Taufiq SPJ, Nur and Rartati, Retno and Widianingsih, Widianingsih (2000) APLIKASI BEBERAPA JENIS PAKAN ALAMI PADA PEMELIHARAAN LARVA TERIPANG Plant ( Holothuria scabra). Documentation. UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO.
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During their development, the larvae of white sea cucumber have several stage of development or metamorfose. Each stage of larvae have special and specific character and need special feed. Therefore the research on larvae rearing are need to be conducted. The aims of the research were to determine th effect of several natural food organisms on development or metamorfose and survival rate of white sea cucumber, Holothuria scahra, larvae from stage of early auricularia to late doliolaria (early pentactula). Laboratory experimental methods and completely randomised design was applied in present work. There were five treatments, each has three replicate. Testing organisms were larvae of frolothuria scabs which was produced from induced spawning using thermal shock according modification methods of Notowinamo and Putro (1991) and Harbin at al. (1997). Larvae were reared from early auriculana up to late doliolaria /early pentactula. The treatments were the species of natural food organisms/phytoplankton (Phaemiactylwn sp., Isochrysis sp., Chaetocheros sp.. Skeletonema sp., dan Dunaliela sp.) using density of 20.000 cell/ml. The result of present works revealed that the species of natural food organisms affected the survival rate and developmental rate of white sea cucumber (Holothurta 4.cabra) larvae due to nutritional differences and whether given single of mixed species. The highest survival rate of larvae in the end of experiment was achieved by giving Phaeodacrydum sp. while the lowest gained by Skeletonema sp. The earliest developmental rate of larvae was produced by giving Isorklycis .m. Salama masa perkembangannya, larva teripang plant mengalanti beberapa perubahan Wyman kehidupan larva atau meugalarni metamortbsis. Masing-masing tahapan perkembangan larva teniebut vaempunyai sifat yang Um dan spesifik serta membutublcan pakan yang tersendiri. Oleb karma itu penelitian mengenai peraeliharaan larva sangatlab panting untuk chlektikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengarub pathetical beberapa jenis palest alami terbadap perkembangan dan kelangsungan hidup larva teripang plait Holothuria scabra dart tabap aurieularia awal sarnpai doliolmia aidar (pentactula awal). Penelitian ini menggtmalcan metode elcsPerimental yang dilalcukan di laboratorium. nu pereobaan yang akan diterapkan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan berbagai perlakuan, masing-masing perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Materi penelitian adalah larva teripang punk Ifolothurta scabra yang dihasilkan clan pemijahan buatan berdasarkan manipulasi suhu dengan modifikasi metode Notowinamo dan Putro (1991) dan Hartati dkk. (1997) Larva akan dipelibara dart tahap aurieularia awal sampai tahap doliolaria akhir/pentmatula awalAdapun perlakuannya adalah jenis pakan alami phytoplanldon (Phaeodactvhan sp., Isochrysis sp., Chaetocheros sp., Skeletonema sp., danDttnallela sp.) dengan juralabidensitas pakan 20.000 selAnl. Hasil penelitian ini menunbikkan bahwa jenis pakan alami menpengaruhi kelangeungan bidup dan perkembangan larva teripang putih (Holothuria scabra) yang disebabkan oleh pethedaan kandtmgan nutlet atau faldor pemberian pakan alami secara tunggal atau capita= Kehumsungan hidup tertinggi dicapai oleh larva teripang putih yang diberi pakan Phaeodaegdum sp., seclangkan kelangsungan hidup terrendah adalah larva teripang putih yang diberi pakan alami Skeletonema sp. Proses perkembangan atau menunorfosis yang paling awal dihasillcan oleh larva teripang putt yang diberi pakan alami Isochrysis sp.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling |
Divisions: | Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Marine Science |
ID Code: | 23405 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 21 Oct 2010 12:21 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2010 12:21 |
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