Karlisna, Yasmin Putri (2010) PENGARUH EKSTRAK DAUN SIRIH (Piper betle Linn) TERHADAP JUMLAH GELIAT MENCIT BALB/C YANG DIINDUKSI ASAM ASETAT. Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Medicine.

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Background : Daun sirih ( Pipper betle Linn) is a traditional herbal plant that belived by people can be used as a drug for pain. The aim of this study is to know if Pipper betle Linn has the effect to reduce of pain. Method : This experimental study with was done using Post Test Only Control Group Design. Animal used for experiment contains of 25 male balb/c mice were divided randomly into 5 groups that consist of 5 mice each grop, age 6-8 weeks, weight 20-25 grams. All mice used in this experiment were adapted with standart diet for a week and were fasting for 8 hours before used. First, second and third group were treated with extract of Pipper betle Linn dose 35 mg/20 gramBB, 70 mg/gramBB and 140 mg/20 gramBB orally. Fourth group is the negative control group was given vehiculum orally. Fifth group is the positive control group was given aspirin 1,3 mg/20 gramBB orally. After 15 minutes, all group were threated by 1 ml acetic acid 0,1% injection intraperitoneally. Data were collected by counting the total writhing mice every 5 minutes during 15 minutes. Data were analyzed with SPSS for windows. Result : The result of research revealed that mean of the total writhing in the negative control group in the first 5 minutes, second minutes and third 5 minutes are 41,0; 38,6; 35,6. The mean in the positive control group are 13,0; 10,4; 6,8. The mean in the first treaten group are 20,0; 14,6; 20,4. The mean in the second treaten group are 19,0; 14,2; 18,2. The mean in the third treaten group are 15,4; 10,2; 13,8. The result of Friedman test of five groups give significant difference with p<0,05. It showed that there was the effect of Pipper betle Linn extract to reduce the total writhing of Balb/c mice significantly between the treaten group, the negative control group and the positive control group. The result of Kruskal Wallis test of five groups give significant difference with p<0,05. It showed that there was the effect of Pipper betle Linn extract to reduce the total writhing of Balb/c mice significantly in the first 5 minutes, second 5 minutes, and third 5 minutes. Conclusion: The result showed that giving Kaempferia pandurata Roxb’s extract has the effect to reduce the pain in Balb/c mice that induced by asetic acid 0,1%. Key Words : Extract, Pipper betle Linn, total writhing.

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:R Medicine > RV Botanic, Thomsonian, and eclectic medicine
Divisions:Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine
ID Code:23823
Deposited On:09 Nov 2010 09:26
Last Modified:09 Nov 2010 09:26

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