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Pencemaran lingkungan fisik, berupa pencemaran udara merupakan dampak adanya perubahan lingkungan yang bersifat negatif. Pencemaran udara tersebut dapat berupa adanya partikel debu yang melebihi standar yang dibolehkan berada dalam udara sehingga menimbulkan gangguan pernafasan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar debu total dengan kejadiaan penyakit ISPA pada balita di Kecamatan Purbalingga. Penelitian ini merupakan explanatory research. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan pendekatan cross Sectional.Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah balita yang diambil dengan menggunakan metode cluster. Penentuan clusterdilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Csurvey. Junlah cluster ada 6 yang terbesar di 6 Kelurahan dan 6 RW. Setiap clusterterdiri dari 10 balita, sehingga jumlah seluruh sampel ada 60 balita. Hasil pengukur kadar debu total menggunakan alat High Volume Sampler Type500, diperolrh hasil kadar debu total rata-rata di Kecamatan Purbalingga adalah 0,2845 mg/m3,Kejadiaan ISPA yang ditentukan sebesar 25% dari 60 balita sebagai sampel. Hasil perhitungan secara statistik dengan menggunakan analisa korelasi Product Momentdiketahui koefisien korelasi (r) dengan two tailed sebesar 0,669. Angka signifikansi hasil korelasi menunjukkan kurang dari 0,05, yaitu sebesar 0,017. Hal ini berarti hipotesa nol ditolak dan hipotesa pemelitian diterima, atau berarti ada hubungan bermakna antara kadar debu total dengan kejadian ISPA di Kecamatan Purbalingga. dalam upaya pengendalian pencemaran udara, terutama pencemaran partikel-partikel debu, perlu adanya program pengendalian pencemaran itu, secara lintas sektoral dari beberapa instansi terkait dan terpadu, sehingga upaya pengendalian pencemaran partikel debu dan upaya penekanan kejadian penyakit ISPA dapat dilakukan secara efisien dan efektif. Kata Kunci: Kejadian ISPA Ringan, Kadar Debu Total,Balita THE RELATIONSHIP TOTAL DIRT RATE WITH OCCURENCE OF LIGHT ISPA AT BALITA IN PURBALINGGA VILLAGE SUB-PROVINCE OF PURBALINGGA YEAR 2004 Contamination of physical environmment, in the form of contamination of air represent impact of is existence of distorting of environment having the character of negativity. The iar contamination can in the from of existence of mote exceeding enabled standart stay in air causing exhalation trouble. Target of this research to know total dirt rate relation with occurence ISPA disease at balita in Purbalingga. This research represent research explanatory. This research use method survey with cross sectional approach. Sampel in this research is taken balita by using cluster method. Cluster determination conducted by using software of Csurvey. Amount of cluster there is 6 biggestfin 6 Sub-District and 6 RW. Each;Every cluster consist 10 balita, so that the amount of enteri sampel there is 60 balita. Result of measuremnet of total dirt rate use appliance of High Volume of Sampler Type 500,obtained result of total dirt rate of mean in District of Purbalingga is 0,2845 mg/m3. Occurence of determined ISPA equal to 25% from 60 balita sampel. Result of calculation statistically by using correlation analysis of Product moment know by correlation coefficient (r) with tailed two equal to 0,669. P value result of correlation show less than 0,05, that is equal to 0,017. Matter this means hypothesizing zero refused and research hypothesizing accepted or mean there is relation have a meaning of between total dirt rate with occurence of ISPA in Purbalingga In the effort control of air contamination, especially contamination of motes, need the existence of that control of contamination program, passing by quickly is sectioral the than some inwrought and relevant institution, so that strive control of contamination of effort and mote emphasis of occurence ISPA disease can be conducted efficiently and is effective. Keyword : Occurrence ISPA Disease, Total Dirt Rate, Balita Child
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 20895 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 24 Aug 2010 09:34 |
Last Modified: | 24 Aug 2010 09:34 |
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