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Hakekat Tembaugunan Nasional.a4alah penkangunaa mama¬sia.Iadouesia seutukays dan pemUangunsa masyarakat solUruh ays, sedangkan tujuan pemkaugunan thususays di biding ske¬an/ din sosial *data untuk meningkatkan taraf kidup rak - yat yang lebib bait separe materiil din spirituil agar dorm jat hidup Amara maksimal dapat.teroapai. Berkaitan dengan hal teriekut make *agora telah men - jamin setup warga negara untuk meadapatkaa paternal* sobs-gamma teroantum dalam nasal 27 ayat 2 UUD 1945, yang so¬.1aajutaya,dijakarkan.dslam Unitas-widen Polak Ketenagaker¬jaan Nal4 takun 1969 , Undancrundang No 3 tan 1992 ten-tang Janina Sesill Teaaga Kerja,.Undang-undang No 6 takun .1974 tenting Ketentuan Polak Nesejakterasp Sosial. Semuanys kertujuan agar pekerja memperolek kesejakteraan as . sit' yang nomads/. Usaka kesejahtersan.sosial Usti pendorita osoat jugs tidak terpisakkan dart tujuan Tomkaugunan Nasional, elah ks roue itu perlu ada pengituran.dan penanganau yang kerkaitan dengan segala.kak den kowajikan penderita oaoat deism melak suntan pokernannya, khususnya bagl pekorjapenderita .ca-: oat tank sexual. dents* ketentuan 10.? Honor 36 taints :1980 tenting Ussika Nerojakteraan Sesial Uzi Penderits Cacat. Sekukungawdengan hal tersekut, maks penolitian 'ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui sekorapa jauh hakskak dan jams Tian sosial Use pekerja . yang °stoat tubuk dan yang tidak pa oat taut, kendala-kondala yang ada dalam memaakerjakan pe¬kerja . °moat tank di P.T.Kanigara.Gelas Industrial Ltd. • ..Hasil penelitian.ini diharapkan dapit memkerikan man-fiat terhadap.pengenkangan Ilmu hukum balk yang Uersifat praktis maupun taring.- Fedi dasarnya Penelitian ini menggunakan metede penile katan-diri.disiplin ilmuJaukum yang memfokuskan pembahasan dart meg/ kukum normatif, artinya kajian-kajian hay* dida¬sarkan atas *spot teeritis. dengan. menganalisa pelsksanaan peraturan.perundang-undangan yang kerkaitan dengan pokok per masalakan. Analiss yang digunakan *Cask . maims_ kuantitatif lug berujud perkitungan prosentase. *kalifs kualitatif ju¬gs dilakukan untuk melengkapi penjelasan dan gejala permasa lake* yang belum dapat diungkapkan dengan amnia kualita - tif. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan didapat basil sok.- gai berikut s 1. rengumaka totals menerapkau kak-kak pekerja sour.. ai denten peraturan perundang-undangan yang bier - laku, sodangkan pelaksanaan pemkerian jaminan so¬sial pougusaka kolum monerapkan Undang-undang no¬mor 3-tahun 1992 tentang Jaminan Tenaga 2. Pengusaka tidak memberikan perbrdaan perlakuan an tara pekerja oaoat tank dan yang tidak (moat to kuk 3. Dalam mompokerjakan pekerja oaoat tubub tidak ads kendala yang dijumpai, kakkan mereka menunjukkan prestasi yang lekik tinggi dalam mengerjakan pe¬kerjaannya. 4. SPSI unit Kanigara Galas mempunni penman yang balk dalam meningkatkan kesejakteraan pars poker-jot termasuk pekerja carat tukuk. Pelaksanaan kesejakteraan pekerja cant tubub di P.T Kanigara Gelas Industrial Ltd. ini *angst bermanfaat Use kelangsungan kidupnya. P.T Kanigara Gelas Industrial Ltd. ini merupakan perusakaan satu-satunya yang mempekerjakan pekerja °scat tubuk teruta -ma (meat kaki di Natant** Daerak Tingkat II Semarang. Hal ini kerarti kakis& pengusakany* telak melaksanakan kaki jaksanaan yang telak dituangkan deism GBH' tentang kesejak¬teraan penderita °anat. Semoga-kokijakasaan pengus*ka P.T.Kanigara Gulag Industri¬al Ltd. dapat menjadi eontok bee perusakaan-perusabaan la¬innya di talsupaten Daerak Tingkat II Semarang. The National Development in truth is,the development of Indonesian totally and the people wholly, meanwhile the purpos particularly of the economical and social sector, is to increase the people's livelihood materially and spiri - tually so.that their standards of living can be ,reached maximally. Connected to that the state guarantees each citizen to have a job as written in UUD 1945 section 27 article 2 that has been described further in act number 14/1969, of The Principal Stipulotions-of_Labour Force and act number 6/1974 of The Principal Stipulations of Social Welfare. All.have purposes for the workers to get social .:welfare adequately.. The social welfare efforts for the handioipped pee -pie can netlike separated from the purpose of the national development. That's why the arrangement and handling of their rights and obligations in doing their jobs are requi¬red partioulary for the physically handicapped according to stipulations-of the.Governmental Regulation number 36/1980. • Based on that this.research was meant to know how far the rights and the social guarantees of the physically handicapped workers were fulfilod by the enterpreneur, whether there were differences between the normal and the physically handicapped workers of their rights and social guarantees or.not, and the obsstaoless in employing the physically handicapped workers at P.T Kanigara Goias Indus¬trial Ltd. It is hoped that the result of this research will be useful for the.developing of jurisprudence practically and theoritically. Basically this research was carried out by using approaching method of.jurisprudenoial discipline focusing a study on a normative jurisprudence perspective. This meant that the study was based only on theoritical aspects analyzing the implementation of the legislation in connec¬tion with the main set of problems. The analysis used was the quantitative one with percentage calculations. The qualitative analysis was also taken to complete %he clarification and the phenomena of the set of.prohlems that had not been revealed using the quantitative analysis. From this research some conclusions showed that s 1. The enterpreneur had delivered the worker's rights according to the prevailing legislations, implementation of giving social gua¬rantees, the enterpreneur had net been faithful to Act number 3/1992, of Social Quarantees for Labour Force. 2. The enterproneur did not treat differently between the.physically handicapped and the nor - mal workers. 3. In employing the physically handicapped workers, there were not obstacles to find, moreover, they.showed better achievement in doing their jobs. 4. SIMI ( Indonesian Labour Union ) at Kanigara Ge¬las Unit portrayed a good role in raising the workers welfaresinoluding the physically handi¬capped workers. The implementation of the physically handicapped workers welfare at P.T Kanigara Gales Industrial Ltd. was the only enterprise employing the physically handicapped, especially,whom with feet defeat at the Regency of the Re¬gion at the 2-nd level Semarang. This meant that the enterpreneur had brought about the Po¬lley poured into GREW about Welfare for the handicapped people. Finally, may the enterpreneur's policy of P.T Kani¬gara Gelas Industrial Ltd. provide a model for other enter prises at the Regency of the Region at the 2-nd level Sena-rang.

Item Type:Monograph (Documentation)
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions:Faculty of Law > Department of Law
ID Code:21085
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:26 Aug 2010 08:16
Last Modified:26 Aug 2010 08:16

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