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ABSTRAKSI Penelitian ini mengangkat fenomena permasalahan yang terjadi di Kandatel Semarang khusus pada pelanggan Prime. Perusahaan ini menyadari bahwa tak hanya upaya penjualan saja yang ditingkatkan melainkan meningkatkan performansi (layanan dan produk) guna mempertahankan pelanggan yang ada. Tingkat cabutan pada produk Speedy tak dapat dihindari dengan kondisi persaingan yang begitu ketat. Berdasarkan data, churn (berhenti berlangganan) Speedy semakin meningkat dari bulan ke bulan, meskipun data penjualan sudah cukup tinggi. Sehingga penambahan jumlah pemakai Speedy pun tak signifikan. Angka cabutan ini menandakan tingkat loyalitas pelanggan prime yang menurun (switching provider atau tak ada penggunaan ulang). Model Penelitian ini mengajukan 4 (empat) hipotesis, yaitu costumer perceived value berpengaruh posistif terhadap kepercayaan pelanggan (hipotesis 1),kepercayaan pada tenaga penjual berpengaruh positif terhadap kepercayaan pelanggan (hipotesis 2), kepuasan hubungan pelanggan berpengaruh positif terhadap kepercayaan pelanggan (hipotesis 3) dan kepercayaan pelanggan berpengaruh positif terhadap loyalitas pelanggan (hipotesis 4). Teknik sampling menggunakan metode purposive sampling , yaitu pemilihan sampel secara subjektif oleh peneliti karena peneliti memahami bahwa informasi yang dibutuhkan dapat diambil dari kelompok tertentu (Ferdinand, 2006, p.231). Dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 130 responden yaitu pelanggan prime Datel Semarang. Teknik analisis data menggunakan SEM dari software AMOS 16. Pengukuran terhadap konstruk eksogen dan endogen diuji menggunakan analisis konfirmatori dan uji kelayakan dengan SEM dimana nilai Goodness of fit sebagai berikut nilai chi-square = 122,109 , nilai probability = 0,105 , nilai CMIN = 1,673, GFI = 0,978, TLI = 0,956, CFI = 0,957 dan RMSEA =0,064. CMIND/DF, RMSEA, GFI, TLI, AGFI, dan GFI berada rentang yang diharapkan. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa model yang diajukan dapat diterima.Dan semua hipotesis yang diujikan pada penelitian ini diterima (H0 ditolak). Kata kunci : Customer perceived value, kepercayaan pada tenaga penjual, kepuasan hubungan pelanggan, kepercayaan pelanggan dan loyalitas pelanggan. ABSTRACT This research took the problem that occurs specially to Prime costumers at Kandatel Semarang that lately has became a phenomenon. The company realized that not only increasing/raising the sales is important but also increasing the performance of services and products should be reached in order to maintain the costumers. How ever, the churn rate of Speedy could not have been avoided in this tight competition circumstances. According to the data, churn rate (for any given period time, the number of participants who discontinue their use of a service divided by the average number of total participants) of Speedy have been raising up from month to month, even though the sales data were high enough so the addition of Speedy user was insignificant. These churn rate numbers indicate the decreasing of prime costumer loyalties (switching provider or non re-user). This research method submits 4 (four) hypothesis, those are : customer perceived value that has positive impact on costumer trust ( hypothesis 1), trust in sales person has a positive impact on costumer trust ( hypothesis 2), relationship satisfaction has positive impact on costumer trust ( hypothesis 3), and costumer trust has positive impact on costumer loyalty ( hypothesis 4). Sampling techniques used purposive sampling methods, which is choosing sample subjectively by the researcher. It has been known that the information that required, could be taken from certain group (Ferdinand, 2006, p.231). Technique of data collection is used by spreading questionnaires to 130 correspondents from prime customers of Datel Semarang. Using SEM from AMOS 16 software as the techniques of data analyze. Exogenous and endogenous measurements, are tested by using confirmatory analyze and the feasibility test by SEM, which the “ The Goodness of fit” value are : chi-square = 122,109 , probability value = 0,105 , CMIN value= 1,673, GFI = 0,978, TLI = 0,956, CFI = 0,957 and RMSEA =0,064. CMIND/DF, RMSEA, GFI, TLI, AGFI, and GFI are in expected range. Based on the result, can be concluded that the proposed model are acceptable. Key words: Customer perceived value, trust in sales person, customer relationship satisfaction, customer trust and customer loyalty
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 23885 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 10 Nov 2010 08:12 |
Last Modified: | 10 Nov 2010 08:12 |
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