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Limboh domestik merupakon limbah organ k, mengandung hampir rmuo unsur haro yang direriukan tin pertumbuhan tonoman yang aria dalam bentuk komplok organ:1k, sehinggo pembuangon limbah Lonna pembenahan terlebih dulu akan menyebabkan gangguan dan pencemaran lingkungan , saiah satu akibat adalah terjadinya reninekatan kesuburan,perairan pener.ima yang dapat menyebabkan blooming •lgae clan srlanjutnyo menmokibatkan terjadinya eutrofikasi. Penelition telah melakukan pembenahan limbah domestik dengan titik brrat pada Nitogen dan Phosphor menqgunakan bakteri dan algae melalui mekanimme dekomposimi biokimiawi oleh bakturi, hiogrnik nksigonami oleh oktivitas algae fotomintetik dan penghilangan hara anorgan.k ( N dan P ) melalui inkorporasi kedolam biomassa bakteri, fungi dan algae. Prosedur penelitian terdiri hagian yaitu, praperlakuan, yang bertujuan untuk momisahkon maLori-ma1rri yang berukuran bror melolui penyaringan don rengendaran. Perlakuon dilakukan dengan penambahan rnassa Spirulina yang telabHdiaklimasi dalam medium yang mengandung limbah domestik selama 5 hari dan kultur bakteri yang berasal dori lumpur saluran pembuongon limbah domestik. Dolom penelitian ini diukur dan diamati tolok ukur fisik (temperatur),kimia (DOD, Ntotal, Ptotal, Nitrat, Phosphmt clan pH) dan biologi (pertumbuhan Spirulina dan bakteri) Dori penelitian dipernleh hasil bahwa sistem pembenahan berja1an dengan efisiensi prnurunon DOD sebesar 95,306 % dengan waktu t nggal 7 hark, sedangkan penurunan Ntotal dan Ptotal sebesar 100 % to-jadi selama waktu tinggal 3 hari dan 5 hari. Spirulina yang tumbuh dalam limbah selama penelitian menunjukan pola pertumbuhan yang normal - rola pertumbuhan dalam mrdio dengan cistern batch - yang tordiri dari fasr lag, lomaritmik dan stasioner. Selama penelitian terjai peninqkatan populasi sobesor 101,94 %. Domestic waste AS organic waste, consist nutrient which are needed for plant growing. It has potential impatt for environment, especially in aquatic ecosystem. One of effects of domestic waste is enrichment, end then caused algae bloom and eutrophication. The problem raised if the assimilate capasity and generation cariosity of waters body, •where waste disposed is passed over. So, wastes water must be treated and stabilized before disposed. The research was aimed to treat domestic wastes with stress on N and P using bacteria and algae. The system has mechanism binchemical decomposisition of organic matter which is done by bacteria (heterotrophic substrate elimination), biogenic nxygnnation by algae .photosinthetic and remove of nutrien inorganic especially N and P with incorporated into baccteria, fungi. • and algae biomass; The research has stages, first, pretreatment. In this stage, wastes water was screened and sedimented to separate large material from wastes, also adjust acidity to range scale which is good for biological treatment. Second stage (treatment stage), in this stage, Spirulina mass that had been acclimated in medium which contain domestic waste for 5 days was added into waste that had been treated in fist stage . The physicochemical and biological parameter which measured including temperature, ROD, Ntotal, Ptotal, Nitrat, Phosphot , pN Spirulina growth and bacteria growth. The result shown that the treatment system has effiency to reduced DOD 95,306 7. with retention time 7 days. Besides, the efisiency to reduced N total and P total was 100 7. in 3 days and 5 days. •Spirulina at; oxygenic and mineral assA.milate agent in the system had normal profile growth - a normal prof 11 growth in batch culture system - which consist lag phase, exponential phase and stationer phase. In this research, the population of .Spirulina increased 101,94 7. for 7 days.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering |
Divisions: | Document UNDIP |
ID Code: | 22723 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 07 Oct 2010 09:17 |
Last Modified: | 07 Oct 2010 09:17 |
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