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Kota Semarang telah mengalami penurunan tanah yang disebabkan pengambilan airtanah pada akuifer tertekan berlebihan. Maka diperlukan kajian penyebaran akuifer dan hidrogeologi yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebaran akuifer secara lateral dan vertikal sehingga diketahui posisi muka airtanah pisometrik serta menjelaskan mekanisme hidrogeologi ketika terjadi penurunan tanah. Kajian penyebaran akuifer dilakukan analisa data sekunder, verifikasi data, cheking data di Lapangan pada setiap Formasi Geologi. Data yang digunakan berupa data log bor dan uji mekanika tanah yang diperoleh dari PLG (Pusat Lingkungan Geologi) Bandung dan data pengukuran titik geolistrik dari CV Sigma Tiga Semarang. Cheking data di lapangan untuk mengetahui kondisi geologi dengan melakukan pengukuran struktur geologi, litologi dan posisi sumur bor serta daerah yang mengalami penurunan tanah. Kemudian dilakukan analisa SIG (sistem informasi geografis) untuk mengetahui zonasi penurunan tanah. Dad data-data tersebut kemudian dilakukan analisa penyebab penurunan tanah. Sistem akuifer di Kota Semarang bersifat tidak bersambung antar sistem (non countinuous) karena secara geologi dipisahkan oleh sistem formasi geologi dan struktur geologi yang berupa sesar. Sehingga secara hidrogeologi dapat dibagi menjadi 4 yakni : akuifer Endapan Kuarter, batupasir Formasi Damar, breksi volkanik Formasi Kalibeng, dan produk Gunungapi Muda. Akuifer yang banyak dieksploitasi adalah akuifer Edapanan Kuarter, akuifer ini terbagi dua yaitu akuifer endapan delta garang dan Taut lcuarter. Akuifer ini berupa lensa — lensa batuan pasir berbutir sedang sampai kasar. Pada akuifer ini yang mengalami penurunan muka tanah (subsidence). Penurunan muka tanah dapat dijelaskan dengan fakta fenomena alam antara lain penurunan muka airtanah pisometrik pada akuifer tertekan dan proses hidrokompaksi, proses ini dipengaruhi dua faktor yaitu nilai angka pori (e) dan densitas (Gs). Di semarang terjadi penurunan muka airtanah pisometrik yang telah membentuk kerucut muka airtanah sampai 20 m bml dengan rata-rata 0.7 — 1.1 m/tahun. Hidrokompaksi menyebabkan penurunan angka pori rata-rata 0.145 — 0.5 dan densitas 0.009 gr/cm3 - 0.073 gr/cm3 . Penurunan muka airtanah pisometrik dan proses hidrokompaksi menyebabkan laju amblesan tanah di Semarang berkisar 0.5 — 1.75 cm/tahun. Town of Semarang have experienced of the land subsidence that caused by intalce groundwater in unconfined aquifer abundant. Hence needed the study of spreading of aquifer and hydrogeology which aim to lcnow the spreading aquifer by lateral and vertical so that lcnown the position of pisometric water table and also explain the mechanism hydrogeology when happened the land subsidence . The study of spreading aquifer done by tha analysis of secondary data, verification data, chelcing data in the field in each geology formation. That data is in the form of drilling log data and soil mechanics test obtained from PLG (Environmental Center of Geology) Bandung and data of geoelectric survey from limited partner (CV Sigma Tiga) Semarang. Cheking data in field to know the geology condition by measurement of geology structure, litologi and well position drill and also natural area of the land subsidence. Later then done by analysis SIG (geographical information system) to know the zonasi of land subsidence. From the data it then done by analysis of cause of the land subcidence. The Aquifer in Semarang town have the character of do not joint between the system (non countinuous) because as geology dissociated by system of formation of geology and geology structure which is in the form of fault. So that by hydrogeology can divisible become 4 namely : sediment of quaternary, sandstone of Damar Formation, volcanic breccia of Kalibeng Formation, and young volcanic product. Aquifer which is a lot of exploited is sediment of quaternary, this aquifer is divisible two that is aquifer of deltaic sediment and the quaternary sea sediment. This aquifer in the form of lens of sandstone have grain size medium until coarse. This aquifer has the land subsidence. The land subsidence explainable with the experienced phenomenon fact for example degradation of pisometric water table at unconfmed aquifer and process of hydrocompaction. That process influenced by two factor that is assess the pore number (e) and specific gravity (Gs). The degradation of pisometric water table formed the trapeze of water table until 20 m from sea level with the mean 0.7 - 1.1 m/years. Hydrocompaction cause the degradation of number of mean pore 0.145 - 0.5 and specific gravity 0.009 gr/cm3 - 0.073 gr/cm3 . The degradation of pisometric water table and process the hydrocompaction cause the fast of land subsidence around 0.5 - 1.75 cm/years.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GE Environmental Sciences |
Divisions: | Document UNDIP |
ID Code: | 20873 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 24 Aug 2010 08:43 |
Last Modified: | 24 Aug 2010 08:43 |
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