Sawitri, Sawitri (2006) HUBUNGAN GAMBARAN HISTOPATOLOGIS, KADAR BEBERAPA ENZIM HEPAR, KADAR BILIRUBIN HEPAR TIKUS Wistar YANG DIBERI EKSTRAK Ganoderma lucidum. Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Medicine.
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The Correlation between histopatologic pattern, Value of some Liver Enzymes and Value of liver bilirubin of Wistar mouse which has been given Ganoderma lucidum Extract Background: The use of Ganoderma lucidum as an anti hypertensi drug, diabetes, and cancer is increasing in community. Recalling that liver is an crucial organ which function to detoxified some digested component by digestivus tract, it is important to do sub chronic toxicity test of G. lucidum to liver organ. The purpose of this research is to analyze the toxic effect of G. lucidum and it’s metabolit to Wistar mouse’s liver organ by analyzing the microscopic appearance of the liver cell and it’s corellation with the value of SGOT / SGPT, Alkali Fosfatase, GGT enzymes, and bilirubin value. Method: This study was laboratory experimental using the post test only control group design. A total of samples were 40 mouses with specific criterias, divided randomly into 4 group. Group 1 as control group, group 2 treated with G. lucidum ( each mice 2,97 mg/day ), group 3 treated with G. lucidum ( each mice 2,97 mg/day ) and Phenobarbital as non specific inducer of metabolism ( each mice 1,35mg/day ), group 4 treated with G. lucidum ( each mice 2.97 mg/day ) and cimetidin as non specific inhibitor of metabolism ( each mice 1,35 mg/day ). Each month, 5 mouses from each group were killed after taken their blood on the liver. Then, hystopathologycal examination was performed on the liver Analysis of the liver microscopic was done using ANOVA test if the distribution of data was normal, and using Kruskal Wallis test if it wasn’t normal. And the correlation between microscopic appearance of the liver cell , with the value of SGOT/SGPT, Alkali Fosfatase, GGT enzymes, and bilirubin value was done using Pearson correlation test. Result: In the first month the result for all liver’s degree damage when related with the increase of SGOT / SGPT, Alkali Fosfatase, GGT enzymes and bilirubin value is P<0,01. And in the second month the result is P < 0,01 only on normal pattern and necrosis when related with the increase of SGOT / SGPT, Alkali Fosfatase, GGT enzymes and bilirubin value. Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between the increase of SGOT / SGPT, Alkali Fosfatase, GGT enzymes and bilirubin value with microscopic appearance of Wistar mouse’s liver which has been given G. lucidum extract Keywords: Ganoderma lucidum, Microscopic appearance, Value of some Liver enzymes, Value of liver bilirubin Hubungan gambaran histopatologis, kadar beberapa enzim hepar dan kadar bilirubin hepar tikus Wistar yang diberi ekstrak Ganoderma lucidum Sawitri1, M. Masjhoer2 Latar belakang: Penggunaan Ganoderma lucidum sebagai obat antihipertensi, diabetes dan kanker semakin meningkat dalam masyarakat. Mengingat hepar merupakan organ penting yang berfungsi mendetoksifikasi berbagai zat hasil pencernaan tractus digestivus perlu diadakan uji toksisitas sub kronik dari G.lucidum terhadap hepar. Tujuan dari pene- litian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek toksik G.lucidum dan metabolitnya pada organ hepar tikus Wistar dengan melihat gambaran histopatologis sel hepar dan hubungan de- ngan kadar enzim SGOT / SGPT, Alkali Fosfatase,Gama_GT, dan kadar bilirubin . Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorik dengan rancangan ‘ post test only control group design ‘. Jumlah sampel 40 ekor tikus Wistar dengan krite- ria - kriteria tertentu, dibagi menjadi empat kelompok secara acak.. Kelompok 1 sebagai kelompok kontrol, kelompok 2 diberi G. Lucidum ( 2,97 mg/ekor/hari ). Kelompok 3 di-beri Ganoderma lucidum ( 2,97 mg/ekor/hari ) dan fenobarbital sebagai pemacu non spe- sifik metabolisme ( 1,35 mg/ekor/hari ). Kelompok 4 diberi G. lucidum ( 2,97 mg/ekor/ /hari ) dan simetidin sebagai penghambat non spesifik metabolisme ( 2,7 mg/ekor/hari ). Setiap bulan, 5 ekor tikus dari tiap kelompok dimatikan setelah diambil darahnya. Kemu- dian hepar diperiksa gambaran mikroskopisnya. Analisa gambaran mikroskopis dilaku- kan dengan uji ANOVA jika distribusi data normal, dan uji Kruskal Wallis jika distribusi data tidak normal. Dan analisa hubungan gambaran histopatologis, kadar beberapa enzim hepar dan kadar bilirubin menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson. Hasil: Pada bulan pertama didapatkan hasil P < 0,01 pada semua derajat kerusakan sel hepar saat dihubungkan dengan peningkatan kadar enzim SGOT / SGPT, Alkali Fosfata- se,Gama_GT, dan kadar bilirubin. Pada bulan kedua didapatkan hasil P < 0,01 hanya pa- da gambaran normal dan nekrosis sel hepar saat dihubungkan dengan peningkatan kadar enzim SGOT / SGPT, Alkali Fosfatase,Gama_GT, dan kadar bilirubin. Kesimpulan: Adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara peningkatan kadar enzim SGOT / SGPT, Alkali Fosfatase,Gama_GT, dan kadar bilirubin dengan gambaran histopatologis hepar tikus Wistar yang diberi ekstrak G. Lucidum. Kata kunci: Ganoderma lucidum, gambaran histopatologis, kadar beberapa enzim hepar, kadar bilirubin.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RS Pharmacy and materia medica |
Divisions: | Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine |
ID Code: | 20361 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 13 Aug 2010 10:02 |
Last Modified: | 13 Aug 2010 10:02 |
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