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ResearchOn Obseuur Li be in c ivil suits of ang d is tt- c t peer ia a a or ma live legal research. Th o [pose of th iw rese o re 11 are f irstly to understand tie reasons why a judge determines a su t to he Obsouur order, secondly, Lt, exam ne the !III L hOY I t y of 8 judge in order to improve Obesitur its, and f inally to Are rue the at i of judge when facing an Obseuur Libel suit . Thedata Ind Leis run a re pr y an secondary data , wh ic 5 Pere <4.0. ieed f rnm ieldvork and 1 thr cry study The dote woo co lice ted through means of questloonal res, interviesrs and document study The ropu 1 55 of thie epeat-eh are that ten reasons f or produo ing 81 NIBOUU c L u re vor i ed Ett e Ica 1 ly a es t whist. is c la imed te be Obseuur Li bel might occur if the subject uf the r. late 1_5 incomplete, i f the object is not f 01 1 y clean, if details of the fundapen- tem petend t are incompl nee r unc tear , if the pet :tut. is unel e r or i f tlm pet i tue and fundomentum se tend i are unre In Lod . This research add i t iona 1 1 y proves that the judge has no au t tor i ty to improve en %scour L ibe su i, but rather the improvement should be done by the antit if f Ajudge has a r espens ib i 1 i ty at an rst to pdv i et and to gu plaint ir r or his attorney and then to canoe l his su it . Facing an Obseuu r Libel die t • a judgc can Ilec. ide that the c la im con not he recived (niet on tvankel ijk ve rkl Revd) or rejected Te minimise Obscuur Libe of as much a8 possible, the d istrict sour i. ohn rmen , or the judge who hand to the particularu it , should take dmre of the art ic le of 119 H1R, even though the e la in t if f uses 1.he service of an u t Le reey add t ion L o these resul ts , it has been found that the f u tu re law procedures should clearly flute the can Lan Is of the mo lt, part Lou la rly concern ing to Carmel and mu Le r ill cond tions . In the current 111IR, Pony 1 i lien tenLang olisouur libel da lam gugnt an perdata di Pengadi Ian Ntgeri Semarang merupakan penelitian hukum, nr,rmat if. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengart tujuan untuk mengetahui adasan hakim meroyatakun :unto gugatan ids vbereler libel, kyvenangan hakim dalam memperbaiki gugatan yang sbsesor I idol, den silpip hakim apabila mcoghadnel gngatan yang oeedninr Data yang di vets k nn dal am retie lit i en in i ad a lab data nr den data sekundair, data tersebut dikumpulkan melalui penelitian lapangan Van kepustakasn dengan slat Perignmpul data berupa Foiesioner, maupun pedsman mawancara Aar.vtudi dokuren. Dan hasit r•eneletian dapat di be babes alasan suat» gugatan itu dinyseakan obseuur libel masih he lum ada kesersgrunan. suet° guga tan dinyatakon eibmveror libel depotndikarenatar, sul,yek gugatan tidal; lengkap, obyek uengketa dare gugatan Pelee:, under, pprictiva dalym fundamentum petendi tidak jelasitidak lengkap, peti eon gugadd.n tidak dialed; ataupon tenetadu keselarnsan hubungan under petit vm dengan (undamentvm petendinya• Hakim pada ririnsidelvs tidal berwynang untuk melakukrin perubahan ter hadap gugatan, Us aopin gugatan tersebut abseuur . rang uerwenong myl hero pervbatuyn gugatan adalsh penggo- gut. lthkim hanro here en an g memberikan nasehat dan petunjuk kepada penggugat atau kuasanya, petunjuk tersebu) dapat berupa sekedar saran (stew himbauan agar mu ton diealM1 dabuln Ds lam orderle,day.5 gugatan yang ObSC"UO r libel, maka hnkie 'Inert morutor. gugadar, dengan menyatakon tidak dapat d try r (n ie t In v or k laard ) at on m en() 10: guga)7tri Jetuk mengyeangl 1,ymungkinen suetu gugstan dinyato- ban rbocuur libel oleh haklm, bendaknya ketentuon rasa l had uelalu i la ksarakan olyh Ketus Penadi10.9 maupun had im rung rumor t;vrt PF: kft r a , walaupun pihnk pengipigatny Ilengeur.okori jasa leieue hukum. Sedates Stu hendaknya dalam seeara trigs): ha1 (hol ape yang dares dieoe) dalae gugatan, f k mongynai erarai syyrat form L1 maupun syarat maderii I gogr karene lema yang barna (Ileum) dolor, :tug/ItMI t idak diatur del am HIR.

Item Type:Monograph (Documentation)
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions:Faculty of Law > Department of Law
ID Code:21017
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 1
Deposited On:25 Aug 2010 09:49
Last Modified:25 Aug 2010 09:49

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