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BSTRAK KEWENANGAN PEJABAT PEMBUAT AKTA TANAH (PPAT) DALAM PEMBUATAN AKTA OTENTIK PPAT menjalankan jabatannya wajib menggunakan blangko akta. Secara historis penggunaan blangko diawali dengan Peraturan Menteri Agraria Nomor 11 Tahun 1961 tentang Bentuk Akta, kemudian setelah berlaku Peraturan Pemerintah No. 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah, penggunaan blangko akta diatur dalam PMNA/Ka BPN Nomor 3 Tahun 1997 tentang pelaksanaan PP Nomor 24 Tahun 1997. Pengaturan penggunaan blangko akta dilatar belakangi karena sebagian besar PPAT dijabat oleh Camat yang karena jabatannya menjalankan sementara Jabatan PPAT, yang sebagian besar tidak bergelar Sarjana Hukum sehingga untuk memudahkan pelaksanaan jabatannya itu dibuatlah blangko akta. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kewenangan PPAT dalam pembuatan akta otentik dan untuk mengetahui kedudukan hokum serta arti penting blangko akta tanah bagi PPAT. Dalam penelitian hukum ini dilakukan melalui pendekatan masalah penelitian yuridis empiris. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi dokumen atau studi kepustakaan dan didukung dengan wawancara 5 (lima) PPAT dan Pejabat Kantor Pertanahan. Semua data yang terkumpul diedit, diolah, dan disusun secara sistematis untuk selanjutnya disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif yang kemudian disimpulkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan PPAT dalam menjalankan kewenangannya diwajibkan untuk menggunakan blangko akta tanah. Blangko akta tidak memiliki urgensi hukum, karena dengan menggunakan blangko berarti isi perjanjian sudah diatur dalam hukum publik. Keberadaan blangko akta dapat membantu kinerja PPAT Sementara & PPAT yang baru diangkat menjadi PPAT dalam pembuatan akta, dan dapat memudahkan BPN dalam pemeriksaan, serta agar terdapat keseragaman dalam bentuk Akta PPAT. Sebaiknya diberi otoritas atau kewenangan kepada PPAT untuk membuat akta otentik sesuai dengan bentuk yang ditentukan tanpa harus menggunakan blangko atau formulir akta. Serta Dibuatnya Undang-Undang khusus yang mengatur tentang PPAT, yang mana dalam undang-undang tersebut juga mengatur secara terperinci bentuk dan format akta yang bisa dibuat oleh PPAT. Sehingga menegaskan bahwa PPAT adalah benar sebagai pejabat Umum yang diberi kewenangan dalam membuat suatu akta otentik. Kata Kunci: PPAT, Blangko Akta, Pemindahan Hak Atas Tanah. ABSTRACK AUTHORITY OF GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS WHO MAKE LAND DEED (PPAT) IN MAKING AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS PPAT undertook his position obligatory used the certificate form. Historically the use of the form was preceeded with the Regulation Minister Agraria Nomor 11 in 1961 about the Form of the Certificate, afterwards after being current the Government Regulation No. 24 in 1997 about the Registration of the Land, the use of the certificate form was arranged in PMNA/Ka BPN No. 3 in 1997 about the implementation of PP No. 24 in 1997. The use regulation of the certificate form best on most of PPAT were held by the Sub-district Head, because of his position undertook now the PPAT Position, that most did not have the title of the Scholar the Law so as to facilitate the implementation of his position was made the certificate form. The aim that will be achieved in this research was to know the PPAT authority in making the authentic certificate and to know the law position as well as the important meaning of the form of the land certificate for PPAT. In this legal research was carried out through the problem approach of the juridical research empirical. Technically the data collection through the study of the document or the study of the bibliography and was supported with the interview 5 (five) PPAT and the Official of the city land. All the datas that were gathered were edited, were processed, and were compiled systematically henceforth was presented in the form of descriptive that afterwards was concluded. Results of the research of pointing out PPAT in undertaking his authority were obliged to use the form of the land certificate. The certificate form did not have the urgency of the law, because by using the significant form the contents of the agreement has been arranged in the public's law. The existence of the certificate form could help the achievement of the Temporary land certificate & PPAT that just was appointed to PPAT in the production of the certificate, and could facilitate BPN in the inspection, as well as in order to be gotten by the uniformity in the form of the PPAT Certificate. Better be given by the authority or the authority to PPAT to make the certificate authentic in accordance with the form, that was determined without must use the form or the form of the certificate. As well as made by the regulations especially that arranged about PPAT, whichever in these regulations also arranged in detail the form and the format of the certificate that could be made by PPAT. So as stress that PPAT was correctly as the official of the Public who was given by the authority in making a certificate authentic. Key Words: PPAT, Certificate Form, Land right Transferred.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Notary
ID Code:24125
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:23 Nov 2010 10:49
Last Modified:23 Nov 2010 10:49

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