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Fish and the other fish products are highly perisable food so the market value of preservating and processing product determined by fresh degee and the power of durability (Buckle, et al, 1983, dalam Hadiwiyoto). One of the way to hold tluit case is preservation method (Hudaya den Darajad, 1982). Damage of Sea Product One of the determine hictor of fish quality is its fieshene:r. ln production of sea product, quality change that show in flavour, smell, teksture, and colour can caused by bacterial growth. The velocity of quality change depend on degree of bacterial in beginning, store condition, temperature, moisture, and atmosphere pressure. Sea product easier to decompocite than the other highly protein product. This is because of : 1. Some of sea product has a high degree of osmoregulator that formed in protein nitrogen like trimetil amin urea, amino acid etc that is good for growth media of bacteria. 2 Production of sea product harvested from cool water so flora bacteria not easy to pursuing by low temperature than flora animal and plant. Safety of :production sea product especially depend from the probability of greasing pathogen mikrobia or caused by histamine because of the treatment not suitable. Lemuru Fish Lemuru fish (Sardinella longiceps) like the other pelagic fish have a high protein content (12,8 — 20%). The price of lemur° fish is fairly cheap and can be use for foodstuffs with high nutrient, especially for handling double nutrient case (Burhanuddin dan Praseno, 1982). ln the otherhand lemum fish also contains essential fatty acid, especially Omega-3 (Supamo dan Dwiponggo, 1993). But because the content of fat is high (1-24%). and texmre of fish not compact it is easy for lemuru fish to get damage and rotten, also because of microbiological activity or autolysys at post mortem (Dyes. 1982). So it is necessary to handling this case with intensive either with soon processing or preservation. One of the fish preservation process is with smoking. Smoke can use as preserver because content of antioxidan, antimicrobial like phenol and acetic acid. Smoking can operated with two ways, there are hot smoked and cool smoked. Hot smoking can do direct above the fire. The direct smoking can caused the including of benzopyrene compound which carsinogenic characteristic. Cool smoking can done with condensating smoke become liquid smoke, so benzopyrene compound that already with ter will be precipitate and not condensated. (Margaretha, 2000). Liquid smoke which got watering and use for preservating fish or the other foodstuffs. Liquid smoke that made of ginger in pirolisa at 200 — 250 C, will be produce compound which have antimicrobial characteristic and high enough antioksidan, in otherhand ginger have certain flavor, content of oleoresin which can increase their antioksidan, therefore suppose can pursuing the damage of fatty acid especially omega-3 fatty acid Smoking liquid with ginger flavor in lemuru fish (Sardinella longiceps) have try in this research. Lemuru fish have been choosen because this fish can be found easily in Indonesia and often consumed by public. PROBLEMS • At present preservation of lemuru fish still limited with salted process, because in process to salt have done boil in using high salt grade.To boil in can degrade protein compound and fat acid in lemuru fish and fish with high salt grade if consume so much can disturb healthy. • Lemuru fish content of omega-3 fatty acid that is a essential fa acid, but product of lemuru fish is easy to damage, because of microbial and autolysis activity. Because of that problem it is necessary to find an alternative of lemuru fish preservation, withom boil in with low salt grade, it is by liquid smoke. Liquid smoke capable to prevent microbial activities with phenol compounds and acetic acid (Rama, et.al, 1997). Antimicrobial and antioksidan compounds of ginger can caused preservation effect and increase the flavor, so liquid smoke which made of coconutshell and added with ginger spice will pursuing the damage of omega-3 fatty acid in lemuru fish. RESEARCH PURPOSE Looking for optimum operation condition in lemuru fish liquid smoking in order to : • Lemuru fish which content of omega-3 not decompoted • Get unique flavor of lemuru fish • Get lemma fish with better oreanoleptic characters like : flavor, odor and texture RESEARCH RESULT Leman fish (sardinella longiceps) content of essential fatty acid, especially omega-3 , but because of the content of fat is fairly high (1-24%) and the texture of fish is not compact, it is easy for lemuru fish to get damage and rotten, also because of microbiological or tnaolysys activity. Liquid smoke capable to prevent microbial activities with phenol compounds and acetic acid (Raffia, et.al, 1997). Antimicrobial compounds of ginger can caused preservation effect and increase the flavor. The number of test EPA and DHA shows 0,6066 and 0,4038 gr/100 gr ni optimum condition that related with sensoric test, which 6% concentration of liquid smoke with ginger flavor , 25 minutes for time of soaking, while the beginning number of EPA and DHA is 0,625 dan 0.416gri100 gr. hi optimum condition above give the number 0,86 mgr/Kg of TBA. 4,432 mg N/100 gr of TVB, 5,47 %mgr. N of TMA, and number of total milcroorganism is 3.62 x 10 6 CFU. The contents of sensoric test are flavour, odor and teksture, Flavour test shows that 25 minutes time of soaking, 6% concentration of liquid smoke can fulfill the criteria of appetite. Odor test show that 25 minutes time of soaking. 6% concentration of liquid smoke can fulfill the criteria not hangover Texture test show that 25 minutes time of soaking, 6°/i concentration of liquid smoke can fulfill the criteria hard texture In the preference test for all of concentration of trying with 25 minutes time of soaking give the criteria very liked Identity and Institution Department : PSD III Chemical Engineering Faculty : Engineering University : Diponegoro. Semarang Number of contract : I 03/P4T/DPPM/DM ,SKW,SOSAG/111/2004 Date March 25th 2004 Ikan dan hasil-hasil perikanan lainnya merupakan highly perisablefrod, maka nilai pasar hasil awetan dan olahamiya ditentukan oleh derajad kesegaran dan days awetnya (Buckle, er at 1983, dalam Hadiwiyoto,1993). Salah satu hal untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah metode pengawetanfIludaya dan Darajad, 1982). Kerusakan Produk Lout Salah satu faktor penentu kualitas ikan Blab kesegarannya. Pada produksi basil laut pentbahan kualitas dari segi rasa, ban, tekstur, dan warm dapat terjadi akibat pertumbuhan bakteri. Perubahan kualitas tersebut kecepatannya tergantung dari kadar bakteri awal, kondisi penyimpanan, suhu, kelembaban dan teknnan annosfir. Produk basil laut bersifat lebih mudah terdekomposisi dibandingkan produk berprotein tinggi lanuwa. Hal disebabkan karena : 1. Beberapa produk hasil laut mengandung kadar osmoregulator tinggi dalam bentuk non protein nitrogen seperti nimetil amin, urea, asam amino dan lain sebagainya yang merupakan media yang baik untuk pertumbuhan bakteri 2. Produksi basil laut dipanen dan air yang dingin sehingga flora bakteri tidak mudah dihambat pleb perlakuan suhu dingin dibanding flora hewan atau tananum. Keamanan produksi hasil taut terutama tergantung dad kemungkinan tercemar mikrobia patogen, atau disebabkan oleh histamin akibat proses penanganan yangkurang tepat lkun lemuru lkan lemuru (Sardinella longiceps) seperti jeans ikan pelagis keell lainnya mempunyai kandungan protein yang cukup tinggi (17,8 - 20%). Harga ikan Inman, yang cukup mush dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pangan hergizi tinggi, terutama dalam mengatasi masalah gizi ganda (Burhanuddin dan Praseno, 1982). Selain im ikan lemum jogs mengandung asam lemak essensial, khusasnya Omega-3 (Supamo dan Dwiponggo, 1993). Akan tetapi karenaIcandungan lemak yang cukup tinggi (1-24%) dan tidak kompalcnya tekstur ikan menjadikan ikan lemuru mudah mengalami kerusakan dan pembusukan balk karena aktivitas mikrobiologis inaupun autolisis pada saat pasta monem 1982). Untuk itu, diperlukan penanganan yang intensif balk dengan pengolahan segera maupun dengan pengawetan. Salab saw purses pengawetan ikan adalah dengan pengasapan. Map dapat digunakan sebagai pengawet karena mengandung komponen antioksidan, antimikroba, misalnya phenol dan asam asetat. Pengasapan dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara, vaitu pengasapan panas dan pengasapan dinein. Pengasapan panas dilakukan diatas api langsunti. Pengasapan secara tailgating mcnyebabkan terikunda senyawa benzopyrene yang bersifat karsinogen ( Ratna, dkk,1997 ) sedans pengasapan dingin dilakukan dengan mengkondensasi asap menjadi asap cair. sehingga senyawa bezopvrene yang berada bersama ter akan mengendap tidak Hatt terkondensasi. (Nlargaretha. 2000k Cairan asap yang diperoleh diencerkan &antigun unit& mengawetkan ikan atau Lathan makanan lain. Asap cair dart jahe pada pimtisa 200-250°C, alum inenghasilkan senyawa yang menrpunyai sifat antimAcrobia dan antioksidan yang cukup tinggi, disamping itti jahe tnempunyai aroma yang khas. dan mengandtmg oleoresin yang dapat meningkatkan antioksidannva, sehingga diperkirakan dapat menghambat kentsakan asam asam lama, khususnya asam lemak omega -3. Pengasapan cair bercitarasa jahe pada ikan lemuru ( Sardinian longteps) dicoba pada penelitian ini. Ilan lemur dipilih karma jenis ikan ini banyak terdapat di Indonesia dan masyarakat banyak mengkonsumsi jenis ikan ini PERUMUSAN MASALAH • Pengawetan ikan lemma, saat ini masih terbatas dengan proses penggaraman, karena pada proses penggaraman dilakukan perebusan dengan menggunakan kadar garam yang tinggi. Perebusan dapat meMegradasi senyawa protein dan asam lemak dalam ikan Imam sedangkan ikan dengan kadar garam yang (Magi bila dikonsumsi dalam (=lab banyak akan menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan. • Ikan lemma: mengandung asam lemak omega -3, yang merupakan asam lemak esensial, namun produk ikan lemuru mudah rusalc, disebabican oleh aktivitas mikrobiotogis dan autolisis,. Mengingat hat datas diperlukan alternatif proses pengawetan ikan lemunt tanpa perebusan dengan kadar pram rendah, yaitu dengan proses pengasapan cair Map cair mempunyai kemiunpuantintuk menghambat aktivitas mikrobia dengan adanya senyawa phenol dan asam asetat (Ratna, dIcic 1997), ditambah dengan senyawa-senyawa antimikrobia dan antioksidan yang ada dalam jahe, yang memberi efek pengawetan don menaikkan citarasa, sehingga diharapkan asap cair dari tempurung kelapa yang diberi rempah jahe dapat menghambat kentsakan asam lemak omega tip pada ikan lemma TUJUAN PENE TITIAN Mencari kondisi operasi yang optimum pada proses pengasapan cair ikan lemuru agar diNrolch: • ikan lemuru dengan kandungan asam lemak omega-3 tidal( mengalami dekomposisi • mendapatkan ikan lemuru dengan citarasa yang king. • Mendapatkan ikan lemuru dengan sifat-sifat organoleprik yang balk seperti rasa, ban dan tekstur. HASIL PEN ELMAN than temuru (sardinella longiceps) mengandung asam lemak esseasiat, khususnya Omega-3, akan tempi karena kandungan lemak yang cukup tinggi (1¬24%) dan tidak kompaknya tekstur ikan menjadiktui ikan lemma mudah mengalami kemsakan dan pembusukan , balk karena aktivitas mikrobiologis mammal autolisis Asap cair mempunyai kemampuan untuk menghambat aktivitas mikrobia dengan adanya senyawa phenol dan asam asetat (Rama, dkk 1997), Senyawa-senyawa antimikrobia dan antioksidan pada jahe, member' efek pengawetan dan menaikkan citarasa.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) |
ID Code: | 21621 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 02 Sep 2010 07:16 |
Last Modified: | 02 Sep 2010 07:16 |
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