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The implementation of the Governmental Regulation No.69/1992 (PP No.69/1992), contains the consequence of an area expansion of Salatiga Municipality and decrease of the largeness of Semarang Regency. This process will directly or indirectly impacts on the potential development of Semarang Regency, which is finally impacts on the financial revenues of the local government. A study on the implementation of PP No..69/1992 focused on : How many kilometres of the largeness of the Semarang Regency is going to be decreased ?; How many Semarang people are migrating with it; and how many landbuilding taxpayers are also reduced ? The main questions of this research are will PP No.69/1992 influences the largenesse of Semarang Regency areas and its sum of people ? In order to find an answer to those ques¬tions, this research• is carried out to obtain primary as well as secondary data cocerning with the policy implementation of PP No.69/1992. The result of the study shows that the implementation of PP No.69/1992 has a vast impact, not only limited on the decrease of the largeness of the region and its people but also other social and economical impacts. Consequently, several sources of revenue will also decrease in line with the process of capitulation. On government policy proposal as well as PP No.69/1992 stated that the capitulations of the region was 3,434.643 Ha from the Semarang Regency, which is also included the change of its 41,756.00 people status. Accordingly, it is really effect of policy implementation of Home Minister No. 35, 7 Desember 1992 which is contirmatted as a follow up of the release of a part of the region from the Semarang Regency to be alocated to the Salatiga Municipality. Futhermore, on the supplement of the the Official Report on the capitulization/illusion on material and financial implementation of PP No.69/1992 is specifically stated that the region handed over the Municipality of Salatiga consists of 4,108,140.00 Ha, including four regencies areas and thirteen villages. Concerning with people, there are 8.513 Family Heads involved amounting to 44.664 persons. In line with that 175 Village Administrators from the Semarang Regency, will be promoted administrators of Salatiga Municipality. The transfer of the thirteen villages also bring several administrative consequents like village status and administrative officer. In the financial aspect, nowadays there are eight local income resources of Semarang Regency are handed Salatiga Municipality such as: Development Tax I on five restourants, Parking retributions at three locations: Blotongan, Elang Sari Restaurant and the Tingkir intersection, the potentials of 1,010.00 cattle cards, the potencials of Milk Inspection cards, Advertisement Tax and PBB (Land and Building Tax) which cover a considerable amount. A two years transition period in the stated as at the Official Report means that 100% transfers of the local government income sources will occur effectively in the 1995/1996 period. In conclusion, the impact of PP No. 69/1992 implementation indirectly influences the local government revenue , especially the regional subsidy of Semarang Regency. In one hand, the research result also predicts that the impact of its conditions will be seriously felt in the 1996/1997 budget, year. In other hand, when the development implementation and changes taking are place, which relevant to the success in construction will somewhat weaken or lesser the "loss" of some local government income can be solved. This fact is supported by the increase of PBB (Land and Building Tax) taxpayers with coresponde to the beginning of housing complex development in Semarang Regency. Implementasi PP No. 69 Tahun 1992, memberikan konsekuensi perluasan wilayah Kotamadya Dati II Salatiga dan pengurangan luas wilayah atas Kabupaten Dati II Semarang. Proses ini langsung maupun tidak langsung mempengaruhi pengembangan potensi Kabupaten Daerah Tingkat II Semarang; Yang pada akhirnya berpengaruh pada penerimaan/keuangan Daerah. Studi terhadap Implementasi PP No. 69 Tahun 1992, men.nuskan permasalahan: berapa Ha/Km luas wilayah Kabupaten Dati II Semarang berkurang ? berapa jumlah KK/jiwa penduduk berpindah ? berapa pula WP-PBB ikut berkurang ? Pertanyaan yang mendasar ialah : Apakah berkurangnya wilayah dan penduduk akan mempengaruhi jumlah penerimaan subsidi Daerah ? Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut dilakukan penelitian guna memperoleh "data baik primer atau sekunder yang berkaitan dengan implementasi PP No. 69 Tahun 1992. Hasil penelitian memberikan jawaban bahwa implementasi PP No. 69 Tahun 1992 mempunyai dampak luas, tidak hanya pengurangan atas wilayah dan sejumlah penduduk di Kabupaten Dati II Semarang. Beberapa sumber penerimaan Daerah pun akan berkurang sejalan dengan proses penyerahan Di dalam PP No. 69 Tahun 1992 disebutkan bahwa dengan penyerahan wilayah seluas 3.434,643 Ha dari Kabupaten Semarang ke Kotamadya Salatiga, ikut serta berpindahnya status kependudukan atas 41.756 jiwa. Kondisi tersebut mengalami perubahan sebagaimana pelaksanaan Instruksi Menteri Dalam Negeri no. 35 Tahun 1992 tanggal 7 Desember 1992. Yang merupakan tindak lanjut pelepasan bagian wilayah Kabupaten Semarang kepada Kodya Salatiga. Pada Lampiran Berita Acara Serah Terima/ilusi materiil dan finansiil pelaksanaan PP No. 69 Tahun 1992 tercatat secara rinci bahwa luas wilayah Kabupaten Semarang yang diserahkan ke Kodya Salatiga adalah 4.108.140 Ha, yang mencakup empat wilayah Kecamatan dan 13 Desa. Adapun jumlah penduduk sebanyak 8.513 KK yang mencakup 44.664 jiwa. Bersamaan dengan itu, dialihtugaskan sebanyak 175 orang perangkat Desa dari pemerintahan Kabupaten Semarang ke pemerintahan Kotamadya Salatiga. Hibah atas 13 Desa ini merubah pula status dari Desa menjadi kelurahan sebagaimana ketentuan pada Till No. 5 tahun 1979. Di bidang keuangan, terinformasikan beberapa (+ 8) jenis pendapatan di wilayah Kabupaten Semarang diserahkan kepada Dati II Salatiga yakni: Pajak Pembangunan I atas 5 buah Rumah Makan, Retribusi Parkir di tiga lokasi: Blotongan Rumah Makan Elang Sari, Pertigaan Tingkir, Potensi Kartu Ternak sebanyak 1010 kartu, Potensi Pemerasan susu perah, Pajak Reklame dan WP-PBB yang cukup besar jumlahnya. Di dalam Berita Acara Serah Terima, disebutkan ada 2(dua) tahun masa transisi. Sehingga penyerahan 100% atas sumber-sumber pendapatan Daerah baru berlaku pada tahun 1995/1996.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | J Political Science > JA Political science (General) |
ID Code: | 21708 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 03 Sep 2010 06:52 |
Last Modified: | 03 Sep 2010 06:52 |
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