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The problem in village arrangement in Kelurahan Bhndarharjo, North Semarang, is how community participation and influencing factor to manage post contruction project in Kelurahan Bandarharjo, North Semarang. This study was directed to examine community participation in post project management funded by province APBD and APBN at post construction phase. Factor that influence lower participation in post project management funded by province APED and APBN, was in post construction phase. This study was descriptive in nature to understanding and explaining community involvement in post construction project management. Data was collected by direct observation method and interview with key inforynant that choose(' purposively to obtain deeper analysis. Generally, project granted by APBN, Province AI'BD, and City APB() in Kelurahan Bandarharjo had difficulty to get fund for maintenance because there is no institution formed by community to maintain project. In general, they perceive the importance of project only when they needed. As long as community can served by project, they ignore it. The community only focused on project usage for their own interest, without create program or other activity that can yield value added (money) that can be used to maintain project. Innovation to explore further benefits in order to make social project be activity or‘program that profit oriented was not )0 though since project planning, therefore project benefit will be ended in time that project is over. For example, provision of water pumps can be use to fishpond watering, well draining, etc. Fumigation activity not directed to smoked fish packing in order to get higher price. Optimizing lower flour to activity such as shopping, leasing, kiosk, etc The support and community creativity to create norm collectively that can protect project existence was low, this can be seen from less reward and punishment toward community member that concern with these matters or for people that ignore it. The relationship between formal-informal figure was still low, this can he detected from less involvement of informal figure in project planning that will be held in Kelurahan. They just only be project receiver than as owner, this ultimately influenced project sustainability. This can be seen in low coordination of placement, development and nanagement of smoked fish plant with community figure (RT/RW), so the community was judged as have low responsibility (mum( smoked fish plant and flood pumps preservation. The suggestion advanced by the authors to resolve community participation in APBN/APBD project management in Kelurahan Bandarharjo is as follows: To involving informal figures from various discipline to develop work habits, particularly to improve healthy life pattern and achievement, so the community have good responsibility toward their environment, although it's not their own. This can he achieve by direct participation in Coln munity meeting activity (RT/RW/Keluralian) Masalah dalam penataan kampung di Keltiralian f Itinclarharjo Keetunatan Semarang t tiara. Bagaimanakah partispasi warga dan faklor yang mepengaruhinya dalam mengelola (manage) proyek-proyek petnerintah paska konstruksi di Keluralian 13aiularhatio, Kecamatan Semarang Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan urituk mengetahui parlisipasi (keterlibatan) warga dalam manajemen proyek paska yang didanai &eh API3t) Propinsi dan APBN pada lase paska kostruksi. Faktor-faktor yang menyobabkan rendahnya partisipasi (keterlihatan) warga dalam manajemen proyek paska )„,,ng didanai oleh APBD Propinsi dan APBN, pada lase paska konstruksi. Bentuk penelitian dirancang secara deskriptif untuk menialiami dan menjelaskan peranserta mereka dalam manajemen proyek paska konstruksi. Peneliti dalam mengumpulkan data menggunaltan met ode observasi langsung clan wa‘vacara dengan key inlorman yang (bpilib secara purposive untuk memperolelt kede lam alto:Isis. Secara umum proyek-proyek bantuan APBN, APB) I' ropinsi, A11111) Kota yang ada Kelurahan 13andarharjo kestilitan dalam memperoleli dana untuk perawatan. Karroo hel um ada lembagahnstitusi/wadah yang dibentuk oleh. masyarakat ilu scndiri untuk menjaga kebet langsungan proyek, sehingga rasa tanggungjawab, rasa mcmiliki pro\ ek (handarbeni), pada umullya mereka Baru menyadari kepentingan provek manakala membutalikan dan tidak mampu terlayani. Selaina masyara kat dapat inemanlaatkan/ terlayani oleh proyek mereka kurang ambit peduli. Masyarakat pada umumnya hanya terfokus pada pemanfaatan proyek untult kepentingan mereka, tanpa mengembangkan program/kegiatan lain yang bisa menghasilkan nilai lambah (uang), yang dapat digunakan untuk menjaga keherkingstingan proyek. Inovasi untuk menggali manfaat yang !chill jauh agar proyek sosial Orr laba) menjadi kegiatan/program yang berorientasi pada keuntungan beton) terfikirkan sejak royal (perencanaan) proyek, sehingga manfaat proyek/kegiatan akan selesai dengan sendirinya manakala usia proyek telah' habis. Misalnya kegiatan pompanisasi dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengairan fambak, pengurasan sumur atau yang lainnya. Sedangkan pada kegiatan pengasapan tidak dikembangkan pada usaha pengemasan ikan asap sehingga memiliki nilai _real yang lebih tinggi. Pengoptimalan pemanfaatan halaman twat bawah untuk kegiatan usaha: pertokoan, persewaan, waning dan lainnya.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TH Building construction |
Divisions: | Faculty of Social and Political Sciences > Department of Public Administration |
ID Code: | 21553 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 01 Sep 2010 08:46 |
Last Modified: | 01 Sep 2010 08:46 |
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