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Giant clam are known as marine bivalves (Tridacnidae) which live in coral reef ecosystems and one of its species can grow very big/large. Traditionally, giant clams have been used by coastal people as source of food, building materials, household equipments which resulted in rapid decline of clams natural populations. Consequently, giant clams were put in endangered species list. Giant clam aquaculture in Indonesia is still in early stages and it is started by producing larvae in hatchery. One of important aspect in giant clam biology is the existence of zooxanthellae as symbiotic algae which have important role i.e as important source of energy by transferring part of their photosynthetic results to the clams. In hatchery operational procedure zooxanthellae were introduced to the larvae. These zooxanthellae were isolated from adult clams so it needs to kill this adult darn Since clams are also known as endangered species, it is important to find other sources of zooxanthellae. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of introduction of zooxanthellae which were isolated from different sources on the survivorship and growth of giant clams larvae. The results showed that there is no differences on the survivorship and growth of giant clams larvae introduced by zooxanthellae isolated from several corals. This result has open a possibility of using corals as source of zooxanthellae instead of using giant clams. Kima adalah kerang laut (Tridacnidae) dimana salah satu spesiesnya dapat tumbuh menjadi besar sehingga disebut kerang raksasa (giant clan). Selama ini kima dimanfaatkan masyarakat pantai baik sebagai sumber makanan, bahan bangunan dan peralatan rumah tangga. Akibatnya populasi menurun sangat drastis sehingga masuk dalam daftar organisme yang dilindungi. Dalam tubuh kima terdapat algae bersel tunggal yang bersimbiosis ditemukan di bagian mantel dan disebut dengan zooxanthellae. Algae ini berperan sangat penting sebagai sumber energi dari hewan kima melalui proses translokasi hasil fotosintesa. Di hatchery zooxanthellae diintroduksikan kepada larva kima dimana zooxanthellae tersebut diisolasi dari induk kima sehingga perlu mengorbankan induk tersebut. Padahal kima sendiri merupakan hewan yang dilindungi. Oleh karena itu perlu usaha untuk mencari sumber zooxanthellae alternatif dalam prosedur operasional di hatchery kima. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh introduksi zooxanthellae yang diisolasi dari beberapa jenis karang terhadap kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan larva kima. Hasil penelitian menuniukkan bahwa larva kima menerima semua zooxanthellae yang berasal dari sumber yang berbeda. Selanjutnya kelangsunganhidup dan pertumbuhan larva kima tidak dipengaruhl oleh sumber dari zooxanthellae yang diintroduksikan kepadanya. Hal ini membuka kemungkinan bersar untuk meman;aatkan karang sebagai sumber dari zooxanthellae sehingga dalam prosedur operasional di hatchery kima tidak perlu lagi mengorbankan kima sebagai sumber zooxanthellae..
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling |
Divisions: | Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Marine Science |
ID Code: | 22652 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 06 Oct 2010 10:47 |
Last Modified: | 06 Oct 2010 10:47 |
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