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Desa berotonomi, tetapi Desa bukan Daerah Otonom. Otonomi Desa disebut urusan rumah tangga Desa, yang bersumber dari kebutuhan masyarakat Desa. Untuk membiayai otonominya, Desa mew tuwai sumber Keuangan yang dapat digali dari Desa sendiri maupun bantuan dari Pemerintah tingkat atasan. Dalam rangka pembangunan Nasional, sejak tahun 1969, Desa memperoleh bantuan dari Pemerintah Pusat. Bantuan itu dikenal dengan istilah Inpres Bandes, bersifat rutin dan secara periodik jumlah nominal sesalu naik.Tujuan semula adalah untuk merangsang atau motivasi pembangunan di Desa. Konsekwensi dari penerimaan bantuan ini Desa hams menyusun suatu anggaran penggunaan bantuan, dalam bentuk Anggaran Penerimaan dan Pengeluaran Keuangan Desa (APPKD). Ada issue bahwa bantuan yang semula sifatnya pendamping berkembang menjadi sumber dana titama pembangunan Desa, yang tak lain adalah penyelenggaraan otonomi Desa. Hal tersebut inendorong untuk melakukan : STUDI EVALUASI PERKEMBANGAN FUNGSI INPRES BANTUAN DESA PADA PENDANAAN PENYELENGGARAAN OTONOMI DESA. Titik berat pengamatan ditujukan pada APPKD di lima Desa dalam wilayah Kecamatan Mranggen Kabupaten Demak. Untuk mengatahui perkembangan dilakukan studi terhadap APPKD pada lima tahun terakhir: 1991/1992 sampai dengan 1995/1996. Perumusan masalah adalah : bagaimana perkembangan keuangan Desa? bagaimana penyusunan program kegiatan Desa dilakukan? Bagaimana duktingan masyarakat terhadap penyusunan program kegiatan pemerintahari dan penyediaan dananya? Telaah terhadap APPKD di lima Desa Sampel memberikan suatu kesimpulan bahwa besaran atau jumlah Inpres Bandes sebenarnya kecil dibanding dengan pendapatan ash Desa sendiri. Secara kwantitatif Inpres Bandes rata-rata hanya 27,25% dari pendapatan ash Desa sendiri. Walau pun demikian, fungsi Inpres Bandes ternyata sangat penting artinya yaitu sebagai DAYA PENGGERAK dana pembangunan khususnya dan penyelenggaraan otonomi Desa umumnya. Disamping itu penggunaan dana Inpres Bandes memberikan motivasi atas penyusunan APPKD yang efisien dan efektif serta bertanggungjawab. Tujuan yang terakhir ini belum terwujud secara optimal, karena masih banyak hambatan yang bersumber pada SEIM di Desa. Tingkat pendidikan yang relatif rendah dan rasa belum membutuhkan administrasi yang baik dapat ditemui di Desa. Penyusunan program kegiatan pemerintahan dan pembangunan, dilakukan sesuai petunjuk pelaksanaan Inpres Bandes. Penyttsunan rencana program kegiatan dilakulcan oleh Lembaga Ketahanan Masyarakat Desa (LKMD) dengan mengikut sertakan masyarakat secara perwakilan maupun langsung. Hasil rapat LKMD kethudian dibawa ke forum Lembaga Musyawarah Desa (LMD) untuk dibahas dan disetujui dalam bentuk Keputusan Desa. Sebelum dilaksahakan, Keputusan Desa ini hams disyahkan oleh Bupati KDH II Demak. APPKD mulai berlaku pada tahun anggaran: 1 April - 31 Maret. Terlihat dalam APPKD di lima Desa Sampel bahwa ada ide penyeragaman perincian penerimaan dan pengeluaran Desa. Pada umumnya masyarakat mendukung rencana program yang telah disusun. Bentuk dukungan dana rata-rata lebih besar dibanding jumlah Inpres Bandes, minimal sama. Ada tiga bentuk partisipasi masyarakat yaitu material, tenaga keda dan uang. Untuk material dan tenaga kerja, dalam APPKD dikonversikan dalam harga uang. Swadaya atau gotong royong adalah istilah untuk menyebut partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan. Semakin besar manfaat yang dapat dinikmati masyarakat Desa secara langsung semakin mudah Pemerintah Desa mengumpulkan dana bagi dukungan suatu proyek/program kegiatan. Sebaliknya, bila masyarakat merasa tidak dapat menikmati secara langsung maka Pemerintah Desa eq. Kepala Desa hams bekerja keras untuk mencari dulcungan dana melalui peningkatan usaha Desa, lelang tanah bengkok atau lainnya Berkenaan dengan hambatan yang bersumber pada SDM dalam rangka tertib administrasi perlu adanya pelatihan yang kontiny4 dan penyederhanaan administrasi Desa. Pelatihan yang dilalcsanalcan hendaknya menjauhkan hal-hal yang sulit diikuti Aparat Pemerintah Desa tetapi menjangkau maksud tertib administrasi yang diin an. Perim pula penekanan disiplin dan tanggung jawab Aparat Desa alam mengelola tugas-tugas pemerintahan dan pembangunan. A village with the autonomy is not an autonomous region. The village autonomy pertains to the household matters of the Village which springs from the needs of that Village community. To finance its autonomy the village has financial resources that can be explored from the village itself as well as from a higher level Governmental aid. Within the framework of the National Development, since 1969, Village receive aid from the Central Government. Said aid is known as Inpres Banpres (Rural Development Assistance by Presidential Directive) routinely and its nominal value is increased periodically. The initial aim is to stimulate or motivate Rural development. As a consequence of this assistance the village must draw up an Assistance Utilization Budget, in the form of APPKD (Village Budget). An issue has it that an assistance which initially was only as a supplement, later on developed into the main funding source for rural development which is no less than rural autonomy operation. This stimulates us to carry out : AN EVALUATION STUDY ON THE FUNCTION OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE BY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE FOR THE FUNDING OF THE VILLAGE AUTONOMY OPERATION. The main point of monitoring is fixed at the APPKD (Village Budget) in 5 (five) years rural areas in the subdistrict, of Mranggen, Regency of Demak. In order to understand the development a study was carried out on the Rural Budget during these five years, 1991/1992 up to until 1995/1996. The definition of the problem was : How was the Rural Development, financially ? How is the programming on rural activities carried out ? How is the social support towards the programming of governmental activities and how are funds made available ? The analysis upon Rural Budgeting in 5 (five) years sample villages resulted in a conclusion that the amount of the Rural Development Assistance by Presidential Directive - Inpres Bandes - is but small compared to the original income sources of the village itself - PADs. Quantitatively the Rural Development Assistance by Presidential Directiire (Inpres Bandes) average only 27,25 % of PAD. Although as such, the Inpres Bandes - Rural De-velopment Assistance by Presidential Directive (RDAPD) was apparently very important in that it serves as a MOVING POWER of development funds in particular and the operation of Village autonomy in general. Besides that the utility of funds from the Inpres Bandes (RDAPD) gives a motivation towards the drawing up a more efficient, effective and responsible Village Budget. This ulfimate goal is not yet achieved to a maximum degree due ta many obstacles mostly originating from the human resources in the village. The relatively low level education and the sense of not having any need for a good administration is like to be found in many villages. The drawing up of governmental activities and development in done in line vvith the executional guidance of the Rural Development Assistance by Presidential Directive (RAPD Inpres Bandes). The drawing up of activities program planning is done by the Village Social Activities Group -LKMD- by inviting the people to participate directly or through its representative. The result of the LICMD is then brought to the LMD Forum - The Village Discussion Crroup - to be discussed and approved in a Village Decision. Before it is executed this Village Decision must be legalized by the Regent of the Second Autonomous Region of Demak. The APPICD or Village Budget becomes effective in the budget year 1 April - 31 March. It is apparent that in the Village Budget of five sample villages there tends to be a uniform idea regarding the Village Budget. Generally, the community agrees to the program planning as drawn up. Funds supports are on the average bigger than Inpres Bandes -RDAPD-or at least the same. There are three kinds of community participation, material, manpower, and money. For materials and manpower the amounts are converted into money value in the APPKD - Village Budget. Self-supporting or mutual cooperation is terms that indicate community participation in the development program. The greater the benefit the village community feels, the easier it becomes for the Village Administration to raise funds to-: suppod a project/activity program On the other hand when the people feel it can not directly benefit from it then the Village Administration cq the Village Chief must work to seek funding support through the increase of village efforts, e.g. the auction of village property or others. Due to the obstacles which find it roots in the Human Resources, within the framework of correct administration there should be a continuous training and simplification of Village Administration. The training should not be too difficult for the Village Administrative Apparatus, but enhance the intended correct administration purpose. Moreover there should be a stress on discipline and responsibility on the part of the Village Apparatus in managing the task of the administration and development program.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HJ Public Finance |
Divisions: | Document UNDIP |
ID Code: | 22880 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 11 Oct 2010 10:24 |
Last Modified: | 11 Oct 2010 10:24 |
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