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ABSTRAK Prasarana air bersih merupakan prasarana yang cukup penting demi mendukung kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari seperti minum, memasak, mandi, mencuci dan sebagainya. Air bersih yang semula sebagai barang sosial yang mudah didapat sekarang menjadi barang ekonomi yang banyak dicari dan sulit didapatkan sehingga harganya menjadi mahal. Permukiman Linduk Kec. Pontang Kab. Serang termasuk daerah permukiman yang kesulitan mendapatkan air bersih. Hampir setiap tahun terjadi kekurangan air bersih yang disebabkan oleh kondisi air tanah berada pada kedalaman 70- 100m dengan rasa air hambar dan asin hanya dapat digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kebersihan. Sedang untuk kebutuhan konsumsi, masyarakat membeli air kali dari pedagang air keliling dan air minum dari depot air isi ulang. Dan sebagian lainnya menggunakan air kali untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan air bersih sehari-hari. Meski PDAM Linduk telah berdiri sejak tahun 2002, namun jangkauannya masih terbatas sekitar 18,12% dari total rumah tangga di permukiman Linduk yang terlayani. Permasalahan masyarakat di permukiman Linduk tersebut, mendorong peneliti untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kemudahan atau tingkat aksesibilitas air bersih bagi masyarakat di permukiman Linduk Kec. Pontang Kab. Serang. Dimana, tingkat aksesibilitas air bersih bagi masyarakat di permukiman Linduk dilihat dari permintaan (demand) dan penyedia (supply) air bersih. Berdasarkan variabel dasar akses yang diteliti, meliputi jumlah/volume, jarak, waktu, biaya, dan kualitas. Metodologi yang digunakan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan metode analisis statistik deskriptif. Sumber data diperoleh dari data primer melalui observasi lapangan, wawancara dan kuesioner, sedang data sekunder diperoleh dari instansi terkait. Dimana sampel dipilih berdasarkan strata supply air bersih yaitu 17 responden supply perpipaan dan 74 responden supply non perpipaan. Analisis aksesibilitas air bersih berdasarkan hasil analisis perbandingan demand dan supply air bersih bagi masyarakat di permukiman Linduk Kec. Pontang Kab. Serang. Hasilnya adalah volume/jumlah kebutuhan air bersih masyarakat sebagian besar yang terpenuhi sekitar <5 ltr/org/hr untuk kebutuhan minum dan memasak saja. Jarak dan waktu tempuh mendapatkan air bersih sekitar 49% masyarakat menempuh 100-1000m atau 5-30 menit. Harga air bersih masyarakat per m3 berada di atas Rp. 32.000,- atau 16 kali lipat harga supply air bersih PDAM. Mahalnya biaya air bersih per m3 yang dikeluarkan masyarakat di permukiman Linduk mendapatkan air bersih karena air dibeli dari pedagang atau penjaja keliling. Karena itu dari segi kemampuan masyarakat mampu untuk membayar air bersih dari supply perpipaan PDAM yaitu rata-rata Rp. 4.500,-/m3 dari tarif PDAM terbesar Rp. 2.000,-/m3. Sumber air bersih sebagian besar masyarakat di permukiman Linduk berasal dari supply non perpipaan, dimana sebanyak 55% masyarakat di permukiman Linduk menggunakan air kali yang kualitasnya tidak memenuhi standar air bersih. Menurut Howard dan Bartram mengenai tingkat layanan air bersih, aksesibilitas air bersih bagi masyarakat di permukiman Linduk berada pada tingkat akses dasar. Maka arahan pengembangan untuk peningkatan akses air bersih bagi masyarakat di permukiman Linduk, dengan menggunakan analisis IPA (analisis kuadran dan analisis kesenjangan). Hasilnya yaitu variabel akses yang berada pada kuadran II yaitu jarak, waktu dan biaya air bersih menjadi prioritas utama untuk diatasi, dan variabel akses di kuadran III yaitu volume dan kualitas air bersih menjadi prioritas kedua. Hasil analisis arahan pengembangan tersebut akan menjadi rekomendasi kepada Pemerintah Daerah, PDAM dan masyarakat di permukiman Linduk. Kata kunci : Aksesibilitas air bersih, demand dan supply, permukiman Linduk 6 ABSTRACT Fresh water facility is an important facility to support community life such as drinking, cooking, taking a bath, washing, etc. Fresh water is initially a social material which is easy to obtain but nowadays it is a social material which many people look for it and difficult to obtain hence the price becomes raise. The settlement of Linduk of Pontang Subdistrict of Serang District is a difficult area to find fresh water. The area is always in adequacy of fresh water every year which is caused by the groundwater of 70-100 m with the taste is insipid and salty which may only be used to meet the cleaning requirements. People buy river water from water vendors or water rechargeable kiosk to require the consumption needs. Others use river water to require daily fresh water. Although PDAM Linduk has been established since 2002 but the service coverage is still limited around 18.12% of the total households in Linduk settlement. The problems in community of Linduk settlement encourage the researcher to know how great the easiness or accessibility level of fresh water for people in Linduk settlement of Pontang Subdistrict of Serang District. In this case the accessibility level of fresh water for people in Linduk settlement is referred to the demand and supply of fresh water. According to the basic variable, the studied access includes amount/ volume, distance, time, cost and quality. The research uses a methodology of quantitative approach and analysis method of descriptive statistic. The data is obtained from primary data through field observation, interview and questionnaire whereas the secondary data is obtained from related institutions. Besides the sample is selected based on the supply strata of fresh water that are 17 respondents of plumbing supply and 74 respondents of non-plumbing supply. The analysis of fresh water is based on comparative analysis result of demand and supply of fresh water for people in the Linduk settlement of Pontang Subdistrict of Serang District. The result is stated that the volume/ amount of fresh water needs for the most people is about <5 liter/person/day for drinking and cooking only. Travelled and distance time to find fresh water for people is about 100-1000 m or 5-30 minutes. The price of fresh water of people is above Rp.32.000,- per m3 or 16 times supplied by PDAM. The expensiveness of fresh water per m3 that should be paid by people in Linduk settlement is because they buy the fresh water from the vendors or seller. Because of that according to the people solvency to buy fresh water of plumbing supplied by PDAM is about Rp. 4.500,-/m3 of the highest tariff of PDAM of Rp. 2.000,-/m3. The most sources of fresh water in Linduk settlement comes from non plumbing supply whereas 55% people use river water which has not require a qualified of fresh water standard. According to Howard and Bartram refers to fresh water services, the accessibility of fresh water for people in Linduk settlement is on the basis access level. Therefore the development direction to increase the access of fresh water for people in Linduk settlement is by using IPA analysis (quadrant analysis and discrepancy analysis). Result of the research is stated that the access variables on quadrant II are distance, time and cost of fresh water become the main priority to be solved, and access variables on quadrant III are volume and quality of fresh water becomes the second priority. The result of analysis of development direction becomes the recommendation for Local Government, PDAM and people in Linduk settlement. Keywords : Accessibility of fresh water, demand and supply, Linduk settlement
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning |
ID Code: | 23686 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 03 Nov 2010 12:18 |
Last Modified: | 10 Oct 2011 14:57 |
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