HUBUNGAN ANTARA LAMA PAPARAN UAP BELERANG DENGAN DERAJAT KEPARAHAN GINGIVITIS : Studi pada Pekerja Tambang Belerang di Gunung Welirang Kabupaten Pasuruan Jawa Timur

Mulyani, Dina_Indah (2006) HUBUNGAN ANTARA LAMA PAPARAN UAP BELERANG DENGAN DERAJAT KEPARAHAN GINGIVITIS : Studi pada Pekerja Tambang Belerang di Gunung Welirang Kabupaten Pasuruan Jawa Timur. Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Medicine.

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Background: Gingivitis may be caused by systemic and local (endogen and exogen) factors. One of the exogen factors affecting the prevalence and the degree of gingivitis is environmental pollutants. Sulphur is one of these pollutants, which can be found in the working environment. Several factors that determine the negative effect of sulphuric acid fumes are the duration, the entrance of subtances and the dose. The aim of this research was to asses the relationship between the length of exposure to sulphur and the grade of gingivitis in the sulphur miners at Mount Welirang. Methods: This research was an observational analitycal study with cross-sectional design. The subjects were the mining’s workers at Mount Welirang, Pasuruan East Java. Twenty seven miners have fulfilled the inclusion criterias: 25-45 years old, work as sulphur miners for at least 10 years, without tooth prothesis and tooth protector. The data including the length of sulphuric acid fumes exposure and the gingival index, which was collected by interview and direct examination of subject, classified according to the Loe and Sillness Gingival Index. Data were processed with SPSS 13.0 for Windows using Spearman correlation test with level of significancy 0,05. Results: Spearman correlation test showed that there was a moderate significant correlation, p=0,006 (p<0,05) and r=0,516 (r=0,40 to 0,599) between the length of sulphuric acid fumes exposure with the grade of gingivitis. Conclusions: There was a moderate significant correlation between the length of sulphuric acid fumes exposure with the grade of gingivitis. Keywords: gingivitis , length of exposure, sulphuric acid fumes

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:R Medicine > RK Dentistry
Divisions:Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine
ID Code:20542
Deposited On:18 Aug 2010 09:24
Last Modified:18 Aug 2010 09:24

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