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Salah satu kendala dalam menerapkan peraturan tentang lalulintas ikan adalah kurangnya infomutsi parasit ikan hies taut yang diperdagangkan di Indonesia Pena titian ini bertujuatt untuk mengetahui joule, prevalensi dan intensitas parasit yang tnenginfestasi ikan kepe kepe garis yang ditangkap dart perairan pantai Japan'. Jumtah ikan marvel yang diperiksa adalah 60 ekor dengan panjang total 63 - 10 cm dan beret 7.6 - 37.2 g, Ikan dibeli dart nelayan di desa Handelman, Jepara dan diperiksadalam keadaan segar. Pemeriksaan parasit dilakukan di Laboratoriunn Pengembangan Wilayah Pantai (LPWP) FP1K TJNDTP di Jepara dart bulan Mei - Agustus 2001. Sabel= diperiksa ikan dibunuh dengan cara deserebrasi, ditimbang dan diukur panjangnya dan gejala klinis yang terlihat di catat. Rongga insang dibuka dan lamella dart setiap filamen insang dipotong dan diletakkan pada kaca objek yang sudah dibeli air taut steril, ditutup dengan kaca penutup dan diperiksa dengan mikroskop binolculer. Smear darilendir tubuh dan sirip juga diperiksa dengan cara yang same Selanjutnya rongga tubuh dibuka dan kondisi organ organ dalam dicatat Tiap organ dipisahlcan dengan heti halt dan diletakkan dalam cawan petri yang sudah berisi air taut dan diamati dengan mikroskop bedah. Saluran pencernaan dibuka dan diperiksa, henna juga halnya dengan smear dart halt, jantung, 'Mum dan ginjal. Parasit yang dijunpai diambil dan diamati dengan mikroskop binokuler dan diidentifikasi pada walctu hidup dan setelah diawedcan. Selanjutnya dihitung prevalensi den intensitas tiap tiap parasit Prevalensi infestasi parasit adalah 78 %. Parasit tersebut terdiri alas tiga spesies ektoparasit dan dua spades endoparasit Ektoparasit yang ditetnui yaitu Cryptocaryon irritants, Ergasilus sp danActinocleldus sp, dan endoparasitnya adalah Lecithochirium neopacificum danlchthyophonus hoferi. Diantaraparasit, Actinocleidus sp memptuwai prevalensi yang tertinggi yaitu 40 %, diikuti oleh Ichthyophonus hoferi (35 %). 1ntensitas jtunlah parasit per-ikan berIciaar antara lehthyophonus hoferi (35 %). Intensitas jumlah parasit per-ikan berkisar antara 0,25 (L,neopacificurn)sampai 25,32 (1.hoferI). Janis parasit yang dijtmtpai tennasuk sedikit. Walaupun secara umum prevalensi infestasi tinggi, tapi prevalensi dan intensitas per spesies parasit adalah rendah. One of major constrain in employing regulation offish transportation is a lack of information of parasites of marine ornamental fish in Indonesia The purposes of the present study were to identify kind of parasites and prevalence and intensity of parasites infestation of the emperor butterflyfish caught along Jepera coastal line. A total of 60 fish having total length of 6,3 - 10 cm and weight of 7.6 - 37.2 g were examined Fish were caught by fisherman at Bandengan, Jepara and examined immediately. Parasites examination was done at the Coastal Development Laboratory (Laboratorium Pengembangan Wilayah Pantai = LPWP) Fisheries Department, Diponegoro University from Mei to August 2001. Prior to the examination, fish were killed by pithing, weighted and measured its total length. Any clinical signs was recorded. The gill cavities were opened and lamella of each gill filements was excised, placed on to a glass object containing a few drops of sterile sea water, covered with a cover glass, and examined by binocular compound microscope. The wet mount of skin and fins were also examined with the same manner. Next, the body cavity was opened and condition of internal organs was recorded. Each organ was placed in a petridish containing sea water and examined with a dissecting microscope. The digesrive tract was opened, and examined as well as the smear from liver, heart, spleen and kidney. Parasites found were tranferred on to an object glass, examined by a binoculer microscope and identified while it was still alive and atter preserved. Prevalence of parasites infestation was 78 %. Parasites consisted of three species of ectoparasites and two species of endoparasites. Ectoparasites found were Cryptocaryon irritants, Ergastlus sp danActinocleidus sp, and endoparasites found were Lecithochirium neopactficum dan fchthyophonu hoferi.Among these parasites,Actinocleiclus sp have the highest prevalence(40 %) followed by lchthyophonus hoferi (35 %).Parasite intensity were ranged from 0,25 (Lneopacificum) to 25,32 (Lhoferi). The spesies number found in this study was relatively low. Eventhough in general parasite prevalence was high, but prevalence and intensity of each parasite species was low.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling |
Divisions: | Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Marine Science |
ID Code: | 23268 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 19 Oct 2010 08:38 |
Last Modified: | 19 Oct 2010 08:38 |
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