Sakti, Hastaning and Suyatno, Suyatno and Rahfiludin, Zen (2001) DAMPAK PERUBAHAN SOSEK KELUARGA SELAMA KRISIS EKONOMI TERHADAP STATUS GIZI DAN PRESTASE BELAJAR ANAK SEKOLAH DASAR Studi Kasus pada Siswa dan Keluarga dengan KK terkena PHK di Kota Semarang. Documentation. PUSAT PENELITIAN .

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The prolonged economic crisis in Indonesia has resulted in high inflation, massive unemployment, and a consequential decline in community purchasing power. During the economic crisis, many families have a socioeconomic change as one of unemployment consequence. It can cause the decline of family food access and reduced parent's ability in educational funding and its facilities supply for children. Finally, this condition was predicted that it could have a negative effect on the children nutrition status and it could decrease children achievement at school. Objective: The study conducted to (1) Describe the socioeconomic change on the family whose the leader was discharged from a job; (2) Analyze the difference of food consumption pattern on elementary school children from family whose the leader was discharged from ajob compared with those the leader was not discharged from a job; (3) Analyze the difference of nutritional status on elementary school children from Family whose the leader was discharged from a job compared with those the leader was not discharged from a job; (4) Analyze the difference of elementary school children achievement from family whose the leader was discharged from a job compared with those the leader was not discharged from ajob Method: The study was a cross-sectional design. This research was carried out at nine elementary school in Semarang Municipality. The population was the student of elementary school at the fourth until the sixth year. The choosing of sampel was done purposively. The number of sample was 115 children, consist of 55 children from family whose the leader was discharged from a job and 55 those from family whose the leader was not discharged from a job. The collected data included the children identity and socioeconomic of family, data of food consumption pattern , antropometry (body weight and high), and children achievement at school (base on the Regional Examination-score). The data analyze was done by using SPSS program and statistical test use was Chi Square test and T-test. Result: The result showed, the level of family income from family whose the leader was discharged from a job was lower than those from family whose the leader was not discharged from a job. About three-quarter families (76,4 %) had god decreasing income level as the consequence of the discharged. The average score of food consumption pattern of children from family whose the leader was discharged from a job was lower than those from family whose the leader was not discharged from a job. But the difference was not significant, both at the total score of food consumption pattern and the group of foodstuffs consumption pattern. The average nutritional status of children which was state in z-score of W/A, WA and W/H index, the children from family whose the leader was discharged from a job was lower than those from family whose the leader was not discharged from a job. The t-test indicated the significant difference of nutritional status base on W/A and H/A index between the two groups of samples, on the other hand, base on W/H index was not found the significant difference. The children from family whose socioeconomic change because of the leader was discharged from a job had lower score of learning achievement than those from family whose the leader was not discharged from a job, and the difference was significant. The family ability factor in providing learning facilities for children was the cause of the lower learning achievement of children from family whose the leader discharged from a job. Conclusions: Family Socioeconomic change because of the leader was discharged from a job had a negative effect on the nutrition status and leaning achievement of children. Recommendations for the related sector: to develop and implement supplementary feeding and school funding (fellowship) for student from poor family because of socioeconomic change during economic crisis. Later Belakang: Krisis ekonomi berkelanjutan di Indonesia menyebabkan meningkatnya loflasi, meningkatnya pengangguran dan sebagai konsekuensinya daya beli masyarakat manumit Selma laisis ekonomi berlangsung, banyak keluarga telah mengalami perubahan sosial ekonomi sebagai akibat tedadinya banyak pengangguran. Kondisi ini menyebabkan berkurangnya alcsea keluarga terhadap pangan dan menurunkan kemampuan orang tua dalam membiayai pendidikan dan menyediaan saran pendidikan anak Pada akhirnya, keadaan tersebut diperIciraktin dapat berdampak negatif pada keadaan gizi anak, dan menurunlcan prestasi belajar anak di sekolah. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendiskripsikan gambaran perubahan sosial ekonomi pada keluarga dengan KK terkena pemutusan hubungan ketja (PHK); (2) menganalisis perbedaan pots konsumsi pangan anak sekolah dasar dart keluarga dengan KK terkena PHK chbandingkan dart keluarga dengan MC tidak terkena PHK; (3) menganalisis perbedaan status gizi anak sekolah dasar dart keluarga dengan KK terkena PHK dibandingkan dart keluarga dengan KK tidak terkena PHK. dan (4) menganalisis perbedaan prestasi belajar anak sekolah dasar dart keluarga dengan MC terkena PHI( dibandingkan dart keluarga dengan KK tidak terkena PHK Metode: Penelitian ini meuggunakan disain cross-sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di 9 sekolah dasar di Kota Semarang. Populasi penelitian adalah anak sekolah dasar kelas 4¬6. Pemilihan swivel dilakulcan seen purposive. Jumlah sampel yang dikumpulkan sebanyak 115 orang, terdiri dart 55 anak berasal dart keluarga dengan KK terkena PHK dan 55 anak berasal dari keluarga dengan KK yang tidak terkena PHK. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi identitas anak dan sosial ekonomi keluarga, data pola konsumsi pangan, antropometri dan prestasi belajar anak di sekolah (didasarkan pada nilai Mangan umum bersama). Analisis data dikerjakan dengan menggunalcan program SPSS dan uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji C72i Square dan t-test. Hasa: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, tingkat pendapatan keluarga dart keluarga dengan KK terkena PEE lebih rendah jika dibandingkan pendapatan keluarga dengan KK tidak terkena PHK Sekitar tiga perempat keluarga (76,4 %) telah mengalami penurunan tingkat pendapatan sebagai akibat KK-nya terkena PHK. Rata-rata skor pola konsumsi pangan anak dart keluarga dengan KK terkena PHK relatif lebih rendah dibandingkan pada keluarga dengan KK tidak terkena PHIC Nansun dart uji-t perbedaan tersebut tidak signifikan, balk pada total skor ataupun menurut kelompok bahan pangan. Rata-rata status gizi anak yang dinyatakan dalam nilai z-score BB/U, TB/U dan BIYIB anak dart keluarga dengan KK terkena PHK lebib rendah dibandingkan pada keluarga dengan KK tidak terkena PHK. Hasil t-test memperlihatkan adanya perbedaan status gizi yang signifikan berdasarkan indeks BB/U dan Tam di antara kedua kelompok penelitian, sedangkan berdasarkan indeks BB/IB tidak dijumpai perbedaan yang signifikan. Anak dart keluarga yang mengalami perubahan sosial ekonomi karena KK terkena PHK cenderung memiliki prestasi belajar di sekolah lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok sampel dart keluarga yang tidak terkena PHK, dan perbedaan tersebut signifikan. Faktor kemampuan keluarga dalam menyediakan fasilitas belajar bagi sartmel menjadi penyebab sehingga prestasi belajar tamps! dart keluarga dengan KK terkena PHK menjadi lebih rendah Kesimpulan: Pembahan sosial ekonomi keluarga sebagai akibat dart KK terkena PHK berpengaruh negatif terhadap status gizi dan prestasi belajar anak sekolah dasar. Direkomendasikan untuk sektor torkait untuk mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan program pemberian makanan tambahan dan beasiswa sekolah natal( anak dart keluarga miskin akibat dart perubahan sosial ekonomi selama krisis ekonomi.

Item Type:Monograph (Documentation)
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
Divisions:Document UNDIP
ID Code:22641
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 5
Deposited On:06 Oct 2010 10:27
Last Modified:06 Oct 2010 10:27

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