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In central lava, especially w Purwretjo regency. the population of crossbreed gores livestock ho hoe dreverervl 94.1 rare, so wrens. lenr1 to howl Local goals e. rewbandu or Koenig goats). licnce, treatment is needed to improve the quality and puptrehoo of goats thostmghbred Improving nchnobiology or =technique, breeding and reproduction, and cconoccore om The poiemialtly and conducive condition for development plan and goats livestock development in PLIMOICIO regency have been shown by Pie reshondeni cilaraderistk Ouch as. *Eg.; between 20-50 yes education level between Junior and Senior Hush school, livestock experience between 5-40 yead livestock "relnahor Welk-Mg 5555n5 of livddidd). feed a-Ana teas, an ch are vanoo beds material b n as on 4 -5 killdS, giving and dish of feed is available all day long and ad Itharim, the. amount ()Heed is geierally more than the biological aced, and tho regularity of daily feeding). Ireestock aspere ( breeding stock is bought or - entreat house aspect (constructio, budding tureen* and location °rammed house has Ova separated (rein die owner's house) Some wasupponed facts which oetre to be improved, such as the turehopped growl-fader such as legume, grass, and hale, cadincorrect disease prevention r011Wial by liYMtna.MIMILILIMI and habitaL wish o moven by Medicine (S4 %) of sick animal Tres rescued) bu oil I stated goats hero was reached between 8 - 9 months, and was mated Assn bey VfilIC ye old The fanners who %how the oestroes cycle re 3667 59 those who know the oestrous puma are 33 33 Ws( those who know °encores signs are 4667 'Ow Most of the fanners (80 %) cross hired their goats naturally. The litter she are 1 - 1 heads bah weight of female kids me 2 - 3 khs and male kids ate - 4 kgs. Artificial instremetion bent goats has been applied to improve the quality of breeding stock in Pureorno regency. Village breeding centre (VBC) necessarily applied and developed to improve the needing stockgraduate'''. "the econonde below shows that cross breed goals farming m Purees* regrecynas contributed income than Local goals fanning aretigh as PI 10 As Di lava Tengah, Ichususnya ' numoceth, nomad sena. %imam pcmockan man konnunsuran dm kelangicapn. asking% masyamkat canlatmg memelikara lambing lokal Oawarandu den Kacang) Oleh di lams penanganan gum menitakallianthurtu dan populasi bible lambing Magni yaitu dengan am mohlismakan keglakin karma perbsikan asp& teknotnologi. teproduksi, den ekonasonalculnu. Kondisi polensiatif dan kondusif bagi mune pembamosan dan pengembangan make-monk kambing di kabupaten Pommes, ditunjukkan olek: karaktedstik responden (mcliputi: limns 20.50 lath% Peildalan OM an SITA. plumb= berenak 5 - 40 faun, an =Masi betemak **anal matapencabannn pcmunjang), aspek prikan (=knurl: balm pk1131 barman 0-5 P kpola d sak Penal InICM PinljEllIg had dm ad IfIntran, ninth pembennu pakm mamma kehtltullW1 loologanya, se Imago pembedan gakan seam hank aspek sepal. (ban and atau mammal% dengan wank pemildsan 1 - 12 Mork Sena pembuatan kaudang (konnruksi, %than kandang, Pmanalanderak Nommen Mama Nuthall lamsek dan numb). Feta yang kurang meadukung dan man d Medal; koudisinya. swam lam bent.* sal pakan yang ulub, dart 114Jakell pmsontif pencanhan penyakit yang duktm salaam lethally %mak dm habitat yang kolumthlaksanakan kmara hems, yang rkkuklalus cab besango (34.63%) may tem& rokil. Dan hasil !mania panne kerpendapal %km masa 'Amiss pads anima vg yang amara mar -9 Man dan dewasa kelamin fads unsur 1 clam Pclanak yang mengelaan berabi Many% 36.67%; internals yang mengetalmi Imna sebanyak 33,33% yang mathetakui la beret sebanyak 45,67% %Imm keno (80%) petemak thinkingmath mean:thalmi secnA 09111f. JUITiltth mak per kelalii ran 1-2 ant Robot111M berina 2 -3 kg damdi PM= 3 4 kg. MIA mulaktdcan upaya Peninglralen implu bait kambingai labupolon Punvorejo, diterapkall lelak insominasi Mal (1%). angan menggunakan p semen bcku rebus= mum lambing ICaligthing. Upok mcnninkakan rodoksi than naka podu Meagan sin damng thakon pealmlnlim thinking %mat thrilme brenthmathennBC). liasil analN.1S ek0110Ti menunaddcan karma budidays %smiling peramkan mambo-ohm konbibusi pendapatan yang lebth Magi dibandingkau dengan buckdaya lambing lokal, yano stheSar61.70 %
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling |
Divisions: | Document UNDIP |
ID Code: | 21231 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 27 Aug 2010 08:39 |
Last Modified: | 27 Aug 2010 08:39 |
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