Analisis Pengaruh Stok Beras, Luas Panen, Rata-Rata Produksi, Harga Beras, dan Jumlah Konsumsi Beras Terhadap Ketahanan Pangan di Jawa Tengah

AFRIANTO, Denny and SANTOSO, Purbayu Budi (2010) Analisis Pengaruh Stok Beras, Luas Panen, Rata-Rata Produksi, Harga Beras, dan Jumlah Konsumsi Beras Terhadap Ketahanan Pangan di Jawa Tengah. Undergraduate thesis, UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO.

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The threat of rice endurance crisis is affecting Indonesia even more. Several opinions state that this particular problem occurs as the consequence of the significant increasing of rice consumption along with the high growth of inhabitant, while rice production’s capability is actually decreasing. It even worsen by the higher price of foodstuffs that leads to the groceries scarcity. As one of the biggest rice producer in Indonesia, The Province of Central Java has a responsibility to fulfill the demand of rice. However, that particular demand could only be a merely hope if The Province of Central Java can not even fulfill its own society’s demand of rice. Therefore, this research is being arranged to analyze the condition of Central Java’s rice endurance condition with focusing more on the rice availability in each region. This research is using rice availability ratio as the dependent variable, while the independent variables that being used are rice stock, harvest extent, average production, retail rice price, and number of rice consumption. The method being used is data panel analysis by comparing rice availability pattern in each region in Central Java. By the result of regression, it is known that the rice stock has an insignificant positive impact upon rice availability ratio, harvest extent, and average production. Rice price has an insignificant negative impact to rice availability ratio, while number of rice consumption has a significant negative impact on rice availability ratio. Based on the analysis result, it can be found that 22 regions have better rice availability ratio’s growth compared to region of Sukoharjo as the benchmark of this research, while the rest 12 regions have lower rice availability ratio’s growth compared to region of Sukoharjo.

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords:rice production, rice availability ratio, data panel, benchmark
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HC Economic History and Conditions
Divisions:Faculty of Economics and Business > Department of Economics and Development Studies
ID Code:22602
Deposited On:06 Oct 2010 08:49
Last Modified:06 Oct 2010 08:49

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