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Poorness is a situation of their life and that is why this is not the desire or the will of the poor person, how ever or yet it can not be evoided with the energetic of them. We know about the mark of poorness as follows : their are the weakness or poorness of value of their production from poor, the powerness or weakness of quality of the capa¬bility of resources of human, the inferior or lowerness of the production, the limitation of invesment, of their wages and also the limitation to make participation of the develop¬ment of nations. The diminishing of the amount of the poor persons from 70 million or 607. it hapenned at 1970, it becomes 27,2 million and at 1990, this result of fact of the various program of the development sector in the regional it is directly or not directly and this is for the avoiding of the poorness. The amount of the people are still very much, so that and it is very important to help or support them from the poorness. The beginning of the REPELITA VI it was made a special program, that is the adding program, and it is beside the true program, this was called the program of Inpress From the Leaving City ( IDT ). This inpress have a meaning to make a high stratified society for the poorness with followed to the poor society of the cities. Through this inpress, it will be unified with the sector program or regional program and it can covered all these cities, so that with effectiveness will he a great planning to help or to support the poorness. an aCtivity so that the leader of the district or the LKMD with the supporting of the LKMD has make a recognising to the poor people in their environment and with their leader beside them, give for them activity to form a group of society that is called the KSM. The leader of this district with LKMD make an evaluation of proposal of planning for the activity in the district was performed through the vessel of the group of the society KSM, with are grown, and also be established, be appointed and also be developed together with LKMD and be co¬ordinated with the LKMD, this LKMD become as a vessel for the activity the social and economic of the populations with live in poorness and this can make them lives in good property. The organisation of the dictrict of society has a task as follows : 1. Have a plan for the developping district and it is based with discussion. 2. To make an activity and to make an increasing plan and also partisipation to the society for developping our country with unified, the best is from the goverment activity and also the unified of the society. 3. To make increasing of the condition in dinamic of the society for developping and defending the village. As we know the ask of the LKMD' it. is a tact, that about the planning and the performing of the development of the village has an important and grat responsibilities. So you can see that the LKMD has a task to perform the develop-. ment and it can be directed to support the poorness in our With the connection the IDT program, the LKMD or the organisation of defending district has made a proposal from the district, and it was discussed in the developping of agreement in the district in the vessel of LKMD. The result of this discussion becomes an agreeding of the LKMD with the planning of the group activity, and this can be expended from the funds of the IDT. Kemiskinan adalah situasi serpa kekurangan yang terjadi bukan.karena dikehendaki oleh si miskin, melainkan karena tidak bisa dihindari dengan kekuatan yang ada padanya. Kemiskinan antara lain ditandai dengan lemahnya nilai tukar hasil produksi orang miskin, rendahnya kualitas sumberdaya manusia, rendahnya produktivitas, terbatasnya modal yang dimiliki, rendahnya pendapatan dan terbatasnya kesempatan berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan. Menurunnya jumlah penduduk miskin dari 70 juta atau 60% pada tahun 1970 menjadi 27,2 juta pada tahun 1990 merupa¬kan hasil nyata dari pelaksanaan berbagai program pembangunan sektoral dan regional yang secara langsung dan tidak langsung ditujukan untuk menanggulangi kemiskinan. Jumlah penduduk miskin ini cukup besar sehingga diperlukan upaya khusus untuk membantu mereka menanggulangi kemiskinannya. Mulai Repelita VI dilancarkan program khusus, yaitu program tambahan disamping program-program pembangunan yang telah ada dan dinamakan program Inpres Desa Tertinggal. Inpres ini dimaksudkaan untuk meningkatkan penanganan kemis¬kinan secara berkelanjutan di desa--desa miskin. Melalui Inpres ini akan dipadukan program-program sektoral maupun regional yang mencakup desa-desa tersebut, sehingga secara efektif akan berdampak besar terhadap penanggulangan kemiski¬nan. Program Inpres Desa Tertinggal (IDT) merupakan suatu gerakan, sehingga Kepala Desa dengan dukungan LKMD menemu-kenali penduduk miskin di daerahnya dan kemudian dengan bantuan pendamping mendorong terbentuknya Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat ( KSM ). Kepala Desa bersama LKMD mengeva¬luasi usulan rencana kegiatan program IDT yang diajukan oleh KSM. Kegiatan di tingkat desa dilaksanakan melalui wadah Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat ( KSM. ) yang ditumbuhkan, dibina, diarahkan dan dikembangkan bersama dibawah koordinasi LKMD yang mer:upakan wadah kegiatan social ekonomi penduduk miskin untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya. Lembaga Ketahanan Masyarakat Desa mempunyai tugas-¬tugas sebagai berikut : 1. Merencanakan pembangunan dan d dasarkan atas asas musyawarah. 2. Menggerakkan dan meningkatkan prakarsa dan partisipasi masyarakat untuk melaksanakan pem banqunan secara terpadu, baik yang berasal dari kegiatan pemerintah maupun swadaya gotong royong masyarakat. 3. Menumbuhkan kondisi dinamis masyarakat untuk mengembanykan ketahanan di desa. Melihat tugas LKMD tersebut ternyata bahwa dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan di desa mempunyai peranan yang sangat besar. Hal ini dapat dilihat bahwa LKMD mempunyai tugas merencanakan dan melaksanakan pembangunan dapat diarahkan untuk mengentaskan kemiskinan yang terjadi. Dalam kaitannya dengan program IDT, Lembaga Keta¬hanan Masyarakat Desa menghimpun usulan dari kelompok¬kelompok di desa dan dibahas dalam musyawarah pembangunan desa dalam wadah LKMD. Hasil musyawarah tersebut berupa kesepakatan LKMD atas rencana kegiatan setiap kelompok yang akan dibiayai dari dana program Inpres Desa Tertinggal (TUT).
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | J Political Science > J General legislative and executive papers |
ID Code: | 21950 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 07 Sep 2010 07:57 |
Last Modified: | 07 Sep 2010 07:57 |
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