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Tujuan penelitian pada shun keliga ditekankan pada dua hal, yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi the level of voluntary disclosure dengan melalui penyusunan indeks voluntary disclosure untuk setiap perusahaan yang terdaflar di PT. BEI (Bursa Efek Jakarta) dan atau di ET. BES (Bursa Efek Surabaya). Setelah ditemukan indeks VD, kemudian indeks VD perusahaan digolongkan per klasifileasi industri. Sedangkan tujuan lainnya adalah mengidentifikasi beberapa karaktcristik perusahaan yang mempengaruhi tingkat voluntary disclosure yang selanjulnya dilakukan studi korctasi indeks voluntary disclosure dengan karakteristik perusahaan. Mctode analisis yang digunakan adalah metodc staitistik deskriptif untuk mengidentilikasi masing-masing variabel babas (yaitu komposisi dewan !corn haris, &mite audit, ukuran perusahaan. leverage, prolitabilitas, operasi perusahaan, dan jenis industri), sedangkan variabel deprodemiya adalah indeks voluntary disclosure. Sedangkan uji statistik yang digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel babas terhadap variabel dependen adalah multiple regression analysis denga menggunakan program SPSS. Hasa statistik deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa industri pertambangan memiliki Voluntary Disclosure Index (VDI) yang testing' (mean score 'Melts 0,465); diikuli oleh industri infrestruktur. prasarana don wanpostasi (0,400), dan industri pertanian & perkehunen (0,380). Dengan adanya VDI yang linggi menuMukkan bahwa kedge jenis industri ini memiliki komilmen unluk menyejiken secara terbuka (transparan) inforrnasi yang dimilkinya kepada immtarakat. Selain ilu pnyajian informnsi kepada masyarakat lugs menunjukkan adanya nial balk dart perusahaan untuk fair (adil) dalam penyMian infonnasi yang disajikan dalam laporan keuangennya. Dengan demik ion, adanya pt akl ik sokintary disclosure manindi salah saw [Maw pendukung dalam mcnegaktan prinsip Good Corporate Governance, khususnya prinsip Keterbukaan (Transparency) dan prinsip Kcadi lan (fairness). Hasii lain jugo meminjukkan bahwa tujuh variabel betas (komposisi dewan komisaris. komile audit. utopian perusahaan. leverage, profilbilitass, skala operas! perusahaan, dan jenis industri) SeCJIA bernema-soma mempengaruht Imam Voluntary Disclosure perusahann puihlik di 1ndonensia. Sedangkan secera dari !Mull variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, hanya variabe: raja yang herpengeruh secant signifikan, yaitu komposisi dower, komisaris (KA 'Fora permalman (Xi), slab operasi perusahaan (Xs), dan jenis industri (X,). Adanya Inman variabel komposisi dewan komisaris berpengaruh secant signifikan ierhadap linerl voluntary disclosure menunjukkan bahwa enggota komisari. yang berimat dad lour perusahaan memptimiai peran untuk mancgakkan prinsip Good Co-porow Governance. khususnya prinsip trensparansi dan akunlabilitas laporan Tallman penisahaan. The objective of this third year research is , first to identify the level of voluntary disclosure based on the voluntary disclosure index (VD!) of each company listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and the Surabaya Stock Exchange. After that, each VDI of each company is classified into some industry types. The second objective is to identify some firms' characteristics which have relationship with the level of voluntary disclosure. The descriptive statistics is used to describe the mean score of independent variables (the composition of board of commissioner, the audit committee, firm's size, leverage, profitability, firm operation, and the industry types) and the independent variable (voluntary disclosure index). While to examine the relationship between independent and dependent variables, the Inultivariatc analysisi by using multiple regression is used. The result of descriptive statistics show that the mining industry have the highest mean score of VD( (0,4650, followed by the infraunicture and tiansportation (0.400). and the Agriculture (0,384). By using multiple regression analysis, the finding that the board of directors' composition has a significant influence on the level of voluntary disclosure supported the evidence that the inclusion of outside persons as members of board directors will increase the board's effectiveness and companies' performance, Size (Xs) is also a factor that influences the level of voluntary items. As the firms grow in size, shareholders become inore dispersed, and the number of employers becomes bigger and they become aware of the importanceof company's information. Managers of large firms are likely to choose voluntary disclosure policiee to enhance their corporate reputation and employee image. Providing employees such information would improve employee understanding, openness, trust and acceptance of the broader and higher level corporate issues which direct or indirectly affect their beherivr in work. Another finding is the multinational company (Xs) is statistically significant (p < OM) with the level of voluntary disclosure, It means that multinational firms tend to disclose more information voluntarily compare to those that operate domestically only. A firms go multinational, they face new demands of information beyond those faced at home, In relation to the industry types, consumer goods industry and property and real estate industry have significant relationship with the level of VIA might be these two industries, during last two years, were affected by the big economIc crisis so that most activiemso cused on how they can survive. Based on these research findings, it can be implied that public-listed companies have tendency to disclose more information to users through voluntary disclosure practices. This practices support good corporate governance principles, especially transparency and fairness prmciplcs.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory |
Divisions: | Faculty of Economics and Business > Diploma in Economics |
ID Code: | 22102 |
Deposited By: | Ms upt perpus3 |
Deposited On: | 14 Sep 2010 12:08 |
Last Modified: | 14 Sep 2010 12:08 |
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