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ABSTRAK Yesie Aprillia Analisis Sosialisasi Program Inisiasi Menyusu Dini dan ASI Eksklusif kepada Bidan di Kabupaten Klaten 146 halaman + 35 tabel + 7 gambar + 5 lampiran Program Inisiasi Menyusu Dini dan ASI Eksklusif di Kabupaten Klaten merupakan salah satu upaya untuk menurunkan angka kematian bayi. Bidan mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam mensukseskan program tersebut dan Sosialisasi sangat berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan suatu program, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan proses sosialisasi program Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD) dan ASI Eksklusif kepada bidan di Kabupaten Klaten. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian diskriptif analitik yang menggunakan dua pendekatan yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah 530 bidan di Kabupaten Klaten yang diambil sampel menjadi 144 bidan. Jenis data yaitu data primer dan sekunder. Terdapat 7 variabel dalam penelitian ini yaitu karakteristik responden, pengetahuan bidan, sikap, motivasi, pendanaan, komunikasi dan kebijakan. Dan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa persepsi bidan terhadap proses sosialisasi adalah baik, sedangkan diantara 7 variabel tersebut hanya variabel kebijakan yang berhubungan dengan persepsi bidan terhadap proses sosialisasi program Inisiasi Menyusu Dini dan ASI Eksklusif di Kabupaten Klaten Kata Kunci : Sosialisasi, Inisiasi Menyusu Dini dan ASI Eksklusif, Bidan viii Diponegoro University Postgraduate Program Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Policy Administration Sub Majoring in Maternal and Child Health Management ABSTRACT Yesie Aprillia Analysis of the Socialization of Early Inisiation and Exclusive Breastfeeding Program on Midwifes in Klaten District 146 pages + 35 tables + 7 pictures + 5 enclosures Early breastfed initiation and exclusive breastfeeding programs in the District of Klaten are one attempt to lower infant mortality rate. Midwives have important roles in the success of those programs. Socialization has important influence to the success of a program. The objective of this study is to know and to analyze factors related to the process of early brestfed initiation (IMD) and exclusive breastfeeding program socialization to midwives in Klaten District. This was a descriptive-analytic study using two approaches, quantitative and qualitative. Study population was 530 midwives in the district of Klaten, of which 144 were taken as samples in the study. Primary and secondary data were used in this study. There were 7 variables investigated in this study. Those variables were: respondent characteristics, midwife knowledge, attitude, motivation, funding, communication and policy. Results of this study showed that midwives perception towards socialization process were good. Among the 7 variables, policy was the only variable that was related to midwife perception towards socialization process of early breastfed initiation and exclusive breastfeeding programs in Klaten district. Key words: Socialization, early breastfed initiation, exclusive breastfeeding, Midwife
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 23747 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 04 Nov 2010 14:48 |
Last Modified: | 29 Dec 2010 07:48 |
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