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The conversion of agrictilhu:e to non-agriculture land tend to increases, so that to cause the increasing of land using to crop production. In turn, the land which available to forages production become to limited. Those to cause the adequate forages supply very difficult to be realized. As the °flint lo meet the roughage requirement, the farmer usually use the crop residues, among other sugar cane lop. Because its maturity, crop residues quality as feed not adequate. It be caused by the low of crude fiber digestibility, so that its total dry matter digestibility is also low. On the other hand, crude fiber is the mitten. component of dry matter of crop residues. Crude fiber digestibility in crop residues is low, because cristallinity and degree of I ignification of cellulose is high. Ammoniation and fermentation can make the del ignification, depolitnerization, and decreasing of cristallinity of cellulose. Combination treatment between airimoniation and fermentation will increases the utility of crop residues as feed. This investigation was conducted to study the effect of combination between chemical treatment (tunmoniation) and biological frea1111011( (fermentation by Trichoderma reesei) on the utility of sugar cane lop as nunintuu feed. Those in this case to he reflected by in meet) crude fiber digestibility. The sugar cane top van. BZ-48, urea as ammonia source, T reset isolate, rice bran an substrate for sporulation and tistulated yearling male cattle P(1, were used as experimental material. Sugar cane top was cut over 2 cm and MINI. AIIIInoniali on process was done to them with ammonia levels were : 2, 4, and 6 percent (treatment motor I). After that, fermentation process was conducted by Triehoderma reesei with incubation periodes were : 0, 2 and 4 weeks ( treatment lector 11 ). 11/ sacco digestion technique was applicated by nylon bag with incubation time 48 hours_ Crude fiber digestibility was calculated based on crude fiber content analysis on sugar cane top and undigested dry matter residue by Wendee method. The collected data were statistically analyzed by analysis of varitmce with 4 x 3 factorial treatment pattern in completelly randomized design. Investigation result showed that fermentation by T. wesei (up to 4 weeks incubation) and tmunoniation (up to 6 % ammonia) tend increases in :;cfcco crude fiber digestibility of sugar cane top. Combination treatment between fermentation (1 weeks incubation) and ammoniati on % ammonia) to ineretme 1.eitnetitation effectivity significantly (P <0.05), namely : 50.25 % vs 31.37 % in untreated aangar cane top. Konversi lahan peitanian meMadi non pertanian condemns meningkat dari Wain ke tahun, sellingga tnendorong peningkatan intensitas pemanfantan lahan yang tersisa untuk tanaman palcan. Lilian yang tersedia klitutus untuk produksi Minoan pakan ruenjadi Fenomena tersebut di atas menyebabkan penyediaan !Maim dal= juirdah clan kualitas yang memadai menjadi sulit diwujudlaut Untuk pernenuhan kebutuhan akan palm kasar, penal( paternal( terpaksa mengandalkan limbah pertanian. Seliagai bagian dari tantalum tuti, lcualitas pertanian sebagni pakan ticlak memadai. Hal tersebut antara lain disebabkan rendalmya kecernaan serat kasar, yang berdampak pada renclahnya kecernaan bahan kering total. Rendahnya kecernaan serat kasar tersebut tejtadi utantanya karma tinssinya kristalinitas selulosa dan derajat lignifikasinya. .Amcniasi don fennentasi dapat menyebabkan delignifikasi, depolitnerisasi clan paint-man kristalinitas selulosa Perlalatan kombinasi amoniasi clan fermentasi akan ineninglcatkan kecernaan semi ktisty, yang pacla giltrannya alum ineningkatkan utilitas balm pakan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujurui untuk mengetultui pengamli kombinasi perlalcuan Icimiavvi (amounts() clan biologik (fennentasi dengan Trichodenna mese, ) terhaclap Mathis puctik tebu sebagai ptikan ternak rtuninruisia. Utilitas tersebut dalani hal dicerminlcan dengan kecemaan serat kasar secara in sacco. Bahan yang digunakan penelitian adalah puenic tabu var. BZ-48, urea sebagai zurober ammonia, isolat Trichorterma reesei, declalc halm( sebagai substrat untuk spontlasi Trichoderma reesei. Peralatati yang digunakan anlara lain titclamgan 'mantis, 1set aparatus amdisis serat lama, stoples plastik manic pemerammt, bi ofennentor Skala labor:11061m, kantong nilon dan sapi jimtan PO bet:fistula luau sekitsu• 1.5 Want. Paoli: kilts dipotong-potong sepanjang sekitar 2 cm. Terhndap pucuk lebu tersebut dilakukan proses amoniasi dengan aras amonia : 0, 2, 4 clan 6 persist (fak-tor perlakuan I), dengan kadar air dibuat inenjodi 40 %, keintalian diperam selama 3 miuggu. Setelab proses mnontasi selesai, dilakukan proses fementasi mengstmakan T reesei dengan lama inkubasi 0, 2 dun 4 Damp (fhktor perlakuan Teknik digeati in slur() dilakukan dengan kantong nilon datum %/salsas inlwbasi 48 jam. Keeernaan serat kasar Midair metalui analisis Resat kasar pucuk tebu percobaan don residu baltan kering talc tereerna dengan metode Wearies. Data yang terkumpul diolah secara statistilc atenggunakan analisis ragam dengan poly perlasktion faktorial 4 x 3 claims rancangan aeak lengkap. Amoniasi dan fermentasi dengan I reesei eendenum menitigkatkan koettriman serat kasar pucuk tabu secara in sacco pada sapi potong PO. Kombinasi perlakuan amoninsi (dengan 'draft amnia 6 %) pada proses fennentasi (lama inlatbasi 4 minggn) meningkalkati efektiyitas fitnnentasi, yang tercermin pada peningkatan keeenistau serat Itasar seeara nyata (P10,05), yakni 50,25 % dibanding 31,37 % pada pucuk tebu tanpa perlakuan (Tabel 2.). Perk penelitian lebih lanjut dengan peningkatan :was monists', selimgm diperoleb MIS mania yang optimal, yakni aras =Ma yang mengitasilkan peningkatan keeernaan serat kasar (KcS12 seeara nyata dengan periode fermentasi yang kWh pendek.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences > Department of Animal Agriculture |
ID Code: | 21524 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 01 Sep 2010 07:51 |
Last Modified: | 01 Sep 2010 07:51 |
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