Tamara, Octrie (2008) UJI EFEKTIFITAS DAYA ANTHELMINTIK PERASAN DAN INFUSA RIMPANG TEMU IRENG (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.) TERHADAP Ascaridia galli SECARA IN VITRO. Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Medicine.
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Background : Temu ireng (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.) is a traditional medicine which has been used widely in public in the form of squeeze and infusion as anthelmintic. It has anthelmintic potency due to sesquiterpen. This research has been done to compare anthelmintic potency among temu ireng root squeeze and infusion. Methods : The sample of this research were 384 Ascaridia galli worms, which divided into 4 groups. The first group was treated by temu ireng root squeeze in 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% concentrations. The second groups was treated by temu ireng root infusion in 30% 45%, 60%, 75%, and 90% concentrations. The third group was treated by piperazine citrate solution in 0,2%, 0,3%, 0,4%, 0,5% and 0,6% concentrations as positive control. The fourth group was treated by NaCl 0,9% as negative control. Each petri dish containing 8 worms was administered by 25 ml volume of each concentration. Each dish was incubated at 370C and replicated three times. Data were colected by observation of total mortality time Ascaridia galli worm every 15 minutes. LC50 and LT50 were calculated by probit analysis. Result : Probit analysis showed that LC50 and LT50 of piperazin citrat solution was lower than LC50 and LT50 temu ireng root squezze and infusion. LC50 and LT50 of temu ireng root squeeze were 57,900% dan 564,213 minutes. LC50 and LT50 of temu ireng root infusion were 71,602% dan 826,444 minutes. Conclusion : Effectiveness of anthelmintic potency of temu ireng (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.) root squeeze and infusion are lower than piperazin citrate. Anthelmintic potency of temu ireng root squeeze is better than root infusion. Key words : Anthelmintic, Ascaridia galli, Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RS Pharmacy and materia medica |
Divisions: | Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine |
ID Code: | 24182 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 27 Nov 2010 10:53 |
Last Modified: | 27 Nov 2010 10:53 |
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