DINAMIKA DEMOKRATISASI DI PEDESAAN JAWA (Stud( Kasus Proses Pembuatan Keputusan Desa Mengenai Proyek Pembangunan Swadaya Masyarakat)

Yuwanto, Yuwanto (1997) DINAMIKA DEMOKRATISASI DI PEDESAAN JAWA (Stud( Kasus Proses Pembuatan Keputusan Desa Mengenai Proyek Pembangunan Swadaya Masyarakat). Documentation. FAKULTAS ILMU SOS1AL DAN ILMU POLITIK.

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This research deals with community decision-making processes by two Middle Javanese villages, which processes led to decisions by the village meeting to carry out certain village projects; such as the carrying out of irrigation works, making roads and the like. By processes of community decision-making by village communities we understand: the processes leading to the village communities' agreement or disagreement to proposals by villagers. All of these villages, Notog and Karangendep, are situated in the subdistrict of Patikraja, in the regency of Banyumas. We choose that location based on several characteristics, such as the amount of population, religion, socio-economic backgraound of villagers. The main method of research is participant observation with indepth interview. During our field research we found the following general pattern of decision-making processes. In the first phase projects were initiated by a particular villager or by a group of villagers. In the following phase of legitimation several formal deliberations were held, such as meetings of the householders living in a particular village ward (in the case of a project that was initiated "from below") and meetings of influential villagers, often followed by a village meeting. Finally, our research hypothesis that "when the village head predominates in the process of decision-making, then, at least in the initial stages, the informal leaders and common villagers will show little aspiration to participate", is accepted and correct entirely. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji proses-proses yang menghasilkan keputusan-keputusan rapat desa untuk melaksanakan proyek-proyek swadaya desa, seperti pembuatan saluran irigasi, pembangunan jalan desa dan sebagainya. Yang dimaksud dengan proses-proses yang menghasilkan keputusan-keputusan oleh masyarakat desa ialah: proses-proses yang menuju kepada persetujuan atau penolakan usul-usul warga desa oleh masyarakat desa. Seluruh desa, Notog dan Karangendep, terletak di wilayah Kecamatan Patikraja Kabupaten Dati II Banyumas. Lokasi penelitian tersebut dipilih berdasarkan karakteristik ter-tentu, seperti jumlah penduduk, agama, dan latar belakang sosio-ekonomi warga masyarakatnya. Sedangkan metoda utamanya adalah pengamatan terlibat dengan wawanoara mendalam. Selama penelitian lapangan, ditemukan suatu corak umum dari proses-proses pembuatan keputusan, yaitu tahap pertama adalah tahap timbulnya prakarsa oleh seorang warga desa atau sekelompok orang; serta tahap kedua adalah tahap legitimasi atau pengabsahan melalui pelbagai musyawarah formal baik tingkat RT/RW maupun rapat LKMD/LMD. Pada akhirnya, berdasarkan basil analisis data, maka hipotesis bahwa "jika di dalam suatu proses pembuatan keputusan oleh masyarakat desa, kepala desa mempunyai peran yang dominan, maka sekurang-kurangnya pada tahap pertama, partisipasi pars pemimpin informal dan warga desa biasa akan sangat rendah", dapat diterima dan seluruhnya benar.

Item Type:Monograph (Documentation)
Subjects:J Political Science > J General legislative and executive papers
ID Code:21733
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 1
Deposited On:03 Sep 2010 08:07
Last Modified:03 Sep 2010 08:07

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