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The Waste of agriculture is an alternative source to enlvt the crucial pr I em of feed int supply in TIE de noel . ar se r Central Lava, rice straw production as 14,4n7,nes tonryear, but only 70.40 % of this product was used as an animal feedang. The data indicated the potent and the possibility of straw to be develope as the feedstuf. f. Is in-prove the quality thceakneec of the straw should be ornitecl. Physical, chemical arrl hanwblearfel treatment and combination of the treatments are the buccesful method to make up the straw qoality . The digestibility of straw can be increased by chemicals olut_on the several point of levels. Solutior of ash of paddys-stem as ore of thenatural' source of alkaline solution whit n is recommended in the hydrolizing process to improve the digestibility an d the quality of straw, Bolus (rumen content) 15 the potential source for feedstuff processing. The good quality boluses are presented by the bolus of But talc and Cattle which is take fresh tram slaughter house-the Sheep and Seat. End the quality 30 C and B day time of presersmaion1 rot signiti cant ly dr/ Tenant with the quality, an the fresh corditice. Product or straw fermentation (FERMIUM! that make by Addirrr 14,6 % (Oftrlaral) of bo 1 nig and TA day:. formeetatIon showed the ficreio performance than the or aginal straw. The same phenomena raIsca he shower by the product of straw nydrothing (VMDRUMIDI) with the so pen: at hen of the ash of pad d ys stem cola. t ion whir It •52 enrichment by minerals. This research purposed to combine uti lization both DI the superiority and the inferiority of wastes (straw bolus and paddy& stem l, to Lind the technology of aninel feeding hol=ed on the potency and the enviromental condition of the resio. She aim papoee of the research II are ; 11 to evaluate the pernformance, the digestibility and the quality of FERMILUS pellet, and 2) to evaluate the performance, the quality and the digestibility of tUDROVIDI pellet as the comerdAaa product of the research. The effects of congeal:, caesava meal, and molasses levels on the FERMIUM and HIOROMICT pellets were statistically evaluated am by the cploted randuo irbt design at Corbel 4 x 3 andepli at on. Factor A is the substract i.e. onsgel ,cassava meal Aid molluses, and factor V im the level of the east-act i.e. 2.5; 5.0; 7.e and 10 of cry matter of FERMIL US doe ur H tnRum Au', The physical quality was evaluated by Objective observation suchthe strongness and durability of pellet, and the subjectas ive observation such as the color, the texture, the shape. the appearance and the compactness of the pellet. The chemical quality as observed by pro>dmate analyses, fibre component, total. protein, N-NH3. VD; (total and partial) and the digestibility (in-vitro). Variant analyze was used MICROSTAT program, and the optimal level was pointed by the Felinomtal Orthogonal or The LOTUS program. Results of theresearch noted that the level and the substract significantly afiected the physical pielity both of the FERMILUS and the HIDROMIDI pellets, but those efferl are. not significant on the nutrient compositions Cprovimatel of the pellet. The level of cassave meal (107.) resulted the nest Physical quality of pellet both of the FERMILUS and the - HIDROMIDI. The interaction effect both of levels and subsfracts on the fibre quality and the digestibility are signifinat. The level 10t of cassava meal noted the good effect on the cellulose, homicellulose and ADF, also improved the digestibility (OND and DID) of the FERMILUS and the HIDROMIDI pellets. The effect of levels substitution of onggok,cassava meal and mollase on the ancmia and total protein preductiens are significant, but interaction both of levels and svestracts has no effect on the crude protein. The level 10I• of sava meal resulted the highest anomie and protein total productions both of the FERMILUS and the HIDROMIDI pellets. pakan di daerah padat panduduk, merupakanmasalan tersendiri yang Perlu diatasi. Produksi jerami padi di Jawa Tengah yang mcapai 19.402,095 tonntahun, dan 20,40% di- manfaatkan untuenk pakan, ben peluang untuk ditingkatkembang kan pemanfaatnya sebagai pakan apabfla mamPil Men gatasimasalai yang menyertainye. Perlakuan 4151k, kimla. bio 1 Cy! 4 MaLlplArl gabund An dan perlakuan yang ada, mampu aengatasi eebagian masalah, aShingga kualitas jarful,. me ingk t d I yak untuk pekan. Penggunaan bencagai zat kimia p ada aras tertentu ternyata mampu mend gkatkan Jaya cernb jerami padi. Larutan abu main padi ternyataram.; menggantikan sumber alkali sintotie dalam me- nIngkatkan kecernaan dan kualitah derami path. Dolus lief rumen, urlyai potenah untuk marperbaini mutu pakan. Bolus saga clan kermemstau yang Baru di ambit dart rhimah Pe- mctongan Hewan (RPH) memp.nyal kualitas yang lebih balk di banding kan ['cip kambing dan domba. Bolus yang dinimpan pada .urn rgang 25 - CQ L sampai dengan hari ke-S tidak lauh berbeda kualitasnya dibandirgkan bolus yang barr diombil da. i RPH. Penggunaan bolus sebanyak 14,6% bahan hering jerami pads. dan kernudian difermentaaikan selama 36 hart mampu menghasilkan produk fermentasi jerami bolus (FERMILUS) banyan penampilan dan kualitae yang lebib baik dibandfng jerami padi. Kualitas yang sama Juga di tunjukkan clef, produk hidrol isis jerami padi (HIDROMIDI) yang Fee¬rupakan hidrollsis basa jerami padi dengan monggunakan fiI trat abu malai padi yang diperkaya dengan berbagai mineral. Penelitian ParAngkatan Kualitas Jean ni sebagai Fakan Inl m n cobs memanfaatkan kelebihan dan. kekurangan 11.mbah (jerami padl, bolus maupun malai pads) tersebut, untuk menghasilkan teknologi pakan yangseeitai dengan potensi dan kondisl. ling khmgannya. Thduan khusus den penelitian rahap IIini adalart (1) mengetahui penanni en, KLIalitas dan kerernaan pelet FERMILUS, dan (2) Me- ngeLahui penampilan, kualitas dan kecernaan pelst HYDROMIDT sebagai basil komersial penelitian. Pengannaras onggok, 4epung tapioka dan tetea sabahri perekat dalam pembuatan pelet PERMILUg dan HIDROMIOI masing¬masing ditenti dengan menggtnafan rancarnan acak lengkap berpola fatcrial 4 N 3 clangor! 3 ulangan. Faktor A arlalah macam perekat, sedangkan faktor adalah aras pengganaan perekatl maSiniArlasing sebesar 2.5, 5.Kr 7.5, dan IC% baba,' kering 7FRMILUS mafnun HICROM101.Pengamatan kualitas lisit pelet dilakul:an secarA oloyektif, ter¬hadap. ke1ersdn dpn durabolitas, maupun secara subyektif. yang mencakup organoleptis tentang warns., tekstvr, keKompakan. Venttd. dan kenampakan. Pengamatan foal1tas pelet dllakukan terhadap kualitas rotrisi 1prokeimat, kompener, aerat s protein tctal, N-SOlv, V=A total clan par all maspom kecernaan (in vitro). Rnalssisvasiansi di lakukan deng an paket program MICPOS1411-, sedanflan penentuan aras optimal dilaku1an dengan polinomial ortoposal medals, program LOTUS. Haell penel itian menunjukkah bahwa pen gOsnaan aras dan maces) perekat bespengaruh terhadap kualitas fisik pelet FERMILUS clan HIDROVIDI, tetapi titlak berpongaruh terhadap fsvidimgan nutrtsi (proksimatlnya. Penggunaan perekat tepung tapioka 10E menghasil¬kan kualitas tSsik palet PERMILUS don HIDROMID1 yang paling balk. 1nteraksi Macam dal aras perekat berpengaruh terhadsp kualites Beret dan kecernaan. Teourg tapinka 1nV berpengari,h terbsif bc.tyi sels1csa, femiselulosa can PDF, sertameningkatkan kecernaan (KOBE: dan KCBO) pelet FERVILUB dan HIDROMID1. Penggunaan bertagat aras onguolv tepund tapicka flan totes ber¬pengeruL produksi amonia den protein tuts), totapi inter lave]. eras dan macan perekat tidak berpengarull terhadap protein kasar. Penggunean tepung tapioka lox menghavilkan amonie saupt.m protein total paling balk dalam pelet FERM1LUE maupLm HIDROUTD1.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > SF Animal culture |
Divisions: | Document UNDIP |
ID Code: | 20330 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 13 Aug 2010 09:10 |
Last Modified: | 13 Aug 2010 09:10 |
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