GAMBARAN HISTOPATOLOGIK LIMPA WISTAR YANG DIBERI DIET LIGNIN DAN DIINDUKSI KARSINOGENESIS KOLON ( Penelitian observasional laboratorik terhadap Wistar yang diinduksi 1,2 Dimethylhydrazine subkutan, diet tinggi lemak dan protein)

Vianny, Margaretha (2006) GAMBARAN HISTOPATOLOGIK LIMPA WISTAR YANG DIBERI DIET LIGNIN DAN DIINDUKSI KARSINOGENESIS KOLON ( Penelitian observasional laboratorik terhadap Wistar yang diinduksi 1,2 Dimethylhydrazine subkutan, diet tinggi lemak dan protein). Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Medicine.

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Background: 1,2 Dimethylhydrazine (DMH) is a potent carcinogen which induces colon carcinogenesis. Lignin can increase bile acid absorption to be excreted through feces, consequently can avoid carcinogenic substance formation. This avoiding carcinogen effect is assumed can prevent spleen’s injury in colon carcinogenesis. This study had purpose to see the description of colon carcinogenesis induction and colon carcinogenesis plus Lignin dietary to spleen’s histopathological pattern. Method: This laboratory observational study used 15 Wistars which were divided into 3groups. Group I, 5 normal Wistars without any intervention. Group II, 5 Wistars induced 1,2 DMH subcutaneous, high lipid and protein dietary. Group III, 5 Wistars given Lignin dietary before and during carcinogenesis induction. At the beginning of 9th week, all of Wistars were terminated and histopathological sample of the spleens were made for furthermore examination. Data include in macroscopic (weight and volume of the spleen)and microscopic(diameter of centrum germinativum, white pulp,and marginal zone,also count of lymphocyte, plasma cell, and macrophage). Data were analyzed descriptively and presented in table and graphic. Result: In group I spleen’s volume 0,38±0,04ml; weight 0,33±0,04gr; mean of centrum germinativum diameter is 16,003,94μm; white pulp 31,604,22μm; marginal zone 1,400,55μm; count of lymphocyte 29, plasma cell 0, and macrophage 1. Group II volume 0,62±0,13ml; weight 0,76±0,18gr; centrum germinativum diameter 12,383,54μm; white pulp 27,885,25μm; marginal zone 4,381,69μm; lymphocyte 23, plasma cell 1, macrophage 2. Group III volume 0,52±0,08ml; weight 0,48±0,08gr; centrum germinativum diameter 14,402,07μm; white pulp 32,403,43μm; marginal zone 1,800,45μm; lymphocyte 26; plasma cell 1, macrophage 1. Conclusion: Spleen’s macroscopic data (weight and volume) and the histopathological pattern had been described in normal group (without intervention), carcinogen inducted group, and group that was given Lignin dietary before and during carcinogenesis induction. Key Words:Lignin, spleen’s histopathological pattern,colon carcinogenesis induction

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:R Medicine > RB Pathology
Divisions:Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine
ID Code:22090
Deposited On:08 Sep 2010 08:52
Last Modified:08 Sep 2010 08:52

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