is observation with cross sectional approach. Population is mothers who had children under five years at the moment of the research holding and the live there at Tratebang village, Wonokerto district, Pekalongan regency. The amount of people research were 123 mothers while the amount of sample in this research were 75 mothers. The data collection with doing interview to respondens directly (univariat) and bivariat(bevariat). The result of the research shows that all respondent(100%) had good knowledge about ISPA (acute respiratory infection) 77,3% had good attitude about ISPA and for 84% respondents performed good practice. Bivariat analysis show that there is relation between knowledge with attitude (p=0,000), there is relation between practice with mother attitude of children undre five years. Suggested to regency healter department of Pekalongan and Wonokerto Publich health center to develop more about communication, information and education about ISPA to society using the available media. Keyword: Behaviour, ISPA (Acute respiratory infection), children under five years
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 25657 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 17 Jan 2011 11:08 |
Last Modified: | 17 Jan 2011 11:08 |
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