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Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian terbesar pada anak dinegara berkembang.Di Indonesia dari sekitar 450.000 kematian balita yang terjadi setiap tahun 150.000 diantaranya disebabkan oleh ISPA terutama karena Pneumonia.Jumlah kasus Pneumonia di Puskesmas I Banjarnegara sejak tahun 2002 sampai bulan Mei 2004 menduduki peringkat pertama diantara Puskesmas lainnya diwilayah Banjarnegara.Faktor resiko kejadian Pneumonia terdiri dari faktor intrinsik meliputi pemberian ASI,status gizi dan status imunisasi,keadaannya diwilayah Puskesmas I Banjarnegara baik yang telah memenuhi target,sedangkan faktor eksentrik belum ada datanya. Penelitian ini menggunakaan metode kasus kontrol.Analisa data dilakukan dengan SPSS 10 menggunakan tabel 2x2,CI=95% dan alfa=0,0005 serta dihitung besarnya kekuatan hubungan dengan menghitung nilai Odds Ratio. Berdasarkan analisa didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut:ada hubungan antarakontruksi rumah dengan kejadian Pneumonia (tidak permanen-semi permanen)p=0,004 OR=6,857 CI(95%)=1,826-25,754 dan tidak permanen-permanen p=0,01 OR=8,750 C1(95%)=2,319-33,020),ada hubungan antar jenis lantai dengan kejadian Pneumonia (p=0,0001 OR=4,235 CI(95%)=1,196-5,614)ada hubungan antar percahayaan rumah dengan kejadian Pneumonia (p=0,0001 OR=22 CI(95%)=7,848-61,670)ada hubungan antar keberadaan asap dapur dengan kejadian Pneumonia (p=0,00001 OR=(5,612 CI(95%)=2,696-11,681),ada hubungan antara jenis bahan bakar dengan kejadian pneumonia(p=0,0001 OR+41,250 CI(95%)=13,263-128,293),ada hubungan antara fentilasi rumah dengan kejadian pneumonia (p=0,0001 OR=11,500 CI(95%)=5,006-26,418. Berdasarkan kesimpulan yang didapat penulis menyarankan perbaikan lingkungan perumahan untuk mengurangi resiko terkena pneumonia pada balita,misalnyaberupa pembuatan ventilasi/jendela,penggunaan genting kaca,pembuatan penyekat antara dapur dengan ruang lain,dengan tetap memperhatikan status ekonomi masyarakat. Kata Kunci: pneumonia,balita,faktor eksentrik lingkungan rumah THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR EXTRINSIC OF HOUSE WITH PNEUMONIA OCCURENCE ON CHILDREN UNDER FIVE YEARS IN THE WORKING AREA OF COMMUNITY HEALT CENTER OF BANJARNEGARA I IN YEARS 2004 Acute Respiratory Infection represents one of the biggest death cause of childrent in developing country.In indonesia from about 450.000 death on children under 5 years old that happenedevery year 150.000 among other things because of Acute Respiratory Infection especially of pneumonia .According to survey of health of pneumonia Domestic represent the second death cause and become the first one in the year 1992.The amount of pneumonia Case in comunity Health center of Banjarnegara I since year 2002 up to May 2004 occupying first grade among other Community Health center of Banjarnegara District.Risk factor of pneumonia occurence consisted by intrinsic an extrinsic factor .Intrinsic factor cover the best feeding nutrient status and imunization status,its circumstance in region of good community Health Center of Banjarnegara I and have fulfiled the goals,for the extrinsic factor not yet been god its data.This resears used a case control method.Data analyzing was done by SPSS 10 by using table 2x2,CI=95% and alfa=0,05 was also calculated the levelof relation strength by calculating value of Odds Ratio.Fromresearch showed that was corelation between house contruction with the pneumonia occurence (p=0,01),there was corelation between floor type with the pneumonia occurence(0,001 OR=4,235 CI(95%)=2,000-8,967),there was corelation between house dencity with pneumonia occurence (p=0,014 OR=2,591CI(95%)=1,196-5,614),there was corelation between house illumination with the pneumonia occurence (p=0,001 OR=22 CI(95%)=7,484-61,670),ther was corelation between existence of kitchen smoke with the pneumonia occurence (p=0,0001 OR=5,612 CI(95%)=2,696-11,681),there was corelation between foel type with the pneumonia occurence (p=0,0001 OR=4,008 CI(95%)=1,932-8,313),there was corelation between humidity with the pneumonia occurence (p=0,0001 OR=4,008 CI(95%)=1,932-8,313),there was corelation between humidity with the pneumonia occurence (p=0,0001 OR=41,250 CI(95%)=13,263-128,293),there was corelation between house ventilation with the pneumonia occurence (p=0,0001 OR=11,500 CI(95%)=6,006-26,418).In conclition,it suggest the environmental housing repair to decrease pneumonia risk on childrent under 5 years,for example making ventilation/window,use glass tile,makingisulator between kitchen with other room,but steel concidering econmic status of society. Keyword : pneumonia,children under 5 years,environmental factor extrinsic of house
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 20832 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 23 Aug 2010 11:58 |
Last Modified: | 23 Aug 2010 11:58 |
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