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ABSTRACT The needs of decent and affordable of improved infrastructures and facilities for the rural community’s settlement, resulted in a change over the function and the designated use of the lands formerly owned by the village, become as residential area. One was in the Village area of Jungjang Wetan District Cirebon. Land of "titisara" as the Village Land Cash already rode a specific right of the state land use rights granted without a time limit and may be released their rights to other parties through quid pro quo [tukar guling]. The purpose of this study is to determine the “titisara” land acquisition process through quid pro quo and for knowing the implementation of quid pro quo, if one party does not fulfil its obligations, and the measures taken so that the purpose of clearing land ready for construction can be achieved. The research method used in this research is empirical juridical with primary and secondary sources of data. The primary data source was obtained from direct research in field through interviews, while the secondary data sources gained from literature data using primary and secondary legal materials. Data obtained then analyzed qualitatively to answer the problems of research. Research results showed that the quid pro quo process upon the "titisara" land caused a change of "titisara" land status, thus any changes to the status of such land shall be registered at the Land Office. The resistance of the quid pro quo process is the un-certificating substitution land for village land owned by the Jungjang Wetan Village. The un-certificated village land was carrying a huge loss toward the village party, namely the Inventory upon Land Cash village. Losses are not only experienced by the Jungjang Wetan Village Party, but also experienced by the applicant (the developer), in the case of land certification, which is a Right of Building Usage [Hak Guna Bangunan] certificate, considering the acquisition was done through quid pro quo. Keywords: Land of Titisara, Quid Pro Quo, Land Ready to Construction ABSTRAK PEROLEHAN TANAH “TITISARA” UNTUK PENYEDIAAN KAVLING SIAP BANGUN MELALUI TUKAR GULING DI DESA JUNGJANG WETAN KECAMATAN ARJAWINANGUN KABUPATEN CIREBON Peningkatan pemenuhan kebutuhan prasarana dan sarana permukiman bagi masyarakat perdesaan yang layak dan terjangkau,mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan alih fungsi penggunaan dan peruntukkan tanah-tanah yang semula dimiliki oleh desa,menjadi lahan permukiman penduduk. Salah satunya di wilayah Desa Jungjang Wetan Kabupaten Cirebon.Tanah “titisara” sebagai Tanah Kas Desa yang sudah ditumpangi suatu hak tertentu yaitu Hak Pakai atas tanah negara yang diberikan tanpa batas waktu dan dapat dilepaskan haknya kepada pihak lain salah satunya melalui tukar guling. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses perolehan tanah “titisara melalui tukar guling dan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan tukar guling apabila ada salah satu pihak tidak memenuhi kewajibannya, dan upaya yang dilakukan agar tujuan dari pembukaan kavling siap bangun dapat tercapai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis empiris dengan sumber data primer dan data sekunder. Sumber data primer diperoleh dari penelitian langsung dilapangan melalui wawancara,sumber data sekunder dari data kepustakaan dengan menggunakan bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa secara kualitatif untuk menjawab permasalahan dari penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses tukar guling atas tanah ”titisara” menyebabkan perubahan status tanah ”titisara”,maka setiap terjadi perubahan terhadap status tanah tersebut wajib didaftarkan di Kantor Pertanahan.Hambatan dari proses tukar guling ini adalah belum disertipikatkannya tanah pengganti untuk tanah desa milik Desa Jungjang Wetan. Belum disertipikatkannya tanah desa tersebut, membawa kerugian yang besar bagi pihak desa yaitu inventarisir atas Tanah Kas Desa. Kerugian tidak hanya dialami oleh Pihak Desa Jungjang Wetan, tetapi juga dialami oleh pemohon (pihak pengembang), dalam hal pemberian sertipikat tanah kavling tersebut yaitu sertipikat Hak Guna Bangunan, mengingat cara perolehannya dilakukan melalui tukar guling. Kata Kunci: Tanah Titisara, Tukar Guling, Kavling Siap Bangun ABSTRACT “TITISARA” LAND ACQUISTION PROCESS FOR LAND READY TO CONSTRUCTION THROUGH A QUID PRO QUO IN JUNGJANG WETAN VILLAGE, SUBDISTRICT OF ARJAWINANGUN, CIREBON DISTRICT The needs of decent and affordable of improved infrastructures and facilities for the rural community’s settlement,resulted in a change over the function and the designated use of the lands formerly owned by the village, become as residential area. One was in the Village area of Jungjang Wetan District Cirebon. Land of “ titisara” as the Village Land Cash already rode a specific right of the state land use rihts granted without a time limit and may be released their rights to other parties through quid pro quo (tukar guling). The purpose of this study is to determine the “ titisara” land acquisition process through quid pro quo and for knowing the implementation of quid pro quo, if one party does not fulfil its obligations, and the measures taken so that the purpose of clearing land ready for construction can be achieved. The research method used in this research is empiricial juridical with primary and secondary sources of data. The primary data source was obtained from direct research in field through interviews, while the secondary data sources gained from literature data using primary and secondary legal materials. Data obtained then analyzed qualitatively to answer the problem of research. Research results showed that the quid pro quo process upon the “ titisara” land caused a change of “titisara” land status , thus any changes to the status of such land shall land shall be registered at the Land Office. The resistance of the quid pro quo process is the un-certificating substitution land for village land owned by the Jungjang Wetan Village . The un-certificated village lands was carrying a huge loss toward the village party, namely the Inventory upon Land Cash Village. Losses are not only experienced by the Jungjang Wetan Village Party, but also experienced by the applicant (the developer), in the case of land certification , which is a Right of Building Usage ( Hak Guna Bangunan) certificate, considering the acquisition was done through quid pro quo. Keywords : Land of Titisara, Quid Pro Quo, Land Ready to Construction

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Notary
ID Code:23765
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:05 Nov 2010 10:24
Last Modified:05 Nov 2010 10:24

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