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Metode nitridasi, karbonasi sebelumnyst OICII Nut dkk (21101) to1411 &tannin untuk mengeraskan logsun cangkul, sedangkan metode °Urethan dim qtiling111111 Web Saefudin (2001) mirth diterapkan untuk mengeraskats baps Wuhan roodoh demon Mid yaitu terjadinya kenaikan nilai kekerasan pada baja Inagua 300%. VIMII pemtasalahannya adalah peristiwa lines apa yang Wraith secant inikroskopik dan 11181111 peristiwa Nis yang satu dengan yang lainnya selnugio penuropun karbonasi dan quenching manilas menaikkan kekentsan shut utungObi111 alfIlk1111 milcronya, serta komposisi unsur kimianya. Penalititin int mortipaktui donolitian 1011)41111 yaitu dengan menggabungkan ketiga tneksde tersebui wino Nitridnsi, knrnansin din quenching NaCI(NilCaNa). Bahan yang digunakan sebugai smnpel adalah laths karhon rund*h joie MA 750 JIS STKM 18 A danger) kadar karhon 0,18% dan Allkoo 3%. Ponalithin kd dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaks]; Lanais treatment [twill, tiding trtomnuot NikiiNk din tahap pengujian. Taken treatment awal adalah ponspunphtsan Mtn puntitnititin intips1 baja dipanaskan datum bnrnace Chamber Oven thingtut nteinkukun voft§141 IOU din waktu pemanasan. Variasi suhu pemanasan adalals 300 °C, 600 °C, 000 °C AIM WINS waktu ponanaaan Maim 15 mean, 30 mann, clan 45 mann Talinp Iroulmani MIAMI memiliki tiga bagian secant batsman's runs nitridasi, kartxmnst dot quanehind Nitridasi adalah penyesnprotan gas nitrogen pada smiting Innis yang whin dipanaduni dengan suhu den waktu pemanasan muting Karbontua wittlok poocolopon tinmpid ndjd yang telah dipanaskan kembali dengan suhu den within pauanaawn pow awns dew awal ke dalam cairan oil beim. Dius quenching Mal adalah pwiuulupun Sumps' bidi yang telah dipanaskan kembali dengan sulm dun waken nenuunison Yong awal ke dalatn larutan gamin dapur jenub. Tabun terakliir adalnh peouttlion. Ponwijigli yang dilalcukan adalah uji kekerasan demon metode (Kite kandilfiplli unsur kimia dengan metode Fourier l'ragy/i)rm ltdrared dan tin struktur mlkrfl dengan metode x-ray Difirraton (X121)) dan metode &gaining ktioravape /Visalia/I (SEM). Hasid pengujian tingkat kekerasan menggunakwi include 11Itc (ROUhYdlii) dengan sudut intan 120" clan beban 150 kpit inemperldiatkan bakwa meted/ NiKANN terbukti mantpu meningkatkan nilai kekerastin bunk Karnak:tit titbit inhuman WORM° diperoleh dari swipel baja yang ditreatment pada schu 1/0111111111111111 900 Ile deli pemanasan 15 menit dengan kenailout nilai kekerattati litugga 600%, limit HP 1111111f kimia menggunakan F'riR memperlilintkan (HIS° Imitiment NIKaNit itioiljadikan Vida permukaan sampel baja terbentiik gugus (tumid barn yailit -N dan 4? yft11$ dimungkinlcan sebagai basil reaksi kimia pads proses ntiridasi dan karbonast, Mmit tiji struktur mikro menggunakan X12.1) inomperlibnIkan balm° wnw1 Var mengandung struktur dari gugus finnan Fe1N dim Felt" 111011killtIll cUuem WHOM Mid didominasi oleh struktur kristal dari imam best (Fe). Iktrt parliittuigan data Inapt 101 XRD jugs diperoleh baliwa Attain butinut dan Mink lunar butirati Maltjadi Sementara basil uji struktur mikro ittengguitakitti Sl{M momporlilmtkan holiwo oampel terNilCaNa memiliki struktur !Haulm yang labill Indus, knoil.kavil dm pidii dibandingkan sampel Lana sebelurn treatment. Hand int XHI) dun inilfth yang menjelaskan mengapa metode NiKaNti manna] ineningkatkan tidal kokgroman dimana dal= teori menyatakan bahwa tuna yang moonlike mtniklia hinimu yeas Mill halus, kecil-keeil dan padat akan memiliki sitht kekerasan yang 'Stilt Mini. The recent methods, Nitride mid Carbonized (Nitridoi dart kmbottimilli) by Nig (2001) has been used to obtain the hardness low carbon-Mot More over, a inoditleiitiOn method by adding quenching Neel (blandest dun Quailing Nut) by Neel* (200 I) has increased of the hardness mail 300%. We used then this method with abbreviation as NIAaNa method to mut and continue our research. In this case, physical meaning and related phenomena will be answered and should be explained microscopically, why the applied taehalegl hu changed not only the atomic structure but also the clothes( composition of the eteel, Similar material of low carbon steel (type of Mal' 750 JIS STKM IN A) with OA% carbon and 3% silicon in this time has been used. This experiment is prepared in throe steps I.e. pro Irnxdnloll, Nigel% iild analysis step: I. The pre treatment step was smoothing and healing. Nwnpla was Rellial In furnace chamber oven with temperature mid time variation '1'110 tenuterettlit is varied by 300°C, 600°C, and 900°C, meanwhile the duration of holing unit ill changed by 15, 30, and 45 minutes. 2. The NiKaNa stage has three successive parts, i.e. Nlnido, CrabOtilired• gyp, Ind NaCI quenching. By Nitride step, Nitrogen 11118 111111 buns sprayed out into the sample at given heating time duration and 10llipaliture. Hy wirbonthsed Map; the heated steel will be inserting in to the hydrocarbon oil (oli bakes) M the SIM initial condition. By Neel quenching, the sample, which boated et this win time and temperature as Mittel condition, will be put is saturated NMI solution. 3. The last step in the experiment is results of dottlyNiN. The hardness has bell tested by HRC (Rochwell). The chemical composition bits been proud by Fourier 'Transform Infrared (FR method. The microstructure •ittillilliti(111 hBl been done using X-Ray Diffraction (XRI)) method and Noting MONO Microscopy (SEM) method. The result test of level hardness of the sample is taken place at diamond wish of 120° and 150-kPa loads. It shows that NiKaNa method can ha proved 10 imeglial of level value of the steel hardness. The highest value is reached until shout 000% it 900°C- heating temperature and 15 minutes-heating time durailun. Tina result hill anil also proved by FT1R lest, and shows that a now limitation of 14÷1 mid PK @Mita on the surface of sample alter NiKaNa method implementation. We conclude Mal 1-10sAi and Fe-C are not the .same with type of theistical bonding, but rather ax alffileialf or N in Fe crystal structure. It well known called as N- or trapped in in 100 911)11011: Other possibilities of gain in hardness conic from more athIllitm of chemical handing of Fe3C. The similar results have also been obtained using X141) examinations li ikon this new part of formation C- or N- napped although the individual Pe alemafil itill dominates over crystal structure. fly SEM method, it Is chariest Ilitn that MIKA* treatment on the sample causes grains of new sinniture Mamma ammither, oak% and more rigid than sample without NiKaNa treatment. The SEM method explains why NiKaNa method can increase the level of hardness steel as predicted Moorannallp, smoother, smaller and more rigid structure skyl has higher value of hardness.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | J Political Science > JA Political science (General) |
Divisions: | Document UNDIP |
ID Code: | 21879 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 06 Sep 2010 10:25 |
Last Modified: | 06 Sep 2010 10:25 |
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