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Dewasa ini kemajuan teknologi pengolahan khususnya dibidang basil perikanan meningkat dengan pesat. Hal ini menuntut peningkatan pengetahuan peneliti, ilmuwan dan masyarakat tentang teknologi pengolahan ikan, sehingga pengolahan basil perikanan mempunyai arti sosial ekonomi yang panting bagi netayan, petani ikan, pengolah serta pedagang ikan (Ilyas, 1983) &an dan basil-basil perikanan lainnya merupakan highly perisable food, make nilai pasar basil awetan dan olahamtya ditentukan oleh derajad kesegaran dan daya awetnya (Buckle, el al, 1983, dalam Hadiwiyoto,1993). Sahib sam hal untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah metode pengawetan.(Fludaya dan Darajad, 1982). Kerusakan Produk Laut Pada produksi basil laut perubahan kualitas dari segi rasa, bau, tekstur, dan warm dapat terjadi akibal pertumbuhan bakteri. Perubahan kualitas tersebut kecepatamiya tergantung dari kadar bakteri awal, kondisi penyimpanan, suhu, kelembaban dan tekanan atmosfir. Produk basil laut bersifat lebih (Tindall terdekomposisi dibandingkan produk berprotein tinggi lainnya. Hal disebabkan karena : Beberapa produk basil laut mengandium kadar osmoregulator tinggi dalam bentuk non protein nitrogen seperti trimetil amin, urea, asam amino dan lain sebagainya yang merupakan media yang baik untuk pertumbuhan bakteri Produksi basil laut dipanen dari air yang dingin sehingga flora bakteri tidal( mudah dihambat oleh perlakuan suhu dingin dibanding flora hewan atau tanaman. Keamanan produksi hasil lain terutama tergantung dad kemungkinan tercemar mikrobia patogen, atau disebabkan oleh histamin akibat proses penanganan yang kurang tepat. Masalah penyediaan ikan yang berkualitas tinggi, balk mink konsumsi 'unsung maupun untuk bahan bake industri semakin mendesak dewasa in4 sehingga diperlukan adanya teknologi pengawetan yang memenuhi standar keamanan pangan. (Anggarwati, 1988). Pembuatan ikan asin merupakan salah saw ttpaya untuk mengawetkan produk perikanan, dengan cam penggaraman dan pengeringan.. ikan yang diasin terdiri dart beberapa jenis ikan seperti teri, layur, pethek, part dan lain-lain ikan yang pada utnumnya tidak dikonsumsi dalam bentuk segar. Kendala yang dihadapi produsen ikan asin saat ini adalah proses pattern:gam antara lain : semakin terhatasnya lahan ants& menjemur ikan , karma lahan kosong digunakan untuk tempat tinggal. Pada saat ini ikan dijemur diatas anyaman bambu dan penjemuran dibtarkan terbuka, ditsmpakan Nauss pembuangan sampah (sagerd pada lantpiran). Hal diatas tentu saja sangat tidak higienis. Pada muslin pengkuJan ikan Mak segera kering,. Hal ini mengakibatkan than menjadi busuk, sehingga kualitas ikan asin akan mein, sebagai akibatnya ikan tersebut tidak aman dikonsumsi. Mengingat hal diatas maka perlu diteliti suatu alai pengering Man berinsulasi yang dapat berfungsi tanpa dipengaruhi musim serta tidak tergantung dimana alat tersebut diletakkan Daman teknologi alat pengering berinsulasi ini akan didapatkan beberapa keuntungan • Pemakaian lahan femur dapat efektif • Pengeringan dapat dilakukan dimana saja, dalam gudang atan ditempat yang memenuhi syarat. • Waktu pengeringan pendek • Produksi pengeringan berlangsung kontinyu • Menghemat tenaga kerja dalam menangani penjemuran. • Wan yang didapat lebib higienis dan umur simpan meninglcat Aplikasi alai Mi dipilih untuk mengeringkan ikan ter:, hal ini disebahlian ikan ten cukup ban yak dikonsumsi masyaralcat dan diduga mengandung avam lemak omega - 3 yang sangat cliperiukan Ninth (Shinto, Teviningrum, 2004), namun helum ada yang meneliti tenlang lavantitas asam lemak omega-3 dalam ikan ten sehubuttgan dengan prosespengawetannya. Nowadays, the progress of processing technology especially in fish product are increase so quickly. This case make the researcher, scientist and society should add on their knowledge about fish processing technology therefore the processing of fish product has a social economic value for fisherman, fish fanner, processor and fish trader (llyas,1983). Fish and the other fish products are highly perisable food, so the market value of preservating and processing product determined by fresh degree and the power of durability (Buckle, et al, 1983, in Hadiwiyoto). One of the way to hold that case is preservation method (Hudaya dan Darajad, 1982). Damage of Sea Product In production of sea product quality change that show in flavour smell, teksture and colour can caused by bacterial growth. The velocity of quality change depend on degree of bacterial in beginning, store condition, temperature, moisture, and atmosphere pressure. Sea product easier to decompocite than the other highly protein product. This is because of I. Some of sea product has a high degree of osmoregulator that formed in non protein nitrogen like trimetil amin, urea, amino acid etc that is good for growth media of bacteria. 2. Production of sea product harvested from cool water so flora bacteria not easy to pursuing by low temperature than flora animal and plant. Safety of production sea product especially depend from the probability of greasing pathogen mikrobia or caused by histamine because of the treatment not suitable. Today it is very urgent how to provide fish with high quality either for direct compsunbion or for manufacture material, so it is necessary for preservation technology which can fulfill the standard of food safety (Anggarwati, 1988). Making of salted fish is one of the way for preserving fishery product there are with salted and dryed. Many kinds of fish can be salted like teri,layur, pethek,pari etc that generally not consume in fresh condition. The obstacle that the producer may face are dying processing, like the limited field for drying a fish, because the empy field is used for public stay. At present fish are dryed above bamboo mat and opened, placed above the field for throw rubbish ( See Glossary). This way is not exactly hygienis. In the rainy season , fish can not dry soon. This is can make a fish rotten, so the quality is go down therefore these fish not safety to consume. Remind for that case, it is necessary to research isulated fish dryer equipment which can be use not influenced by season and not depend on where is that equipment placed. With this isulated fish dryer technology we will take some advantages : • The use of drying field can be effective • Drying can be place anywhere, in store or the place which can fulfill the qualification • Short time for drying • Producing of drying can be continous • Thriftying the employee who hold drying • The fish more hygienis and increasing the store age. Application this equipment is choose for drying sea tiny fish (ikan teri), because this fish are commodity for public consume and have omega•3 fatty acid that is necessary for body (Anna Teviningrum, 2004), but nobody have researching yet about quantity of fat acid omega-3 in sea tiny fish that relating with preservation process. PROBLEMS The process of preservating fish with salted and dryed with traditional method is not hygienis, decreasing value of nutrition and can not fulfill the qualification for food safety. Drying processing can not continous for a long time during rainy season, so it is necessary to research an equipment which can use operated during a season, either dry or rainy season, that equipment can be operated eventough sun ray intecity are low, the way is designing isutated fish dryer equipment which completed with fuel heater. This equipment designed in order that quality of fish product not go down in nutrient value, hygiene and safe to consume. RESEARCH PURPOSE The purpose of this research is : 1. Designing and developing isolated fish dryer equipment to correct the process of drying fish with traditional method. 2. Increase nutrient value, hygiene and food safety. 3. Applicated dryer equipment in drying sea tiny fish (Stotephorus heterolobtea)and knowing quantity of omega-3 fatty acid. RESEARCH RESULT This research had been designed isulated fish dryer equipment with sun energy and completed of Mel heater that use presure lamp, with size lm x 1,5m x 1,75 m and the size of sun collector is 1,5 tn x 0,75 m which located. in left and right side of dryer equipment. Dryer's wall have three layers, there are from outside, fiberglass, sterofoam and fiberglass. This equipment had been applicated for drying sea tiny fish (Stolephorus heverolobuo). The driying has reach until 2,6% water content of tiny fish that reach in 48 hours for heating with sun energy, and at the same time for pressure lamp heating have the result 4 % water content. Quality of preserve fish product have been tested about fat damage with TBA (Thiobarbituric acid) method, Protein damage with Total volatile basis (TVB), Fresh fish indeks with TMAO (Trimetilamine oksida), microbial containing with Coloni Forming Unit method and organoleptic test including appearance, odor and flavor. Testing of fish quality which including EPA, DEA, TBA, TVS, TMA and TPC analysis and combine with organoleptic test, like appearance, flavor, and odor give the result drying fish product which liked and good organoleptic characteristic in 6% salt concentration and give a value 0,5872 gr/100gr of EPA, and 0,3932gr/100gr of DHA., 0,932mgr/kg of TM, 631ingr N/100gr of TVB, 4,504 of TMA. 4,88 x 10 CFU of TPC
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TH Building construction |
ID Code: | 21557 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 01 Sep 2010 08:57 |
Last Modified: | 01 Sep 2010 08:57 |
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