Kartikawati , Henny and . Kisdjamiatun, . Kisdjamiatun (2005) Pencegahan Gangguan Fungsi Ginjal Selama Infeksi Plasmodium berghei ANKA Mencit Balb/c yang diberi Ekstrak Daun Bidara. Documentation. FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN.
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Latar Belakang : Resistensi terhadap obat anti malaria yang terjadi sekarang ini merupalcart hal yang mempenulit penanganannya. Komponen aktif ekstmk daun Bidam (Andrographis paniculata ) terbukti mempunyai aktivilas anthnalaria terhadap P. berghei ANKA. Ekstrak daun Bidara dapat znenghatnbat perkembangbiakan parasit ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui apalcah benar pencegahan gangguan fimgsi ginjal selama infeksi P. berghei ANKA mencit BMW yang diberi Ekstrak Daun Bidara dapat terbukti dengan menggunakan kadar ureum dan krcatinin serum sebagai indikator gangguan fungsi ginjal. Rahan dan Metade : Desain penelitian ini adalah post test only control group. Sampel penelitian menggunakan 90 ekor mencit dewaca dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok pertakuan dan kelornpok kontrol. Kelompok perlakuan mendapat preparat ekstrak dam Bidara 16-608 mg/ mencit yang dicampur dengan pelamt CMC-Na 0,5% 0,1 ml per hari per oral, mulai 11 hari pre infeksi sampai 8 hari post infeksi. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol diberikan CMC-Na 0,5% sebanyak 0,1 mt peroral. Kadar ureum dan kreatinin serum diukur pada hari ke 3, 6, dan 8 post infeksi. Pengolahan data menggunakan Independent Simple T-test, Mann-Whitney test, uji ANOVA dan Kruskal-Wallis test Hasil : Kadar ureum meningkat secara bennakna lebih dari harga normal terjadi sejak bath ke 6 path kelompok kontro1 dan hati ke 8 pada kelompok perlakuan. Kinetik kadar kreatinin rnencit perlakuan tidak meningkat secam bermakna selama infcksi. Seraentara kinetik kadar kreatinin kelompok kontrol meningkat secara bermakna pada han ke 8 post infeksi. Kesimpulan Pengamatan kadar ureum menunjukan bahwa pcmberian ekstrak claim Bidara tidak sepenuhnya mencegah gangguan fungsi ginjal, tetapi hanya rnemperlatnbat terjadinya gangguan fangsi ginjal. Pengamatan kinetika kadar kreatinin menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun Bidara dapat memelihara fimgsi ginjal mencit Balb/c selama infeksi P. berg/ice ANIG1 Kata Kunci : Ureum, kreatinia, Plasmodium berghei ANKA, Bidara, Andrographis pcmicuktta Background The increasing of resistance to the malaria drugs recently causes the difficulty in handling malaria. Bidara leaf extract contents active compound which have antimalariu activities toward Plasmodiwn berghei ANKA. Bidara leaf extract inhibite parasite multlidication. The purpose of this study is to find out whether prevention of renal disfunction during P. berghei ANKA infection in Balb/c mice treated with Bidara leaf extract occure and this prove by ureum and creatinine plasma level measurement as the indicator of the kidney disjunction. Subject and method: the study was designed with post test only control group design. The samples consisted of 90 balb/c mice, which was divided in to 2 groups namely treated and control group. The treated group received 14608 mg Bidam leaf extract in each mke which was already mixed with CMC-Na 0,5% 0,1 ml orally, since 1 Ph day pre pre infection until gh day post infection. The control group only received CMC-Na 0.5% 0,1 ml orally . The ureum and creatinine plasma level was measured on day 3, 6 and 8 of infection. Data was processed using Independent Simple Ptest, Mann whitney test, ANOVA test and Kruskall-wallis test. Result : There was a signfficant increase ureum level above normal on day 6 and 8 of infection in control and treated groups, respectively. Kinetic of creatinin plasma levels showed no signfficant increase on the all day post infection in the treated group, while a significant increase was observed on day 8 of infection compare to day 3 and 6 in the control group. Conclusion : Based on tireurn levels, Bidara leaf extract can not completely protect renal function, since it only can postpone renal disjunction. Based on the creatinin kinethic, the extract can maintain the renal function. Keywords : Ureurn, creotinine, Plasmodium berghei ANKA, Bidara, Andrographis pank-ulata
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine |
ID Code: | 21375 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 30 Aug 2010 09:06 |
Last Modified: | 30 Aug 2010 09:06 |
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