Purnawan, Candra Heru and Isnanto , R.Rizal and Zahra, Ajub Ajulian (2011) PERANCANGAN WEB INFORMASI PARIWISATA JAWA TENGAH MENGUNAKAN APLIKASI MACROMEDIA DREAMWEAVER. Undergraduate thesis, Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Undip.

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Lately a lot of domestic tourists and also foreigners which are not interst to visit the tourism object which is there are in Indonesia, specially tourism object which is there are in Central Java area. This Matter cause to decrease the OEA ( Original Earnings of Area) from area of exist in Central Java, others also lessen the additional earnings from citizen which live around area of tourism object. Therefore tourism object exist in area of Central Java have to be introduced to public society, that goodness is domestic society and also foreigner society. So that they will be interested and will visit the tourism object which we have introduced. Become the information which is passed to by society have to be complete, accurate, quickly, and also can be accessed by just where and any time during conect by the internet. During the time information of about tourism object of an area it is true have been made by on line of so that to be domestic society and also society of foreign countries can access it through the internet without having to come to place providing brochure of tourism object beforehand so that they will obtain to get the more complete information. But website made still own the insuffiency, one of them is map of location of turism still less be complete in giving information. map of Area of location of tourism object is not presented, what is presented only map of Central Java therewith dot of just on tourism object location . So that tourist do not own the picture of about area, where that tourism object reside in. Keywords: Tourism object, Information Web design.

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions:Faculty of Engineering > Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering > Department of Electrical Engineering
ID Code:25412
Deposited On:12 Jan 2011 13:10
Last Modified:12 Jan 2011 13:10

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