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As an effort to find an alternative indicator of domestic waste pollution at the environment with high environmental stress, in the third phase of the research (2005) was focused at: 1) persistence of coprostanol by test kinetics of biodegradation of coprostanol using selected bacteria, and 2) horizontal and vertical existence of coprostanol in the surface bottom sediments. For the test of persistence of coprostanol with selected bacteria that had been isolated and tested that they have potency to degrade coprostanol. But caused by technical constraint regarding coprostanol standard witch must be indent until 8 weeks, this matter affect that this research is not complete yet. By end of this month, all research was scheduled to be done. To understand the horizontal and vertical existence of coprostanol in the bottom sediment, field works had been done in May to June 2005. The research was done in three cities as follow: a) Jakarta, represents a metropolitan city environment, b) Semarang for a large city, and c) Jepara for a small city, and in each location included the environmental condition of river, river mouth, and coastal waters. During the field work, at each location, 13 horizontal samples were collected using grab sampler and 4 vertical sediment sample were collected by using a small gravity corer which represent each environmental condition. Beside that, some measurements had been done during the field works, such as river discharge, water quality, currents, waves, and setting sediments trap for about two weeks. The results show that coprostanol could be detected in all surface and vertical sediment sample of each environmental condition of all of the cities. Beside that, the pattern distribution of coprostanol in the surface sediment showed a potency to be use not only as an alternative indicator of domestic waste pollution, but also could be used as a natural tracer of domestic waste in Indonesian urban coastal waters. Sebagai upaya untuk mendapatkan alternatif Indikator pencemaran limbah domestik pada Iingkungan dengan tekanan lingkungan tinggi, maka pada penelitian tahap III (2005) difokuskan pada: 1) persistensi korprostanol dengan melakukan uji kinetika biodegradasi koprostanol menggunakan bakteri terseleksi, dan 2) eksistensi koprostanol di sedimen secara horisontal dan vertikal. Untuk uji persistensi koprostanol dengan bakteri terseleksi, digunakan bakteri yang telah diisolasi dan diuji kemampuannya sebagai bakteri yang berpotensi sebagai bakteri pendegradasi koprostanol. Namun karena ada kendala teknis tentang standar koprostanol yang harus inden samap 8 (delapan) minggu, hal ini menyebabkan penelitian ini belum tuntas. Diharapkan path akhir Nopember 2005 ini, kajian persistensi koprostanol telah dapat diselesaikan dengan balk. Sedangkan untuk kajian eksistensi koprostanol secara horisontal dan vertikal, pada bulan Mei dan Juni 2005, telah dilakukan survei lapangan pada 3 lokasi, yaltu Jakarta, Semarang, dan lepara. Telah dilakukan pengambilan sampel sedimen permukaan sebanyak 13 sampel di tiap lokasi penelitian dan 4 sampel sedimen core yang masing-masing mewakili kondisi Iingkungan (sungai, muara, coastal water, stasion kontrol). Selain Itu juga dilkakukan pemasangan sedimen trap, untuk mendapatkan gambaran potensi laju sedimentasi di daerah penelitulan. Untuk menunjang hal tersebut, juga dilakukan pengukuran debit sungai, dan pengambilan sampel air untuk penentuan padatan tersuspensi total (TSS), pengukuran arus di tiap stasion sampling dan satu stasion tetap pada tiap lokasi, serta pemasangan sediment trap pada tiap kondisi Iingkungan. Hash penelitian menunjukkan bahwa koprostanol dapat terdeteksi pada semua sampel sedimen permukaan maupun core, pada semua kondisi lingkungan dl ketiga kota penelitian. Selain itu, pola sebaran koprostanol pada sedimen permukaan dasar perairan pantai menunjukkan potensi pemanfaatan koprostanol selain sebagai alternatif indikator pencemarang limbah domestik, juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagat perunut alamiah (natural tracer) limbah domestik di perairan pantai perkotaan di Indonesia.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) |
ID Code: | 21873 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 06 Sep 2010 10:07 |
Last Modified: | 06 Sep 2010 10:07 |
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