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Kebiasaan mengkonsumsi makanan jajanan sangat populer dikalangan anak-anak sekolah. Kebiasaan jajan tersebut sangat sulit untuk dihilangkan. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan kesukaan jajan menjadi kebiasaan yang universal. Kegemaran anak-anak akan hal yang manis, gurih dan asam sering dimanfaatkan oleh para penjual untuk menarik anak-anak. Kadangkala produk yang ditawarkan bukan menyehatkan malah berbahaya bagi tubuh, karena kurang mengandung zat gizi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenait perilaku dan faktor-faktor yang diduga mempengaruhi anak sekolah dalam mengkonsumsi makanan jajanan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN Muktiharjo Lor 01,02,03,04, Kecamatan Genuk, Semarang. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa-siswi SDN Muktiharjo Lor yang berada di kelas VI. Pemilihan subyek penelitian dilakukan secara Purposive Sampilng. Kriteria subyek penelitian yaitu berada di tempat pada saat penelitian berlangsung, bersedia menjadi informan dan mau sertamampu menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dengan baik. Jumlah subyek penelitian sebanyak 12 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan cara Observasi dan Wawancara Mendalam (Indepth Interview). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan dan sikap subyek dalam mengkonsumsi makanan jajanan sudah cukup baik. Namun dalam praktiknya masih kurang baik. Subyek cenderung selalu jajan walaupun pengetahuan dan sikapnya sudah baik. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi subyek dalam mengkonsumsi makanan jajanan adalah faktor intrinsik yang meliputi faktor sosio-demografi (jumlah saudara, jumlah uang saku, jarak rumah-sekolah, dan sarana ke sekolah), motifasi (motif), dan kepercayaan. Sedangkan faktor ekstrinsiknya meliputi pengaruh lingkungan keluarga dan sekolah, pengaruh teman sebaya, serta ketersediaan dan keterjangkauan akan makanan jajanan. Peranan pihak sekolah dalam menangani masalah makanan jajanan dirasa belum maksimal. Saran yang dapat diberikan kepada pihak sekolah salah satunya adalah pengawasan dan pengontrolan dengan membatasi dan menyeleksi makanan jajanan yang beredar di sekolah. Bagi orang tua agar lebih memperhatikan pemenuhan gizi anak dengan sarapan pagi dan bekal sekolah. Dan bagi petugas kesehatan UKS perlu adanya penyuluhan bagi anak sekolah dan para pedagang makanan jajanan. Kata Kunci: Perilaku, makanan jajanan, anak sekolah SNACKING BEHAVIOR AMONG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS (QUALITATIVE STUDY AT CLASS VI MUKTIHARJO LOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS, MUKTIHARJO LOR VILAGE, GENUK SUBDISTRIC, SEMARANG) The habit about to consume street food is very popular among school childrens. And it is very difficult to cut the children about their habit. There is a lot of factor that can make the behavior become universal. Children usually respect whit something that sweet, sour, and crispy. And because of that beckground all seller usually used that to make attention to the children. But some times, the product which on sale is dangarous for body, because the product not contain or less from vitamins dan nutrition. The purpose in this research is to get the picture of concerning behavior and some factor that influence the schoolchild to consume street food. This research is done in Muktiharjo Lor 01, 02, 03, 04 Elementary School,Genuk subdistric, Semarang. The subject in this research are student that on class VI Muktiharjo Lor Elementary School, and chosen by Purposive Sampling. And the criteria of subject are student on class VI at that time, and that place, reading to become the informant and will also able to answer the questions better. All of the subject research as much 12 students. The technicque of collecting data is by observation and indepth interview. The result in this research is show that the knowledge dan attitude from the subject about street foot have good enough. But in the real time still unfavourable. Subject tend to always eat the street food although the knowledge dan its attitude have good enough. And the factors that influence the subject to eat street food are including intrinsic factor covering sosio-demography (brother/sister, pocket money, apart of house to school, and medium in the shcool), motivation, and belief. While the factor extrinsic is including the influence of family dan shcool, friend, also the avability from the street foot. Unrightious role of shcool in handling problem of street food felt stil not maximum yet. The suggestion which can be passed to a shcool one of them is observation and controlling by limiting and selecting the street food that circulate at shcool. For parents must concern and attention about the child food, accomplishment of nutrition child whith the breakfast and bring shcool stock to the children. And for worker of health UKS (Unit of Shcool Heath) need the existence of counseling for shcoolchild and seller of the street food. Keyword: Behavior, snacking food, and student
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 25649 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 17 Jan 2011 10:05 |
Last Modified: | 17 Jan 2011 10:05 |
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