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The development of sophisticated computer technology has brought enormous benefits to human life in which their use involves a variety of sectors. This circumstances potentially monopolistic actions. Monopolistic actions, although associated with the same results but still have certain limitations. One form of limitation on the copyright monopoly actions, especially computer programs can be done by reverse engineering (RE) computer program. Reverse engineering is a process of discovering technological principles of a product and then try to create tools / products or new programs that are superior without any of the original copy. But RE is a computer program does not specifically regulated in the Act. Seeing these conditions, this research will answer the problem 1). How the regulated RE computer program in the legal system of copyright and patents in Indonesia and in Malaysia 2). How does the role of law in providing balance between the rights of owners of computer programs to fulfill needs of technology enhance through the RE under the laws of copyright and patent in Indonesia and Malaysia. The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze RE of the computer program in the legal system of copyright and patents in Indonesia and in Malaysia and the role of law in providing balance between the rights of owners of computer programs to the needs of technology enhance through the RE under the laws of copyright and patent in Indonesia and Malaysia. Research method using a normative juridical approach of the review or inventarisation and secondary data analysis of primary legal materials in Act No. 19 Year 2002, the Copyright Act 1987, Act No. 14 of 2001, Patents Act 1983, as well as secondary legal materials in the form of documents or results of research, legal materials in the form of tertiary legal are dictionaries and encyclopedias. Based on the Copyright Act, RE did not specifically regulated. However, RE may be analogous to genetic engineering in the field of plant breeding plants that produce superior products and quality than ever before. So that the RE activity does not include computer programs for copyright infringement, because the element meets originality. RE according to the Patent Act in Indonesia and Malaysia is a prohibited activity, because they do not meet the elements of novelty and inventive step contains. In order to provide a balance between the rights of owners of computer programs to the needs of enhance technology under copyright law and the Copyright Act and Patent Act could be done with the license agreement between the owner of the program with others. This license agreement will have implications on the development of computer programs for the advancement of technology by the parties who receive the license. Keywords: Computer programs, Reverse engineering Perkembangan teknologi canggih berupa komputer telah membawa manfaat yang begitu besar bagi kehidupan manusia di mana pemanfaatannya meliputi berbagai sektor. Keadaan yang demikian berpotensi menimbulkan tindakan monopolistik. Tindakan monopolistik, meskipun terkait dengan hasil yang sama tetapi tetap memiliki pembatasan-pembatasan tertentu. Salah satu bentuk pembatasan terhadap tindakan monopolistik hak cipta khususnya program komputer dapat dilakukan dengan reverse engineering (RE) program komputer. Reverse engineering merupakan suatu proses menemukan prinsip-prinsip teknologi suatu produk kemudian mencoba untuk membuat alat/produk atau program baru yang lebih unggul tanpa menyalin apapun dari aslinya. Namun RE program komputer ini tidak diatur secara khusus dalam Undang-Undang. Melihat kondisi tersebut, penelitian ini akan menjawab permasalahan 1). Bagaimana pengaturan RE program komputer dalam sistem hukum hak cipta dan paten di Indonesia dan di Malaysia 2). Bagaimana peran hukum dalam memberikan keseimbangan antara hak pemilik program komputer dengan kebutuhan peningkatan teknologi melalui RE menurut undang-undang hak cipta dan Paten di Indonesia dan Malaysia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaturan RE program komputer dalam sistem hukum hak cipta dan paten di Indonesia dan di Malaysia serta peran hukum dalam memberikan keseimbangan antara hak pemilik program komputer dengan kebutuhan peningkatan teknologi melalui RE menurut undang-undang hak cipta dan Paten di Indonesia dan Malaysia. Metode penelitiannya menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif yaitu dengan mengiventarisasi dan mengkaji atau menganalisis data sekunder yang berupa bahan hukum primer yaitu UU No 19 Tahun 2002, Akta Hakcipta 1987, UU No 14 Tahun 2001, Akta Paten 1983, serta bahan hukum sekunder berupa dokumen atau hasil-hasil penelitian, bahan hukum tersier berupa kamus hukum dan ensiklopedia. Berdasarkan UU Hak Cipta dan Akta Hak cipta, RE tidak diatur secara khusus. Namun, RE dapat dianalogikan dengan rekayasa genetika pada bidang pemuliaan tanaman yang menghasilkan produk tanaman lebih unggul dan bermutu dari sebelumnya. sehingga kegiatan RE program komputer tidak termasuk pelanggaran terhadap hak cipta, karena telah memenuhi unsur originalitas. RE menurut UU Paten dan Akta Paten merupakan kegiatan yang dilarang, karena tidak memenuhi unsur kebaruan dan mengandung langkah inventif. Dalam rangka memberikan keseimbangan antara hak pemilik program komputer dengan kebutuhan peningkatan teknologi, maka berdasarkan UU Hak Cipta maupun Akta Hak Cipta serta UU Paten dan Akta Paten dapat dilakukan dengan perjanjian lisensi antara pemilik program dengan pihak lain. Perjanjian lisensi ini membawa implikasi akan terus dikembangkannya program –program komputer demi kemajuan teknologi oleh pihak-pihak yang menerima lisensi tersebut. Kata kunci: Program komputer, Reverse engineering

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law
ID Code:25015
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:30 Dec 2010 09:10
Last Modified:30 Dec 2010 09:10

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