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Sesusi dengan judul daft penelitian ini yaitu: " Analisis Fakta-fakta hasil KKN Mahasiswa UNDIP di Kecamatan Bangari Kabu¬l:Paten Jepara Tahun 1996. Make penelitian ini zenjeleskan tentang fakta-fakta hash' KKN mahasiawa UNDIP di Kecamatan bangsri Kabu¬paten Japers. Perlu dijelaskan bahwa KKN yang dijadikan objek penelitian ini diawali dengan pembekalan KKN seisms satu semester genera to rencana. Artinya materinya disusun seeara sistematia salami satu semester diberikan kepada mahasiswa yang skim mengambil KKN. Gambaran tentang Kecamatan Bangari adalah bahwa daerah ini¬termasuk dart Kabupaten Jepara yang terletak di pesisir utara pu lau jaws. Bahkan ada beberapa dwsa yang langsung bersentuhan de¬ngan pantai. Masysrakatnya sebagian besar memeluk agama Islam , dan hanya sebagian 'tech' yang menganut agama lain. Hata pencahari an yang mereka miliki kebanyakan adalah petani dan nelayan den baru sebagian yang wiraswasta dan sebagai pegawai. Kerja KKN mahasiswa UNDIP di Kecamatam Bangsri depat dike¬lompokkan deism duo kelompok Janis kegiatan. Yaitu Kegiatan fisik dan kegiatan non fisik. Kegiatan fisik seperti halnya membuat ja¬lan bent; pengaspalan jalan, rehqb mushalla atau masjid, membuat atau memperbaiki MCK, membuat bataa desa dan lain sebagainya. Adapun kegiatan non fisik meliputi; penyuluhan kesehatan , posyandu, pengajian, penyuluhan hukum, pasar murah, penyuluhan administrasi desa, pembenahan karang taruna, PKK, remaj,a masjid dan lain sebageinya. Dalam menunjang kegiatan balk kegiatan fisik ataupun non fisik dana didapatkan daft swadaya masyarakat, pemerintah atau¬pun usaha pare mahasiswa melalui proposal yang disebarkan . Ada pu perbandingan dana yang didapat adalah 2C % dart pemerintah , 30 % dari masyarakat dan usaha mahasiswa sebanyak 50 %. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya mahasiawa KKN UNDIP di Kecamatan Bangsri dapat dikatakan beehasil. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari pro¬gram yang dibuat sekitar 90 % terselesaikan pada seat penerikan. Kendala yang dihadepi mahasiswa sekitar waktu yang terbataa,kei¬nginan masyarakat yang terlalu tinggi, kekompakan mahasiswa kurang. frekuensi mahasiswa yang terlalu string pulang karena tugas fakul tea dan lain sebagainya. According to the title of this research, that is " Analysis - of- KKN.faetual work of UNDIP students at Kecamatan Bangsri Kabupa —ten Jepara in the year of 1996. So this research explains the factual work of KKN of UNDIP students at Kecamatem Bangsri Kabupaten Jepara. It is necessary to tell that the KKN to be object of this research is firstly begun with the lecture of KKN during one semester. The lecture was planned. It means that the lecture was systemized during one semester and given to the studebts who took KKN. Discription of Kecamatan Bangsri is that Kecamatan Bangsri is included in Kabupaten Jepara which locates at north sea sore of Java island. Even there are some villages which directly touch to the sea—board. Most of the society are moslems and only a some follow other religion. Most of them are farmers or fishermen and some of them are interprenour and civil servants. The work of KKN students at Kecamatan Bangsri can be classified into two kinds of work. Fisical work and non fisical work. The fisical work is like making new road, improving road, renovating mosque, making toalet, village limitation and so on. Non fisical work is like health guidance, Posyandu, religious guidance, law guidance, cheap selling, guidance of village administra¬tion, reorganizing Karang Taruna, education of femilY waifare (PKK), mosque teenegers and so on. The fund which was used was from society, goverment or students looked for 4t from many sources. The .comparation of the fund I. WhichwaCitOti was 20 % from goverment, 0 froM society and 50 % from students. In. doing their Work ifilifhg KKN, student of UNDIP is said to be succesful. It can be seen from the work that finished during KKN. It is for about 90 % finished as they went home. The problems that were found were limited time given to the students, the will of society was too high, little coordination and cooperation among students, the frequency of going home was too often, it was caused by the compulsory given by faculty during KKN.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Divisions: | Document UNDIP |
ID Code: | 22593 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 06 Oct 2010 08:21 |
Last Modified: | 06 Oct 2010 08:21 |
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