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Tantangan terberat dalam memberikan pelayanan di Puskesmas adalah terpenuhinya harapan masyarakat akan mutu pelayanan dan sarana kesehatan yang memadai, terjangkau dan nyaman serta memuaskan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik pasien yang dilihat dari umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, pekerjaan, asal pasien dan lama perawatan pasien dengan tingakt kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan unit rawat inap di Puskesmas Perawatan Doro. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode survei terhadap 40 orang responden sebagai sampel. Pengumpilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan bantuan koesioner. Dari analisa yang telah dilakukan didaptkan hasil sebagai berikut : Mayoritas responden berumur antara 31-64 tahun, laki-laki, pendidikan SD-SMP, profesisebagai buruh tani, berasal dari dalam wilayah kerja Puskesmas dan dirawat selama kurang dari 3 hari. Hasil uji statistik menggunakan Chi-Square menggambarkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara umur, jenis kelamin, asal pasien dan lama perawatan terhadap kepuasan pasien atas pelayanan kesehatan. Sedangkan untuk uji Chi-Squareterhadap pendidikan dan pekerjaan pasien terhadap tingakt keouasan pasien terhadap pelayanan kesehatan, hasilnya menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan atau bermakna. Adapun saran yang diajukan adalah : Puskesmas Perawatan Doro perlu meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kepada pasien rawat inap dengan cara : penggantian linen dilakukan minimal 1 hari sekali, kamar mandi dan WC dibersihkan minimal 2 kali sehari, penambahan leamri pakaian untuk pasien, penambahan kursi penunggu pasien, penambahan WC dan kamar mandi. Perlu dilakukan pembenahan atas pelayanan fisik puskesmas, diantaranya : halaman puskesmas dibersihkan minimal sehari 1 kali, lingkungan puskesmas sebaiknya ditanami tanaman agar lebih rindang dan sejuk, sebaiknya bangunan puskesmas tidak seluruhnya dicat putih untuk memberikan nuansa yang lebih ramah, penambahan lampu penerangan. Perawat sebaiknya memberikan penjelasan atrs tindakan perawatan yang mereka lakukan kepada pasien, berupa tujuan tindakan, efek samping yang mungkin terjadi dan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh perawat. Kepala puskesmas sebaiknya mengadakan evaluasi kerja perawat, mengadakan gugus kembali mutu, membuat prosedur tetap asuhan keperawatan, membuat alokasi dana rutin dari pelayanan kesehatan dasar untuk pelayanan fisik puskesmas. Perlu diadakan survei berkala terhadap tingkat kepuasan pasien dengan menggunakan data dari buku keluhan pasien. Pihak puskesmas melalui perawat harus dapat memberikan pelayanan dan penjelasan yang sesuai dilihat dari tingkat pendidikan dan jenis pekerjaan pasien agar pasien merasa puas dengan pelayanan yang diterima. Kata Kunci: Kepuasan pasien, Pelayanan rawat inap, Puskesmas Doro THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PATIENTS CHARACTERISTICS AND PATIENT CARE UNIT AT COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER DORO SUBDISTRICT PEKALONGAN DISTRICT The biggest challenge in obtaining treatment at Community Health Center is fulfilling the sociaty's hope of the treatment quality that is sufficient, cheap, comfortable and satisfying health tool. The objective of this study is to find out of the relation between patients characteristics based on their age, sex, education, occupation, thepatient stateof origin and the treatment duration to their satisfactory level towards the treatment in The Doro Patient Care Unit at Community Health Center. This study is a descriptive one by using survey methods to 40 respondents as the sample. The data is collected bu conducting interviews and also questionnaire. From the analysis, it is shown that most of the respondents are around 31 to 64 years old, men, educated from elemntary level to junior high level, their occupation is farmer, the come from the Community Health Center working area and being treated for less than 3 days. The result is being tested by using Chi-Square and it shown that there is no significant relation among age, sex, the patient state of origin and the treatment duration to their satisfactory level of the health treatment. On the other hand, Chi-square is used also in testing the patient education and accupation to their satisfactory level of the health treatment,and the result shows that there is a significant relation among them. My suggestions are : Doro Patient Care Unit at Community Health Center should improve their treatment quality to their Patient Care unit by changing the linen at least once a day, cleaning the baathrooms and the toilets at least twice a day, adding the number of the cupboard for the patients, the chair in the waiting room, and also the bathroom and the toilet. Some changes of the Community Health Center physical appearance should be done also by : cleaning the Community Health Center yard at least once a day, planting some plants at the Community Health Center surrounding so that it would be more shady and comfortable,not painting the whole building in white to create the situation more friendly, and adding some lamps. The nurses should give explanation about their treatment action that is done to the patients such as purpose, the side effect that might appear and anything related to their action. The head of the Community Health Center should evaluate the nurse job, conduct the quality control, maintain a stable prosedure in giving nurse direction, make a routine fund allocation from the basic treatment for the Community Health Center physical treatment. Some survey should be conducted periodically as well to find out the patient satisfactory level by using the data form the book of patients complaint. The Community Health Center nurses have to able to give treatment and explanation based on the patients educational level and occupation so taht the patients would be satisfied with the treatment. Keyword: The patients satisfactions, Patient Care Unit, Community Health Centers
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 21699 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 02 Sep 2010 14:35 |
Last Modified: | 02 Sep 2010 14:35 |
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