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As an effort to find the alternative indicator of domestic waste pollution in the environment with high environmental stress, in the second phase of the research (2004) which represent the condition of rainy season that related with West monsoon, survey and collecting water and surface bottom sediment samples were done in March - April 2004. The objective of this research is to understand the existence and persistence of coprostanol, degrading coprostanol bacteria, and the condition of water quality. The research was done in three cities as follow. a) Jakarta, represent a metropolitan city environment, b) Semarang for a large city, and c) Jepara for a small city, and in each location included the environmental condition of river, river mouth, and coastal waters. The results show that coprostanol could be detected in both the sediment and water samples of each environmental condition of all of the cities. The highest coprostanol concentration in Jakarta was detected in control station (4925 Rig), and follow by river mouth Marina Ancol (45.45 -46.19 gg/g), Ciliwung river (40.90 - 41.24 tug/g), and coastal waters (37,64 - 38,05 pg/g). In Semarang sit; the highest concentration was detected in control station (28,48 ttg/g), follow by coastal waters (26,39 - 26,56 gg/g), river (19,59 - 19,93 pg/g), and river mouth of Banjir Kanal Timur (17,87 - 18,00 pg/g). For Jepara, the highest concentration was detected in river mouth (35.03 - 35.35 pg/g), followed by coastal waters (31,27 - 31,49 Rig), control station (31.35 Rig), and river (26,08 - 26,73 pg/g). Foe water samples from Jakarta, the highest concentration was detected in the river (0,052 - 0,055 pg/tn1), followed by river (0,028 - 0,030 pg/m1), coastal waters (0,015 - 0,017 jtg/m1), and control station (0,010 pg/m1). For Semarang site, the highest concentration was detected in the river (0,090 - 0,092 pg/ml), river mouth (0,075 - 0,076 gg/m1), control station (0,072 tug/m1), and coastal waters (0,060 - 0,062 gg/m1). In Jepara, the highest concentration in the river (0,097 - 0,100 gg/m1), followed by river mouth (0,078 - 0,80 tig/m1), control station (0,015 pg/nil), and coastal waters (0,012 - 0,013 pg/ml). This research also showed the problem of using bio-indicator, aliform bacteria, which only be detected in the river environment, and decreased rapidly into the river mouth environment, and not detected in the coastal waters, both in sediment and water samples. In Jakarta site, (era/ col/form was detected in water of river (1,5 104 sell/100 ml), in sediments (1,5 104 - 4,3 104 sell/100 nil), and decreased in the river mouth become 4,0 103 - 6,0 103 sell/100 ml in the water and 0 - 3,0 103 sell/100 ml in the sediments, and not detected in coastal water, both in water and sediment. In Semarang, in the water of river was detected 9,0 103 - 1,5 104 sell/ 100 ml, and in sediment (2,3 104 -3,5 104 sell/100 ml), decreased in river mouth, 0 - 1,1 104 sell/100 ml in the water, and 4,0 103 - 9,0 103 sell/100 ml in the sediment, and not detected in coastal water, both in the sediment and the water. In Jepara, in the river water was detected 9,0 10' sell/100 ml and in the sediment 1,5 101 - 9,3 104 se11/100 ml, in the water and sediment of river mouth was detected 4,0 101 sell/100 ml, and not detected in coastal waters, both in water and sediments. Natural kinetic biodegradation of coprostanol showed that aeration and non aeration treatments did not give significant impact. For Jakarta, the average rate of natural biodegradation of coprostanol in the river environment is 0,0678 Rig day-1, in river mouth (0,0456 peg day'), and coastal waters (0,3925 pg/g day'). In Semarang, in river environment (0,0641 gg/g day'), river mouth (0,0086 Rig day-'), and coastal waters (0,3212 pg/g day'). For Jepara, in river environment (0,1843 pg/g day1), river mouth (0,3309 pg/g day'), and coastal waters (0,2727 Reg day-1). Those showed that the highest rate of natural biodegradation of coprostanol was happened in the coastal water environment with range from 0,2727 to 03925 pg/g days). Fifty four of degrading coprostanol bacteria have been isolated from all locations which comprised of 3 isolate from each substrate of three environmental conditions. All isolate had been analyzed quantitatively by determine the growth rate of biomass, and were selected 18 isolates. All of the selected isolate bacteria now in identification process, and was scheduled to be done in the middle of this November. Analysis of the pollution index, only for Jakarta that had been done, and for Semarang and Jepara is still in processing. Based on the pollution index of Jakarta that affected by domestic wastes, the Ciliwung river was fairly polluted (Pollution Index 8,59), river mouth (PI 3,59), coastal waters (PI 1,93), and control station (IP 1,93) were light polluted Sebagai upaya unmk mendapatkan altematif indikator pencemaran limbah domestik pada lingkungan dengan tekanan lingkungan tinggi, pada penelitian tahap II (2004), yang mewakili kondisi musitn hujan dan bersamaan dengan monsun Barat, telah dilakukan survei dan pengambilan sampel air dan sedimen permukaan dasar perairan pada bulan Maret - April 2004. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang eksistensi dan persistensi koprostanol, bakteri pendegradasi koprostanol, dan kondisi kualitas perairan. Penelitian dilakukan pada tiga tipologi kota yaitu: a) kota metropolitan (Jakarta), tid kota besar (semarang), dan c) kota keeil (Jepara), dan mencakup kondisi lingkungan sungai, muara, dan Perairan pantai. Hasil penclitian menunjukkan bahwa koprostanol terdeteksi path sampel sedimen dan sampel air pada tiap kondisi lingkungan di ketiga kota. Untuk lokasi Jakarta, konsentrasi koprostanol tertinggi terdeteksi di stasion kontrol (49,25 pg/g), kemudian muara Marina Ancol (45,45 - 46,19 pg/g), sungai Ciliwung (40,90 -41,24 pg/g), dan perairan pantai (37,64 - 38,05 pg/g). Sedangkan untuk lokasi Semarang, konsentrasi tertinggi juga terdeteksi di stasion kontrol (28,48 pg/g), kemudian perairan pantai (26,39 - 26,56 pg/g), sungai (19,59 - 19,93 Rig), dan muara Banjir Kanal Tirniw (17,87 - 18,00 pg/g). Untuk lokasi Jepara, konsentrasi tertinggi terdeteksi pada muara (35.03 - 35.35 peg), kemudian perairan pantai (31,27 - 31,49 pg/g), stasion kontrol (31.35 Rig), dan sungai (26,08 - 26,73 pg/g). Sedangkan di sampel air, untuk lokasi Jakarta, konsentrasi koprostanol tertinggi terdeteksi pada sungai (0,052 - 0,055 pg/m1), kemudian muara (0,028 - 0,030 pg/m1), perairan pantai (0,015 - 0,017 pg/m1), dan stasion konnol (0,010 pg/in1). Sedangkan untuk lokasi Semarang, konsentrasi tertinggi terdeteksi juga terdeteksi pada sungai (0,090 - 0,092 pg/ml), muara (0,075 - 0,076 pg/m1), stasion kontrol (0,072 pernd, dan perairan pantai (0,060 - 0,062 Rim!). Untuk lokasi Jepara, konsentrasi tertinggi terdeteksi di sungai (0,097 - 0,100 pg/m1), kemudian di muara (0,078 - 0,80 pg/nil), stasion kontrol (0,015 pg/m1), dan perairan pantai (0,012 - 0,013 pg/m1). Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan pennasalahan dalam pemanfaatan bio-indikator bakteri caiform yang hanva terdeteksi di kondisi lingkungan sungai, dan menurun di lingkungan muara, hingga tidak terdeteksi di perairan pantai, balk di sampel air maupun sampel sedimen. Untuk lokasi Jakarta, fecal col(forp, di sungai terdeteksi di air (1,5 104 sell/100 ml) di sedimen (1,5 104 - 4,3 104 sell/100 ml), menu= di muara, 4,0 101 - 6,0 10' sell/100 ml di air dan 0 - 3,0 101 sell/100 ml di sedimen, dan tidak terdeteksi pada sampel air dan sedimen di perairan pantai. Untuk lokasi Semarang, di sungai terdeteksi di air (9,0 101 - 1,5 101 sell/100 ml) dan di sedimen (2,3 104 - 3,5 104 sell/100 ml), menurun di muara, 0 - 1,1 101 sell/100 ml di air dan 4,0 HP - 9,0 103 sell/100 nil, dan tidak terdereksi di sampel as dan sedimen perairan pantai. Untuk lokasi Jepara, di air sungai terdeteksi 9,0 10' sell/100 nil dan di sedimen 1,5 104 - 9,3 104 sell/100 ml, di air dan sedimen muara terdeteksi 4,0 10" sell/100 ml, dan tidak terdeteksi di sampel air dan sedimen perairan pantai. Uji kinetika biodegradasi koprostanol secara alamiah menunjukkan bahwa pengaruhi perlakuan aerasi dan non aerasi tidak memberikan perbedaan yang signifikan. Pada lokasi Jakarta, rerata laju laju biodegradasi koprostanol pada kondisi lingkungan sungai adalah 0,0678 pg/g hari-1, muara (0,0456 pg/g dan perairan pantai (0,3925 pg/g hared. Sedangkan untuk lokasi Semarang, pada lingkungan sungai (0,0641 pg/g haril), muara (0,0086 pg/g had-'), dan perairan pantai (0,3212 pg/g had I). Sedangkan unmk Jepara, di lingkungan sungai (0,1843 pg/g had'), muara (0,3309 pg/g had), dan perairan pantai (0,2727 pg/g had I). Tampak bahwa laju biodegradasi alamiah tercepat terjadi di lingkungan perairan patai, dengan kisaran (0,2727 - 03925 peg had-1). Untuk bakteri pendegradasi koprostanol, telah dapat diselcksi 3 (tiga) isolat untuk tiap substrat (air clan sedimen) pada nap kondisi lingkungan (sungai, muara, dan perairan pantai), sehinma total ada 54 isolat. Dad 54 isolat tersebut telah diselcksi sccara kuantitatif (laju pertumbuhan bakteri) isolat yang menunjukkan potensi pendegradasi koprostanol terbaik untuk masing-masing substrat pada tiap kondisi lingkungan, schingga ada 18 isolat terseleksi, yang saat ini masih dalam proses identifikasi, dan dijadwalkan pada pertengahan Nopember, proses identifikasi bakteri pendegradasi koprostanol telah dapat diselesaikan. Analisis tingkat pencemaran lingkungan perairan untuk lokasi Jakarta telah selesai dilakukan, sedangkan untuk lokasi Semarang dan Jepara masa] dalam proses analisis data. Untuk lokasi Jakarta, berdasarkan indeks pencemaran akibat pengaruh limbah domestik, diketahui bahwa sungai Ciliwung berada pada kondisi cemar sedang (IP 8,59), sedangkan muara (IP 3,59), perairan pantai (IP 1,93), dan stasion kontrol (IP 1,93) berada pada kondisi cemar ringan.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering |
Divisions: | Document UNDIP |
ID Code: | 21908 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 06 Sep 2010 11:27 |
Last Modified: | 06 Sep 2010 11:27 |
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